I could just scream!



  • JennieAL
    JennieAL Posts: 1,726 Member
    Congratulations on your weight loss so far!

    There are many wonderful comments, suggestions and offers of support on here - I love MFP.
    My small suggestion would be to log the entire box of cookies - I find that when I am tempted to get out of control, if I log what I am tempted to eat, it shocks me into reality. Makes it more concrete. I've taken a sleeve of cookies to the couch to eat and before I did, I logged them. Ouch. It made me ask myself if I truly wanted to do that to myself.

    Anyway, good luck, you'll make it!

    I think this is a great suggestion and way to deter yourself!
  • Kamalka
    Kamalka Posts: 164 Member
    What I do is refusing unplanned "junk"...I have a planned "out of diet" moment in the week. Because this is my favorite food, any other junk is not worth missing that one (which I would do if I had junk today for example). Two conditions to get my gift: to eat healthy all week long and having lost weight. So far it has been a success. I also get a day sometimes where I can eat whatever I want, which was the case for Christmas, but these are definitely not worth it. I am not looking forward the next one
  • becca1968
    I am the same way when I eat any kind of really starchy food, especially potatoes. They bring out the absolute worst in me and within 1/2 hour of eating cheese fries, I will feel the need to sleep, followed by the craving for more starch/sugar.

    Let yourself have this bad moment...then get right back up and move forward. Mistakes make us human...it's what we do about those mistakes that allow us to suceed.

    Have an awesome rest of the week!!!!!

  • fiberartist219
    fiberartist219 Posts: 1,865 Member
    Have you worked out today? Sometime exercise distracts me from ridiculous food cravings, and burns off some of the ridiculous food I already ate.

    Find something to do that keeps your mind off the cookies. You are right that a couple cookies are ok, but the whole bag is nonsense. If they aren't even that good, you probably shouldn't bother wasting your calories on them anyway. I try to save mine for food that I really enjoy.
  • sleepytexan
    sleepytexan Posts: 3,138 Member
    I'm glad you got to enjoy some cookies that you like. We should all do that now and again.

    Now brush your teeth with strong minty toothpaste, take the cookies out of the box, and THROW THE COOKIES IN THE DIRTY OUTDOOR RUBBISH BIN.

    Be proud of yourself and your beautiful accomplishments.

  • MaryAnn678
    MaryAnn678 Posts: 182 Member
    Unfortunately, when you eat a lot of sugar all you want to do is eat more sugar, and more sugar and more sugar with no satisfaction. :( Sugar begets sugar.....try eating some protein, drink water. YOU CAN STAY AWAY FROM IT....exercise.
  • Mardill
    Mardill Posts: 141 Member
    We all have those moments - my cravings are in the evenings! Don't be hard on yourself. You have done a superb job and this is just a "blip"! Look forward! Eat healthy tomorrow, perhaps add extra exercise & be proud of yourself! Don't weigh yourself for a few days or even just weigh in weekly. I think we get obsessed with the scale which is very frustrating when we know that sometimes a weight gain is water gain which could be from high sodium foods we have eaten. We are here for you, so if you feel like whining or even screaming, you can vent here!
  • Mardill
    Mardill Posts: 141 Member
    Oh, and a slogan I mutter to myself when I am tempted is: "Use your won't power, not will power"! Have a good week>
  • jalemap
    jalemap Posts: 27 Member
    You hang in there. We've all been there before, but you MUST stop now. You know what they taste like, and you know you can always have another some day, just no more today. I don't know if you are a Christian, but prayer can truely be an answer. Throw those bad foods away now. It's not going to stop anyone from starving if you eat them. I promise. Look at where you've come. You are about to be under 300 pounds. Yippie - you go girl... Please don't eat any more. I've missed the Thanksgiving, Christmas, and now a New Years Brunch here at work, because I know if it is before me, I will eat it. So I don't go. People say, you can just eat a litte. Nope - not gonna do it. I had one Thanksgiving meal, one Christmas meal, and I did eat what I wanted, but that's over. It's over for you to my friend. You can do it. Hugs,
  • Di3012
    Di3012 Posts: 2,250 Member
    Why do I have an urge to just eat today? I have been on the straight and narrow for 2 months and have lost 28 lbs. I went from 329 to this morning 300.7......... I am so so close to seeing the scale go under 300 for the first time in years. But today I want to throw it all out the window and eat a whole box of devils food cookies. I ate three of them already. There is only like 12 in a box and my husband ate 2. They are 50 calories each, so I have not wrecked it yet, but I know if I eat them, I will not stop at cookies. I should of never bought them. I just haven't seen them in years and so I thought just 50 calories each............ I can handle one here and there. I am not even hungry, so why do I want to do this to myself? I feel so much better already, can move easier, breath easier, wear clothes more comfortably. I have already eatten alot of calories at lunch, because we went to Fuddruckers and I could not refrain from the loaded fries. sour cream, cheese, ranch dip to eat with them. Now I just want to eat the house down. Stupid me, someone should give me a kick in the @ss. And my neck is hurting, and it is not letting up. Think I pinched a nerve or something. Did this about 3 weeks ago and I was miserable, even my good pain pills dont make it go away. And to top it all off I want to be a big whiny baby. Wish it was tomorrow already.

    Chuck the cookies in the bin.

    Seriously, don't leave them there to tempt you. Either that or get your husband to take them away.

    All this is difficult enough without sticking temptation there. :flowerforyou:
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,709 Member
    Why do I have an urge to just eat today? I have been on the straight and narrow for 2 months and have lost 28 lbs. I went from 329 to this morning 300.7......... I am so so close to seeing the scale go under 300 for the first time in years. But today I want to throw it all out the window and eat a whole box of devils food cookies. I ate three of them already. There is only like 12 in a box and my husband ate 2. They are 50 calories each, so I have not wrecked it yet, but I know if I eat them, I will not stop at cookies. I should of never bought them. I just haven't seen them in years and so I thought just 50 calories each............ I can handle one here and there. I am not even hungry, so why do I want to do this to myself? I feel so much better already, can move easier, breath easier, wear clothes more comfortably. I have already eatten alot of calories at lunch, because we went to Fuddruckers and I could not refrain from the loaded fries. sour cream, cheese, ranch dip to eat with them. Now I just want to eat the house down. Stupid me, someone should give me a kick in the @ss. And my neck is hurting, and it is not letting up. Think I pinched a nerve or something. Did this about 3 weeks ago and I was miserable, even my good pain pills dont make it go away. And to top it all off I want to be a big whiny baby. Wish it was tomorrow already.
    Because success is hard. It takes alot of effort to be successful, and no effort to really fail. Many people are subconsciously afraid of succeeding because of the anxiety it may bring. People gun for people who succeed. You get there and the expectation is for you to fall. People will nit pick and look for reasons to see you as a failure when you're at the top. So that's why many don't really WANT success. Especially if they were ones who would criticize other successful people.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition