41 with a 100+ to lose-- looking for friends/motivational sp



  • I am a GREAT friend. I am a hairdresser and I Love People especially nice ones with the same wants that I have. We all on here want to be healthier and have more energy so we can enjoy life to the utmost!!!!! I'm Cathy and so glad to meet you!
  • luv2Bsilly
    luv2Bsilly Posts: 18 Member
    Count me in...75 lbs to go and just joined today.
  • I'm in...give me a holler! Just turned 40, looking to lose 105lbs. Starting to run, ok ok walking really fast right now, :laugh: Want to be able to run 5k by May at a decent time (35 min ish)...Good luck to all the "newbies" I work 3rd shift....here for support with the late night, bored out of my mind, munchies...:drinker:
  • dclouden
    dclouden Posts: 29 Member
    Hello all. I'm not a newbie, but I am restarting after some time off the site. Feel free to add me if you like, I'm always looking for new friends

    P.S. - I've started a group...100-Day Challenge...to kick off the New Year. Feel free to join the group, we're only at Day 4.
  • hello everyone. i'm new to this. i will be 40 in april. i have 110 pounds to lose. i need people to motivate me to exercise. anyone willing to help please add me.
  • jdawg1105
    jdawg1105 Posts: 42 Member
    Count me in I am 39 birthday in July would like to lose at least 50 by then but have a little over 100 to go. Anyone feel free to add me
  • AMEN!!
  • silverstardust
    silverstardust Posts: 34 Member
    Hi there,

    You are not alone...I will be 40 in December and my goal to lose 120+. I'm totally in to supporting each other...so give me a shout if you need it! :D

  • zipnguyen
    zipnguyen Posts: 990 Member
    I would bug you with quips and banter and some motivational stuff peppered in between. I have lost 96lbs and not quite 41. More like 34. My journey and accounts of progress can be found here: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/403233-lost-96lbs-and-made-top-10-in-physique-contest
  • I would like to be friends. I am trying to lose more than 100 pounds and think this program would be a cool way to track everything. I think having a friend to keep me "honest" and we could help each other when we need it. If you are interested, I will send a friend request.
  • I would like to be friends. I am trying to lose more than 100 pounds and think this program would be a cool way to track everything. I think having a friend to keep me "honest" and we could help each other when we need it. If you are interested, I will send a friend request.
  • boelyn
    boelyn Posts: 90 Member
    Snap.....similar journey foe me ahead so count me in.....friend request sent.....good luck
  • divalivious
    divalivious Posts: 213 Member
    Just starting out.
    I am 37 with 100+ to lose in here for the long haul!
    Shall jump in on the help and motivation bandwagon.
    Anyone feel free to add me.
  • snowstorme
    snowstorme Posts: 125 Member
    You too can loose the weight. I am 42 and I've lost over 120 lbs. My husband and in-laws have also lost over 100lbs each. You just have to find the program/method that works for you and stick with it. But you have to realize it is a life style change. Your current lifestyle lead you to be overweight and if you loose and go right back to those habits you will regain it all and more. You need to find something active that you enjoy. You need to find healthy ways to eat. In the beginning you may not like the taste of healthier items, but your tastes will change! As you loose weight you will gain more energy and feel so much better.
  • vg38
    vg38 Posts: 2
    Hi I am 38 and trying to diet AGAIN.... but I found this site and it seems that maybe its what I need to actually see how much I eat and how many calories I intake. I definitely need to lose over 100 pounds I would say 150! I am definitely here to encourage and recieve encouragement.
  • abc2003family
    abc2003family Posts: 57 Member
    Wow, reading through these posts there is alot of inspiration! On day two and I am happy to be a part of it!