Bring IT! Part III: Team No Excuses in March



  • meisje
    meisje Posts: 84 Member
    after a long nap and a good luck around, i realise it will be tougher to keep on track now that i am home. florida was so easy with it's warm weather, fresh food and free gym... excuses to give up?? no way! i am down another whole pound (to 136!!) and more motivated than ever!
    it is just barely raining and my sneakers are calling my name so i am headed outside for what i hope will be the first of day of a regular running regime.
    my food/calorie intake was all over the place with travel and time changes, but i still mananged to eat pretty clean throughout the trip - yea!
    i will try to post my "before" pictures from december and take some new pics this evening. i feel great - happy and healthy - i hope you are all as well!
  • sweetapplepi
    So, tomorrow is my usual, once-a-week, day trip to Vancouver(for work) My work day is strange on Wednesdays...8am-4pm, BUT I have a block of 4 hours FREE TIME. I used to spend this time shopping(and grabbing lunch at the food court) I'm happy to say that I found a healthier way to spend the day. I found that my gym is there(24hr Fitness)...I found a hiking/walking trail...and I pack healthy food to bring along. I've already packed and logged my food for the trip and plan to take advantage of that trail I found. Then, when I'm back in Olympia, I plan on having a healthy dinner and hitting the gym. I'll have to walk the puppy too, of course. Anyways, just wanted to let you guys know the I'll be more likely to stick to it...which I totally will...because I BRING IT!


    That's a good plan, even I would have a hard time saying no to shopping time. :blushing: Great plan and research to find great fitness outlets there! =]
    Meisje, the stormy weather here has been kind of getting my spirits down, but I know that the sunny weather is just around the corner here in Cali It doesn't seem to be deterring you at all though. :smile:
    My- Yaay for the jeans! That's even more proof of your progress! :flowerforyou:

    1 packet of Weight Management Oatmeal Cinnamon Flavor
    Dash of Cinnmon
    2 Sun Main Mini Boxes of Raisins
    Dash of Bob Red's Flax Meal
    Calorie: 290
  • sweetapplepi
    Exercise: Elliptical :bigsmile: Later I plan to do more The Firm workout maybe.
    I went shopping yesterday to celebrate staying on track with my nutrition and fitness. Shoes were calling my name :laugh: and I found a pair of cute skinny jeans :blushing: I haven't weighed myself since TOM is still here, but I will as soon as it's over! My clothes fit sooo much better, so that's a good indicator right?
    I'm going to start giving myself tiny rewards when I lose weight or stay on plan. I think that is a great idea from whomever suggested it. =]
  • mgullette
    mgullette Posts: 401 Member
    No weighing right now for me either! Actually my scale needs a new battery, and I have yet to get one. I'll do TurboJam Punch, Kick, and Jam later tonight, followed by Core SynergisticsX. My muscles are tired just thinking about it...

  • mgullette
    mgullette Posts: 401 Member
    A note from Tony Horton, P90X trainer

    Life with exercise creates a completely different journey than a life without it. Making the time for exercise means that you're setting an intention to have a great life. Life without exercise means you're setting an intention to miss out on a better life. The quality of your life improves with exercise and it will get worse without it. Period! Your weight loss is a minute piece to the overall health and fitness puzzle. Every time you exercise you improve your fitness, health and quality of life. You always feel good afterward and you allow your mind and body to become less vulnerable to illness and injury. Every day you decide NOT to exercise, your health, fitness and quality of life diminishes. You become more vulnerable to illness and injury and the energy and enthusiasm (feeling good) for a better life is not there. This is true for everyone. No exceptions.

    Make a plan, stick to the plan and do it... forever!

    Yay Tony! He rocks and kicks my butt everyday!
  • sweetapplepi
    A note from Tony Horton, P90X trainer

    Life with exercise creates a completely different journey than a life without it. Making the time for exercise means that you're setting an intention to have a great life. Life without exercise means you're setting an intention to miss out on a better life. The quality of your life improves with exercise and it will get worse without it. Period! Your weight loss is a minute piece to the overall health and fitness puzzle. Every time you exercise you improve your fitness, health and quality of life. You always feel good afterward and you allow your mind and body to become less vulnerable to illness and injury. Every day you decide NOT to exercise, your health, fitness and quality of life diminishes. You become more vulnerable to illness and injury and the energy and enthusiasm (feeling good) for a better life is not there. This is true for everyone. No exceptions.

    Make a plan, stick to the plan and do it... forever!

    Interesting pointer from Tony. Inspirational. :smile: Where is everyone today?
    I think I'm going to workout again and watch "Australia". =] I love Nicole Kidman and Hugh Jackman, so I'm hoping it's a good movie.
    Should just using my elliptical cause me to lose weight? I'm still burning calories, so I don't see why it wouldn't. Right? Any thoughts?
  • MyaPapaya75
    MyaPapaya75 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Hi guys just wanted to post fast Im having a late dinner ...3oz steak..asparagus,tomato
    I also still have to excercise today so will be doing my 2hrs at 10pm LOL ......I will check in tomorrow
  • mgullette
    mgullette Posts: 401 Member
    It's been quiet in here today! Oh well, I'm sure everyone is doing what they know how to do best. :wink:

    Dinner sounds yummy Mya! Hope you're having fun at your sisters.

