Women's "average" size



  • vim_n_vigor
    vim_n_vigor Posts: 4,089 Member
    The reason they can't agree on a size is for a few reasons:

    1. Clothing sizes for women are not standard. One brand's size 6 is another brand's size 10.
    2. Women's bodies are shaped differently. I may be at my ideal weight and size at a higher weight and size than you based on my skeletal structure and body composition. There is not a one size or one weight fits all women. It will vary.
  • LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo
    That depends on where you are from. If you're talking about average American women, then I think it might be 10-12 but if you're in Asia, average size there is 0 to 4 so its hard to generalize all women.
  • slrose
    slrose Posts: 164 Member
    thiz iz funny because i have met people that can squeexe into a 4 on the bottom and wear a large on the top, and others who wear an extra small on top and an 8 on the bottom. it has alot to do with where you carry your weight, how you are shaped and especially if you are looking at weight, muscle mass.

    i work in retail (higher end) first all the 6/8s sell then all the 0/2s sell then all the 10/12s sell. we do tend to cater more to the healthy average i would think though, because our store carried few size 16s and nothing above
  • UpEarly
    UpEarly Posts: 2,555 Member
    According to government statistics, in 2002 the average American woman was 5'4" and weighed 164.3 pounds. So... whatever size that is, I guess. (although clothing sizes vary wildly from label to label)

    And just for kicks - the average American male is 5'9.5" and 191 pounds.
  • sandislim
    sandislim Posts: 264
    see below, double post :embarassed:
  • sandislim
    sandislim Posts: 264
    Sometimes I wish women's pants sizes were like men's. Their sizes are their true waist size, not some designer's skewed perception of reality.

    Agreed, things would be so much easier :)
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    And this discussion right here is why so many guys complain on internet dating sites when that women who report their body type as "average" are actually a little overweight.

    To the women, average means "the average size of all women," which generally is a few extra pounds.

    To the men, average means, "not a supermodel," not big, not skinny, not eye-popping, head-turning curvy.

    To be fair, guys are just as guilty because I saw men who described themselves as "athletic" who seem to think that having played sports years ago in high school still qualifies them as athletic. No one, of either gender, wants to describe themselves as overweight.
  • kendrafallon
    kendrafallon Posts: 1,030 Member
    The reason they can't agree on a size is for a few reasons:

    1. Clothing sizes for women are not standard. One brand's size 6 is another brand's size 10.
    2. Women's bodies are shaped differently. I may be at my ideal weight and size at a higher weight and size than you based on my skeletal structure and body composition. There is not a one size or one weight fits all women. It will vary.

    Clothing manufacturers like to cut corners. My Mum used to work in the leisurewear industry and she used see the factory owners regularly cut, say, 3 batches of size 14 clothing from the cloth and label 1 batch or all of them a size 16 for instance. And it happened regularly at various different factories.
  • k7n2w3
    k7n2w3 Posts: 241 Member
    It's hard to go by average size with all the variables that go into it like height, body shape, frame size and they are probably adding the obese with the skinny since it's an average so it could be skewed either up or down. A few other measures would be the waist to hip ratio http://www.healthyforms.com/helpful-tools/index.php and BMI. BMI doesnt take into consideration frame size and muscle mass so to find where I should be I did tons of research to figure out my frame and between medical advice and what people think, etc and even that is just a range of like 20 pounds so I picked the midpoint and then decided where I personally liked myself and went from there. On my research there seemed to be 3 opinions.. what dr's say, what women want, and what men like and usually women thought they should be smaller and men and dr's opinions were similar but with some effort and looking at the variables you will find a range you might want to be in and then decide from there up or down :-)

    SW 155.1
    GW and CW 112.0
  • KarmaxKitty
    KarmaxKitty Posts: 901 Member
    America: the nation where the two biggest fads are fast food and crash diets....no wonder we're so messed up. :grumble:

    I read somewhere that the US spends 5 times as much on diet products as the entirety of Europe combined.

