Wanted: Good Workout Routine



  • MrsCupCakeBoyle
    MrsCupCakeBoyle Posts: 259 Member
    Im up from 6am with the kids take the youngest to school then at lunch pick the middle one up come home pick the eldest up at 3 so thats 3 40 min walks,

    then at 7.15pm every night i put a workout dvd on. :)
  • chantelle149
    chantelle149 Posts: 22 Member
    Bodyrock.tv.com has great short workouts. They work great if you push yourself to the max for the short period of time. :) best of luck.
  • Ahluvly
    Ahluvly Posts: 389 Member
    Get Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred. It will take you 26/27 mins including the warm up and cool down! And it WILL tone you up and help you lose weight! I have it.....some people lose like 10lbs a month on it, but it's the inch loss which is really noticeable to be honest!

    Hope that helps flower!
  • Sd0510
    Sd0510 Posts: 295 Member
    Jillian Michael's Dvds are good, take about 20 minutes, and they are only $10 at Walmart. You can do that while your baby is sleeping. Also, there are apps on iPhones/iPods and Smartphones that are free if you want to do that, but I find it's easier to go along with a Dvd because sometimes I am not motivated.
  • There is a Video Called walk the belly flat that you can choose if you want to do one mile 2 miles or three miles its really great!
  • badgerbadger1
    badgerbadger1 Posts: 954 Member
    30 day shred
  • getting a jogging stroller when it warms up will be good for you and the baby until then i like zumba dvd's Jillian, Denise Austin is kind of 90's but you get results and if you have any real world friends you can trade with or you can check out from the library to keep expenses down. The kinect is great for the family as well.
  • If you have Netflix and borrow your mom's Wii, you can have lots of workout dvds on the instant watch . I have added like every title they have. Now I just need to DO them! :)
  • If you have netflix, they have some workouts on there that you can do in the comfort of your own home, without paying any extra. I like the Pilates for Weightloss. Good luck:)
  • justle
    justle Posts: 275 Member
    Jillian michaels 30 day shred was the best thing i ever did, i started out 220lbs with 2 kids under 3 and i did the shred which had me loosing weight, improving my fitness and got me hooked on getting healthy the right way.

    I used to do it when the kids were napping or after they'd gone down to bed.

    I now regularly do her ripped in 30.

    otherwise, someone else suggested walking, i used to drop my eldest of at playschool and have the little one in the buggy and do a 6 mile walk, i walked the whole 3 hours my eldest was in his playschool session for, i'd go pick him up at the end of my walk go home and die LOL!
  • Thank you everyone!

    I'll definitely have to try a bunch of these! Anything to work off the last 25 pounds to get me back to pre-baby weight!

    I am kind of on a budget though....so I don't know if I'll be doing the Beachbody, Jillian Michaels, or p90x.

    I'm not sure what Zumba is....is that a dance?

    Well, looking back, I guess I did do some exercising. I had been doing yoga since my Junior year of high school and LOVED it. I was fit and could do a lot of stretches....Hmm, I miss that. But, it wouldn't really work on weight loss would it? I always thought it was more toning up. What does everyone think? Since I loved yoga so much, is there a way to lose weight from it?
  • Also, I have a small house so I can't use any kind of exercise equipment like ellipticals or treadmills....
  • oneIT
    oneIT Posts: 388 Member
    That sounds awesome! Wish you could remember the name of it....Thank you though!!
    Like alright there is a program I can't remember what its called but learned when I was in Health and Fitness in College but pretty much you can do a full cardio workout in like 10 minutes and have same effect if you walked for an hour. Pretty much stagger any cardio excercise where for 30 seconds you go at 90% + then for 30 seconds you go at a slow to moderate pace and repeat for 10 minutes.

    This is called HIIT - High-intensity interval training . I would do it for at least 20 minutes including 5 min warm up and 5 min cool down.
  • Thanks, I'll have to look into that!
    That sounds awesome! Wish you could remember the name of it....Thank you though!!
    Like alright there is a program I can't remember what its called but learned when I was in Health and Fitness in College but pretty much you can do a full cardio workout in like 10 minutes and have same effect if you walked for an hour. Pretty much stagger any cardio excercise where for 30 seconds you go at 90% + then for 30 seconds you go at a slow to moderate pace and repeat for 10 minutes.

    This is called HIIT - High-intensity interval training . I would do it for at least 20 minutes including 5 min warm up and 5 min cool down.