    Sweet, you should be burning quite a few calories with the elliptical if you're pushing yourself. But I do love me some strength training too...:smile:

    Getting ready to PKJ with TurboJam!
  • sweetapplepi
    Exercise: Round 2 on the elliptical machine. I want to squeeze in another round or two before today is over.
    Not sure what I'm having for dinner yet though. I will probably end up doing a chicken and bean wrap and some veggies on the side. I'm in a cooking/baking mood today. I wish I was a better chef, I love cooking at home! Which is odd because when I first got married, I didn't really know how to cook and we ate out often. Practice makes perfect though I guess. =]
  • mgullette
    mgullette Posts: 401 Member
    Confession: I am having trouble bringing it today. Nutrition, of course, has been spot on, but I can't seem to get into my workout. Sigh...I've only burned 230 calories so far. Punch Kick Jam is a toughie. I don't remember it being that hard but it's kicking my butt. Ahh, in a few minutes I'm giving it another go. Must meditate!

  • jessmomof3
    jessmomof3 Posts: 4,590 Member
    I'm here! Had a busy day and glad I got my workout done early. :bigsmile: Love any quote/ article from Tony. He's awesome! :bigsmile:

    Stayed in my cal range today, kept it clean... good day. :drinker:
  • sweetapplepi
    Confession: I am having trouble bringing it today. Nutrition, of course, has been spot on, but I can't seem to get into my workout. Sigh...I've only burned 230 calories so far. Punch Kick Jam is a toughie. I don't remember it being that hard but it's kicking my butt. Ahh, in a few minutes I'm giving it another go. Must meditate!


    You can do it!! :flowerforyou:
  • Georg
    Georg Posts: 1,728 Member
    Hang in there. You'll be out of your funk soon...after all - tomorrow is another day.
    I had a lot of errands today after work, but got it all finished & did more than ever on the bike.
    You're all so encouraging to me. I wish I had tackled this weight/health issue when I was your age.
  • sweetapplepi
    Round 3 with the elliptical machine. I'm beat, my legs are killing me right now. Oh well, gotta love that burn. :tongue:

    I made Baked Chicken Chimichangas for dinner tonight. Super easy to make and very healthy.
    Calories: 269
    I really hope that I see a weight lose from all my hard work when I weigh myself, but I don't want to set myself up for disappointment. I know that I've done my part with nutrition and fitness, but it's harder to make the last few pounds budge. :grumble:

    Have a great evening all! :flowerforyou:
  • meisje
    meisje Posts: 84 Member
    european time difference means i'm up early!
    still wicked tired from the trip, but ready to get back in the groove of life here.
    good breakfast of cereal with light soy milk, raisins and half a banana (my staple) and now am about to bike 20 minutes to school. have healthy snack/light lunch packed to get me through the morning and the bike ride home later in the day. plan on going for another short run later on and hope that i can get to the pool for some laps this evening!
    feeling super happy and confident at how much i've achieved so far and hope everyone else is giving themselves supportive, positive props on their daily successes!
  • MyaPapaya75
    MyaPapaya75 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Ok so tell me why Im up at 240am..I will tell you why because my sister decided they were going to watch movies half the night which took away from my excercise time...WELL crazy or dedicated Im getting my rump up and starting my routine YEP because I dont want to feel as if I failed myself when I wake. I stuck to my calories having a nice dinner I think I posted it earlier..steak,asparagus,tomato.....Gawd Im debating if that coffee today was a good idea LOL any event off I go to work out ...then Im sure I will conk out.....:yawn:
  • MissResa
    MissResa Posts: 1,147 Member
    Myastyme... Oh...My...Gosh!!! I can't believe how awesome you're doing!!! Well, what I mean to say is I CAN believe how awesome you're doing, since you are constantly working your butt off at the gym... I just noticed your ticker, and I wanted to give you a big ol' "GOOD FOR YOU!!!!":drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • MyaPapaya75
    MyaPapaya75 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Aww thanks Resa but truth is it was hard work over eating and carrying all the weight for so many years and the ailments that came with it sooooooooo lol this hard work now is all payback lol my body says its time so Im just rolling with it.......

    Hi all its 5:20am and I just finished my routine I havent slept yet so Im going to catch a nap today...I think hitting a milestone gave me a second wind....Do you guys have small goals set for yourselves?...

    M..sorry I wasnt here to push you and motivate you to do your workout....How did you eventually do?

    Everyone looks like they are doing a great job..dont forget to BRING IT today...heres a challenge I will add an extra 15minutes on my workout later today RAAAAWR!! care to join me?:drinker:
  • jessmomof3
    jessmomof3 Posts: 4,590 Member
    Hi everyone! Quick hello for me again... I'm off for my 5 mile tempo run today! Have a good one and BRING IT! :bigsmile:
  • MyaPapaya75
    MyaPapaya75 Posts: 3,143 Member
    WTG Jess!

    Good Morning Bring it Bunch...I have no idea how I am up at 10am considering I just went to bed lol...anyhow its a good thing so I wont get behind on my things today...I just had my raisin nut bran and apple so Im revved and ready for the time being..I got my 2hrs planned plus my extra 15minutes...Just a quick question how often do you guys do the check in thing for weight?..The snow here is gone but its bitter cold...I can NOT wait to be able to walk outside daily I need to get some kind of polar fleece jacket and excercise pants.....anyone here do Geocaching? Im addicted to it so thats what I will be doing all summer I have to get a new GPS...for those that dont know what it is..its a treasure hunt its all over the world in places u wouldnt even think of ..the treasure of course is not anything worth much unless Jeep Cherokee is doing a promotion...but basically people hide things and u use a GPS to find them when u do u can take whats in the container or just leave a small gift for the next person and sign the notepad ...its cool for kids because a lot of time people leave trinket type stuff..I got a lot of old stamps last year ...I plan to place them this summer in the ones i find. they hide the things anyplace from walmart to parks or stadiums....its great..