    None of this surprises me...I think it's because the food is so whacked out. >.<
  • rrrbecca11
    I am a size 4 and healthy as a horse, a vegetarian on a good exercise regime. I don't think I am 'average', though, especially for my age group (54). But I know this is where I feel my best, both physically and psychologically. I can wear 2s in some things. :)
  • blonde20fan
    blonde20fan Posts: 233 Member
    Its pretty hard to judge health by the size of your jeans. A size 12 on a person who is very short could mean the person is obese but a size 12 on a person who is tall could mean they are thin. Anyway you look at it I can't wait to be a size 12! ;)
  • tanyacc
    tanyacc Posts: 15
    It varies according to height. Who cares what "average" is. Why would you want to be average?
    So true!
  • gailashton
    Sizes can vary drastically. It's all about your body frame, your build, etc. I tend to look a lot thinner because I'm very small in the waist, but have good sized shoulders from lifting weights. I purposely work on my upper body a lot as I'm a bit bottom heavy. It's made a huge difference in making me look more symmetrical. When I was a size 6 I looked emaciated, but I'm also 5'7". It's whatever you are comfortable with! Don't go by charts, etc.
  • draayer7
    draayer7 Posts: 24 Member
    I have actually heard that 14 is average size. Boy would I give anything to be average right now! :) On my way there!!!
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Sizes can vary drastically. It's all about your body frame, your build, etc. I tend to look a lot thinner because I'm very small in the waist, but have good sized shoulders from lifting weights. I purposely work on my upper body a lot as I'm a bit bottom heavy. It's made a huge difference in making me look more symmetrical. When I was a size 6 I looked emaciated, but I'm also 5'7". It's whatever you are comfortable with! Don't go by charts, etc.

    There's more to it than height and frame. My best friend is very large-framed and also 5'7" and when she was a size 4, she looked fabulous. She doesn't look bad a little heavier, either. But she looked good tiny.

    My boss is 5'10" and a size 6 and looks amazing, too. When I first started here, she was 40 pounds heavier. She didn't appear fat by any means, but she looks good thinner, too. She has a smaller frame.

    I don't know why some people look OK smaller and others don't, even with the same height and similar frames. I guess it just comes down to "everyone's different."
  • p0stdramatic
    I'm 5' 10", and at my absolute lowest weight was still a size 12 (and I was running nearly every day, like I am now). If I were to ever get down to an 8 I would look way too unhealthy.

    Thanks, but I'll take a 'look of good health' as my size and not what's printed on the tag of my pants.

    I'm 5'11, and currently a size 8. I was a "skinny-fat" size 8 many years ago, and looked way too skinny. Now that I have muscle, 8 is the right size for me. I don't think a 6 would be good.
  • sarahlucydaynes26
    Does it REALLY matter what ` average ` is? As long as you are HAPPY and HEALTHY that should be the main concern??
    I am 5 ft 8 and I am 131lb from 206lb and I have to say I am now going to concentrate on my CONFIDENCE because losing the weight I thought would make me HAPPY has NOT. Ok I have been told how I look etc - I am now a size 8 ( US 4 ) and I was a UK 20 ( US 16 ) ... I am epileptic, I have a very rare blood disorder and to be fair I personally think there is ALOT more to think about in this world then ` being average ` ... Everyone is beautiful.. You just have to be happy :heart:
  • susanswan
    susanswan Posts: 1,194 Member
    I think it all depends on height, age, race etc but I'd like to think that size 6-10 is average.....because then I'd fit right in!! LOL

    I've never actually heard any studies or anything specify but all I know is that when I go shopping now, clothes my size are ALWAYS sold out.....and I fit approx a med or size 9-10 (my goal is a 8) but there are always plenty of 0's and 5's on the racks (in my city anyway)

    My thought is they say what is average according to what women actually buy. Then they do the math and tell us that most women are buying size x. Just like when they say Americans are getting fatter and the typical woman is "x feet" tall and weighs "x pounds". It doesn't make it right!

    Sure be happy with who you are, but why not try to change the things we can to improve our health & happiness? That is why I am here. To work on both.

    I was a size 12 for decades and swore there was never anything in my own size! Now that I've gone from size 16 to size 4/6 I still have difficulty finding anything in "my size"! Ha! Ha! Perhaps there isn't many of each in most sizes! My last shopping trip I got 2 pair of size 4 trousers, form fitting dresses in size 4, 6, & 8! My jeans are a very snug 6 so I am guessing I am a 6, but also need to work on toning it all up!