January Gym Joiners....in the way!!!



  • msnewbootie
    msnewbootie Posts: 240 Member
    I could not believe how many people at the gym tonight. I watched one girl take about 10 minutes just to get ready for the treadmill. Play with hair, adjust clothes, some sort of stretching, then redo hair, work it into a pony tail....went for 10 minutes...the girls that are regulars show up ready to roll!

    Next year I should take a vacation in the beginning of January!

    I've seen this before and yrs ago, it use to be me!
  • msnewbootie
    msnewbootie Posts: 240 Member
    I could not believe how many people at the gym tonight. I watched one girl take about 10 minutes just to get ready for the treadmill. Play with hair, adjust clothes, some sort of stretching, then redo hair, work it into a pony tail....went for 10 minutes...the girls that are regulars show up ready to roll!

    Next year I should take a vacation in the beginning of January!

    I've seen this before and yrs ago, it use to be me!
  • cthoma70
    cthoma70 Posts: 228 Member
    I'm a January Gym Joiner, but I plan of see you in July!!!!
  • msnewbootie
    msnewbootie Posts: 240 Member
    yep I totally agree with you went to the gym today... drove around for a few minutes first to find a stall walked into a full gym most machines were filled. went to put my stuff in a locker I opened 15 lockers before i actually found an empty one :s

    Dont get me wrong i think its great people make goal and at least attempts (never stop trying) them but what frustrats me is the people i can point out that will not be there in two weeks wasting space on a machine... girl sits on machine texts does 1 sit up stops texts dose another stops txts dose another :s whats the point :S oh well things will go back to normal

    Oh heck no...focus chick focus!!! Or "MOVE OUT THE WAYYYYYYYYY!!!!"
  • msnewbootie
    msnewbootie Posts: 240 Member
    I'm a January Gym Joiner, but I plan of see you in July!!!!

  • msnewbootie
    msnewbootie Posts: 240 Member
  • msnewbootie
    msnewbootie Posts: 240 Member
    Guys you should support the January Gym Joiners reguardless if they are in your way or interrupting you. I hate to say it but you are sounding pretty selfish right now and concidering that person could be a person from here trying to make the life change.. you are not being supportive. The weak ones will drop out and the strong ones will prevail, just saying they bother me too but that person could be the person i just added to my friends list and I am going to support them.

  • msnewbootie
    msnewbootie Posts: 240 Member
  • msnewbootie
    msnewbootie Posts: 240 Member
    I totally agree with you! Although I applaud those who join aspiring to live a healthier life, I feel like everyone is panicking trying to get their regular machines. Just give it a couple weeks, and your gym will go back to a more managable crowd.

    I guess I agree more with this post. I get how it is aggravating, but maybe some of those people will really commit and make a really healthy choice for their life. I suppose it's like my area when it snows. The "panic shoppers" stocking up on TP, bread, and eggs jam up the grocery lines, and us "poor planning ahead for dinner tonight" people feel like we should have our own line! :wink:

  • DaniellePF
    DaniellePF Posts: 308 Member
    LMAO!! SO TRUE!!! You are my hero lol! :flowerforyou:
  • EricMurano
    EricMurano Posts: 825 Member
    What you guys seem to be upset about is gym etiquette, not January gym goers.

    I've seen plenty of regulars that have really appalling habits.

    Not wiping down equipment

    Hogging equipment while they do their supersets or whatever you call the thing where they do 1 set per machine/area; pretty much holding everyone else up

    Being passive aggressive about you asking if you could work in on PIN MACHINES! It's easy to change the weight between sets, mate, don't get all precious about someone wanting to get home early

    Reserving equipment with their towel while f---ing off somewhere for half an hour.

    You can explain etiquette to any January gym goer and they'll most likely be ok with it if you're polite. A regular will just take offence and will think that the gym is their territory.
  • mea9
    mea9 Posts: 561 Member
    I really enjoyed picking the used gum off of the only available treadmill this morning so that I had a place to set my water bottle down. I don't mind all of the folks joining and giving it a try. I sincerely hope at least a few succeed. But who raises people to leave their gum on gym equipment (or anywhere else, for that matter)!!!!
    I can't think when gum isn't gross. When did it become mainstream in public? When I was a kid I was made to put it in a tissue before getting out of the car. You certainly couldn't have it in school.
  • pupcamper
    pupcamper Posts: 410 Member
    One good thing about the January gym joiners who go 5 times a year February through December is that they pay their memberships so you actually get the last laugh by using the new machines that they pay for and barely use!! I have to say I used a couple of different machines yesterday only becasue the gym was busy and liked them!

