Wanted: Good Workout Routine

What's a good workout routine for a mom of an infant? I work and am away from home from 7:30 am until 5:30 pm. I'm new to exercising....I'm 20 and haven't worked out since PE class in high school :( Anyone care to help?

PS: I know people say...Use the baby as a weight or work out with him. I understand that but I'm looking for a quick routine laid out for me considering I don't know where to start. :(

Much appreciated!!!



  • LoreleiWalks
    LoreleiWalks Posts: 143 Member
    I am a big fan of walking. It's free, it's convenient, and it can be fit in to most lifestyles. Personally, I am away from home from 6:30 a.m. until 5:30 p.m. I get my walking in before work in the morning (yes I get up pretty darn early!). Where I live, it is cold, so I do the Leslie Sansone walking DVDs during the winter. I generally do 2 miles each morning (30 minutes total). What I like about Leslie's workouts is that you can break them up into smaller increments. A single mile is just 15 minutes, so if you can find 15 minutes in your day, you could easily get a mile in. I also walk with my coworkers during half of my lunch hour. We bundle up, get outside, and after a half hour of chatting and laughing, we are back in the office with a 30-minute walk under our belts. Best of luck to you in finding a workout that fits your lifestyle. :)
  • cxJvak
    cxJvak Posts: 6 Member
    If you have a smart phone, Nike has a free fitness app with 15, 30, and 45 minute videos.
  • LoreleiWalks
    LoreleiWalks Posts: 143 Member
    btw - I average 2 miles plus 20-30 minutes at lunch 5 times a week. I also take leisurely walks around the neighborhood/along beach with my hubby on the weekends (weather permitting). I do not think it is necessary to go nuts with the exercise - torturing yourself until you are sore and all of that. Simple, brisk walks and a little bit of stretching is enough to burn some calories, strengthen your muscles, heart, and lungs, and get the endorphins going. It is also very sustainable long-term.
  • n_unocero
    n_unocero Posts: 445 Member
    I would suggest looking into some workout videos. i've tried hip hop abs and it would be pretty good for someone like you who is new to everything. it's easy and it's fun! Shawn T is hilarious! or maybe look into getting an xbox with kinect or a wii? there are a ton of games out there now that get you moving but aren't too strenuous.
  • LoreleiWalks
    LoreleiWalks Posts: 143 Member
    btw - I average 2 miles plus 20-30 minutes at lunch 5 times a week. I also take leisurely walks around the neighborhood/along beach with my hubby on the weekends (weather permitting). I do not think it is necessary to go nuts with the exercise - torturing yourself until you are sore and all of that. Simple, brisk walks and a little bit of stretching is enough to burn some calories, strengthen your muscles, heart, and lungs, and get the endorphins going. It is also very sustainable long-term.
  • n_unocero
    n_unocero Posts: 445 Member
    double post =(
  • jasharp021
    jasharp021 Posts: 54 Member
    If joining a gym isn't an option (as they have classes and also have child care) I would just shop around for some workout dvds. That way you can fit a workout in when you have time. If you can only do 30 min of a tape.. that's better than nothing. I would try a few different ones... kickboxing, taebow, shape dvds, etc. I like the ones that are high cardio and then throw a few in that have weights, That way you can alternate and still get a total body workout.
  • Poohsta0
    Poohsta0 Posts: 147 Member
    Nerdfitness.com has a basic (6 exercise) routine that you can repeat as a circuit. No equipment needed and one cycle will take about 6 minutes. Quick cheap and easy to do. They also have and advanced workout once you get into it more.
  • billsica
    billsica Posts: 4,741 Member
    I've seen some baby and me yoga DVD's laying around my house. I never used them.

    What worked for me, but it costs cash.

    Good jogging stroller. I used this almost every day. was awesome with C25K, and the kid loved it/ fell asleep.

    Elliptical, was good to do that in place wile he slept. really with the naps, you can do anything in that time in the under 6 month old range, just get him used to the noise.
  • beerbomber
    beerbomber Posts: 184 Member
    Like alright there is a program I can't remember what its called but learned when I was in Health and Fitness in College but pretty much you can do a full cardio workout in like 10 minutes and have same effect if you walked for an hour. Pretty much stagger any cardio excercise where for 30 seconds you go at 90% + then for 30 seconds you go at a slow to moderate pace and repeat for 10 minutes.
  • mczwright
    Thank you everyone! You've been a big help! I'm gonna look into purchasing some workout DVD's. Maybe I could do them early morning before the lil guy wakes up. :)

    Again, thank you everyone!
  • mczwright
    Nerdfitness.com has a basic (6 exercise) routine that you can repeat as a circuit. No equipment needed and one cycle will take about 6 minutes. Quick cheap and easy to do. They also have and advanced workout once you get into it more.

    I will check into that. Thank you!
  • vxjammiedodgerxv
    vxjammiedodgerxv Posts: 42 Member
    fitness and workout dvd's are easy to do at home. I have a nintendo wii and got wii fit, that works pretty well. I got the zumba on wii for xmas and a few dance games, they really get you moving.
    Also, walking is always good :)
  • oneIT
    oneIT Posts: 388 Member
    goto beachbody.com and pick one. Most of them are great!
  • mczwright
    That sounds awesome! Wish you could remember the name of it....Thank you though!!
    Like alright there is a program I can't remember what its called but learned when I was in Health and Fitness in College but pretty much you can do a full cardio workout in like 10 minutes and have same effect if you walked for an hour. Pretty much stagger any cardio excercise where for 30 seconds you go at 90% + then for 30 seconds you go at a slow to moderate pace and repeat for 10 minutes.
  • mczwright
    I don't have a Wii but I'm going to borrow my mom's. She has Wii Sports...maybe that will help.
    fitness and workout dvd's are easy to do at home. I have a nintendo wii and got wii fit, that works pretty well. I got the zumba on wii for xmas and a few dance games, they really get you moving.
    Also, walking is always good :)
  • mczwright
    goto beachbody.com and pick one. Most of them are great!

    I will check into that as well! Thank you!
  • bizco
    bizco Posts: 1,949 Member
    Workout DVDs are the best option if you want to exercise at home. You can check them out for free at your local library.
  • LosingItInDenver
    If you have cable or satellite TV, you may want to check the On Demand feature to see if there are any videos available from ExerciseTV. There are often a huge variety of videos ranging from 15 minutes up to an hour - everything from cardio (low-impact aerobics, dance-based workouts, etc.,) to strength training to yoga and pilates to ab toners like hula hoop and belly dance. If you don't like one, you can just fire up the next. They rotate what's available on a regular basis, so it's a constant stream of new stuff. I'd actually recommend that before you buy some videos - that way you can find a style that you really enjoy and maybe an instructor that you relate to, rather than taking a gamble and finding out that you hate the workout and find the instructor irritating.
  • bsteffneyjr
    bsteffneyjr Posts: 40 Member
    Starting Insanity tonight from beachbody, it is a 60 day program. i tried p90x but it was a little to difficult with all the pull ups, hopefully i will do that after insanity.