Neightbor Issue!! Input Needed Please!!!



  • dragonbait0126
    dragonbait0126 Posts: 568 Member
    move out! Get a better place, or look to buy a house. So many of them out there being given away, a lot cheaper than rent.

    This is much easier said than done. Assuming her lease is up soon, there are tons of deposits needed to be able to move to another apartment and if moving to a house you still need a down payment. The monthly payment on a house can be less than rent but there are a lot of factors that go along with that.
  • Mardill
    Mardill Posts: 141 Member
    Do Not put up any note! Do Not talk to other tenants requesting their co-operation in not smoking in laundry room! :noway:
    Do have Management handle it. If management does not stop it, speak to Manager again (don't be angry) & give a letter of your request to him/her, being sure you keep a copy for your records. Document any conversations with management and you could document any times that smoke is coming into your apt. Look into lease you signed regarding smoking policies in common rooms.
    Smoke detectors must be required in laundry rooms, and in hallways (& in your apt), so why aren't they going off? Fire Marshall would not be pleased and may have to be informed. Laundry Room & household dryers are notorious for starting fires, so there Must be smoke/fire detectors! Also cigarette butts are sometimes thrown away carelessly & that could start a fire. A worse scenario than you are already experiencing. Add that to your letter to management! And then there are the legal owners of the building - they would not like any fires as they would be the ones charged & fined. Good luck. I hope all gets resolved with 1st request to manager.