    I'm just glad that working out reduces stress because the lack of gym etiquette from some patrons really gets my blood boiling!!
  • I joined a gym just last December - nothing to do with a "resolution" - just coincidental timing. I only swim - no bikes/treadmills/etc for me but there is still etiquette, probably things I'm still messing up :). Maybe I'm weird, but if I'm doing something that grosses someone else out, I'd prefer they tell me. That way I can at least think to myself if their concern is rational - and likely change my behavior.

    I'm also hoping that most people don't go from the couch to the pool directly, so that the crowds at 6AM won't change much - but we'll see tomorrow :).
  • msnewbootie
    msnewbootie Posts: 240 Member
    What you guys seem to be upset about is gym etiquette, not January gym goers.

    I've seen plenty of regulars that have really appalling habits.

    Not wiping down equipment

    Hogging equipment while they do their supersets or whatever you call the thing where they do 1 set per machine/area; pretty much holding everyone else up

    Being passive aggressive about you asking if you could work in on PIN MACHINES! It's easy to change the weight between sets, mate, don't get all precious about someone wanting to get home early

    Reserving equipment with their towel while f---ing off somewhere for half an hour.

    You can explain etiquette to any January gym goer and they'll most likely be ok with it if you're polite. A regular will just take offence and will think that the gym is their territory.

    Good point!
    But, trust I am annoyed by the overcrowded gyms. And it just seems as though the onset of new people increases the overall lack of gym etiquette, as described by the other MFPs, which can be frustrating! Let's be frank, it's ok to take time out and explain a few tips to some, but I am not going to ruin my workout by explaining to all!!!!
    And I will admit, I am still learning gym etiquette,as it changes per fitness level. Meaning, there are a few things that I do, that my trainer/bodybuilder hates, but most would not mind!
  • What you guys seem to be upset about is gym etiquette, not January gym goers.

    I've seen plenty of regulars that have really appalling habits.

    Not wiping down equipment

    Hogging equipment while they do their supersets or whatever you call the thing where they do 1 set per machine/area; pretty much holding everyone else up

    Being passive aggressive about you asking if you could work in on PIN MACHINES! It's easy to change the weight between sets, mate, don't get all precious about someone wanting to get home early

    Reserving equipment with their towel while f---ing off somewhere for half an hour.

    You can explain etiquette to any January gym goer and they'll most likely be ok with it if you're polite. A regular will just take offence and will think that the gym is their territory.

    Great Post. I didn't think of it that way. Thanks!
  • mideon_696
    mideon_696 Posts: 770 Member
    although i do agree mostly...lol...they are indeed annoying, but they have the same right to be there etc.

    what i would prefer is when they join, they ought to be taught the way of the gym rat as part of their induction.

    eg. squat rack, is a squat rack...overhead pressing also acceptable(but better in powerrack.
    bench press is well a bench press, not a rowing bench or a tricep bench etc...
    also, put the damn weights back! db's and on the platform especially!!
  • AlmstHvn
    AlmstHvn Posts: 376 Member
    Luckily I go to a Lifetime so the facility is big so you really never have to wait for anything, but the parking lot is way too small and sometimes you have to drive around and stalk people coming out to find a spot. That is what I hate the most. I hate stalking people in parking lots. I have a small ***** car and everybody takes advantage of me. Cry.

    Whoa! Do all Lifetime parking lots suck? I thought it must just be ours. Like you said, no problem inside the facility but the parking lot can get hostile!

    Apparently so! (Cincinnati area)
  • knapowell
    knapowell Posts: 230 Member
    I was a January Gym joiner just last year. I started in January, because that is the time the best deals, no joining fees, etc. are offered. When I started, I tried to go to the gym at "off" times, because I new that I was new to the machines and the unwritten "rules" of the gym. I had a few regulars that were MORE than rude, and if it had not been for a couple of very patient and helpful regulars, I probably would have been gone by February. As of today, I have lost 126 pounds (I started with MFP in November prior to starting the gym in January).