

  • johnblake
    johnblake Posts: 661
    I'm thinking a FAT COW has more meat.
  • mgullette
    mgullette Posts: 401 Member
    Haha good stuff everyone. Arguing on a forum. I guess we're all bada**es behind the keyboard though eh?:laugh: :laugh:

    Dave you crack my *kitten* up. We could all stand to lighten up around here sometimes. It's about your health and happiness, but it was OBVIOUS that this article was written by someone else, and Dave was just passing along the information. Anyway, I agree with the article.

    Sometimes we need people who play the devil's advocate. Dave does that well. Thanks for making my night!
  • Kimono
    Kimono Posts: 367
    Who was bragging? I just picked some up today, thought I would share. Just like some people like to share articles from the web. It's all just information, do with it what you please.
  • wilted6orchid
    wilted6orchid Posts: 423 Member
    Well, I don't know about you and others, but I can eat 1 skinny cow cheese portion with a apple and a whole wheat slice of toast and I am good to go.

    Are you getting Skinny Cow and Laughing Cow confused?

    haha, I read the entire article thinking about Laughing Cow cheese.
    I don't even know what Skinny Cow is. :laugh:

    Uh-huh, me too!!
  • Cindysunshine
    Cindysunshine Posts: 1,188 Member
    I agree with the original post. Skinny Cow ice cream treats are just that treats. They are junk. They are helthier junk than regular ice cream bars but non the less junk. With that being said , I believe if you know that and are ok with it more power to ya. I myself am allergic to chocolate so sugar free popcycles are my junk of choice. :O) I believe for myself that finding a helthier alternative of the treats you love is a responsible thing to do. This is a way iife we are all leading. Life is messy so we all need a treat now and then. My treat tonight was 34 baked cheetos for 130 calories. I know they were junk but oh how tasty. :O) Cindy