The Biggest Loser, new series, tonight 9m



  • FJHutch
    FJHutch Posts: 34
    I am watching last nights UK episode now.
    I think I watched an episode once before in the dim and distant past, I'm not sure.

    I am not sure why they all had to weigh in for the first time in pubs and shopping centres. They all seemed very well aware of their weight and the fact they needed to change, I don't think public humiliation was necessary. I don't think we see everything, this is TV after all but I do find it interesting.

    yes I thought this was a bit crass - just trying to humiliate them a bit more, The other thing is I don't think they said that it was one week - so it could have been longer. If they are not used to any exercise and have massively unhealthy diets then that sort of weight could be exlained by huge restrictions, tons of exercise and water weight - the next weigh in will not be as high I would imagine.

    My recording cut off before the end, so I was going to watch it online to catch the last bit, I wondered if they were going to say anything about Angie Dowd, she was inspiring and battling depression is hard, especially in the spotlight.

    Mine did that too, were you watching on Virgin Media replay too?
    Soo annoying! I googled and found out who went and was pleased actually but I won't spoil the end for you!
  • Carfoodel
    Carfoodel Posts: 481 Member
    Mine did that too, were you watching on Virgin Media replay too?
    Soo annoying! I googled and found out who went and was pleased actually but I won't spoil the end for you!

    No it was on sky - I saw the voting - and wasn't surprised, but glad that its made the person determined to go for it. If you still want to see the last bit you can see it on the STV site on the STV player.
  • Pete1471
    Pete1471 Posts: 126 Member
    I have never watched any version of the show before. But after just one episode, I'm hooked!

    If you have access to Sky the first episode of series 10 of the US version (the original version) also started ladt night 8pm Living (I think it is) It's repeated at some point tomorrow and possibly over the weekend too.
    You'll also find episodes 43-ish od the australian version are on Tuesdays 9pn on Livingit, but be warmed the Aussie one goes on forever. The UK one goes about 10 weeks/episodes and the US 13 week/episodes. The Oz version is shown a few times a wek, possinly 5 times a week so their series run for about 73 episodes. It's good but it's a slog getting to the end as it just goes on forever, or so it seems.
  • Pete1471
    Pete1471 Posts: 126 Member
    Did anyone see the original versions of The Biggest Loser which was on the Living channel a good few years ago? The 2006 series was won by Jodie Prenger, who went on to win the Graham Norton and Andrew Lloyd Webber's search for Nancy in Oliver show as well as being one of the stars of last years BBC series Candy Cabs