Raise a glass to this Mom!



  • sc1572
    sc1572 Posts: 2,309 Member
  • sc1572
    sc1572 Posts: 2,309 Member
  • supergirlie00
    Good for her! What a couple of scum bags, this is why our right to bare arms should never be questioned.
  • AmberLiscous
    AmberLiscous Posts: 644 Member
    Wow...if someone was coming at me with a weapon...I'd shoot! My babies are worth it!!!!
  • thatgirl125
    thatgirl125 Posts: 294 Member
    I would have most definitely done the same exact thing!
  • sassylilmama
    sassylilmama Posts: 1,495 Member
    Good for her! Still cannot imagine all she has on her right now though.
  • Improvised
    Improvised Posts: 925 Member
    Good for her!
  • WifeNMama
    WifeNMama Posts: 2,876 Member
    What a couple of cowards, two guys going after a young woman and her baby.
  • chrissi_k
    chrissi_k Posts: 175 Member
    This made me tear up. I would do ANYTHING necessary to protect my children. Poor girl has to deal with the death of her husband, raising a newborn alone and feeling unsafe and now has a death on her hands and she's only 18.

    It's very sad!

    This x2

    Make that x 3.

    now you can make that x 4

    I would do everything to protect my husband or family and would I have shot them, yes, but can't say if I would have really done it since I have never been in a situation like that and would have been scared like hell and we are not allowed to have weapons in Germany. But I am not saying it is ok to take someones else life.
  • metisgirl
    metisgirl Posts: 86 Member
    i would do the same thing...Good for her..
  • kykykenna
    kykykenna Posts: 656 Member
    Good for her, the poor thing. Imagine what she has to deal with???? NEVER underestimate a girl.....especially when that girl is a Mom protecting her children.
  • MissingMyOldSelf
    MissingMyOldSelf Posts: 689 Member
    "I wouldn't have done it, but it was my son," McKinley told ABC News Oklahoma City affiliate KOCO. "It's not an easy decision to make, but it was either going to be him or my son. And it wasn't going to be my son. There's nothing more dangerous than a woman with a child."

    100% agree with that.. when the instinct to protect your baby is challenged, it's a whole new set of rules.

    I'm not a mom, but I totally agree! The animal instinct would take over. I'm so happy to read words like this, but very sad for the loss of her husband.
  • janet_pratt
    janet_pratt Posts: 747 Member
    On the other hand...I almost shot a cop who didn't identify himself and was trying to open my front door. I had just gotten out of the hospital that morning and apparently some kids said I had threatened them when they got off the bus or something...it didn't happen...I think they had the wrong house. Anyway the cops came to my door and started pounding on it really hard without saying anything. It woke me up and scared me. I was a bit confused and fuzzy, having been sick and sleeping. I was afraid to peek around the corner to see who was out there because we have a window next to the front door and I didn't want whoever was out there to know anyone was home. We have gang members complete with drive by shootings 3 doors down, so we are all a bit jumpy. I called 911 and told them someone was trying to get in and I had a gun and they had better get someone out there because I kept hearing them trying to door knob and If they came in I was going to fire. The dispatcher said, "Oh don't do that...well..do what you have to I guess..." I heard them try the door again and I told the dispatcher I was going to look around the corner and I was shooting anyone who came through the door. When I peeked around I saw the shoulder of a police uniform. Idiots! They scared the crap out of me...didn't identify themselves while banging, beating and turning my doorknob...and had the wrong house to begin with. Then when I opened the door, they came in the door, took my gun off the table, ran the serial numbers on it, took the bullets out, and did an illegal search of my house, just because when I said it was a cop, the dispatcher called them on the radio and told them I had a gun.
  • jarrettd
    jarrettd Posts: 872 Member
    Even tho I don't believe in violence, I applaud this woman! And in similar circumstances, even without a gun, I believe I could rip a man's throat out with my teeth before I would let him hurt my child. The maternal instinct to protect is way stronger than conscience.

    She is now the sole provider and protector of that child, and truly had no choice. I'm glad the authorities did the right thing in recognizing that. They could have easily prosecuted her. Must be election year....