Do you comment on other people's weight?



  • juliecat1
    juliecat1 Posts: 3,455 Member
    why is saying "you look great! Youve lost so much weight" the same as saying "you were so fat before"?? I dont get that logic!

    I absolutely will tell someone when they look good. Especially if I know them well and know they have been working at it hard. I also compliment random strangers on things like their shoes and clothes. *gasp* :flowerforyou:
  • 12skipafew99100
    12skipafew99100 Posts: 1,669 Member
    The other one I get all the time is "Was it intentional?" As if that makes any difference to anything!
    It makes a huge difference because people who are very ill sometimes lose weight without trying.:brokenheart:
  • Dreamerlove
    Dreamerlove Posts: 441 Member
    I love it when people say I lost weight!! That means my hard work payed off! :)
  • Crystal_Pistol
    Crystal_Pistol Posts: 750 Member
    I comment about loss, and if asked, I comment about gain too. I offer my loss comments freely, but unless it's someone who I'm close with, I only give gain feedback if asked. To a best friend? Totally unsolicited feedback.
  • LosingMyselfin2011
    LosingMyselfin2011 Posts: 56 Member
    I've lost about 100 pounds, so when people haven't seen me for awhile they are always shocked and comment. Usually I don't mind, but the WORST one was when a lady said "OMG you look much weight have you lost?" And I said "well actually, i've lost 100 pounds" and she says......
    wait for it....

    "OMG how does someone even BECOME 100 pounds overweight to begin with?!" With this just totally shocked look on her face. I didn't know what to say!! Then she started backing up and stumbling over her words...
    And this is another mom at my kids CHRISTIAN school.
    Some people...they just don't get it.
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    I don't mind people commenting on my losing weight, because it's a fact I didn't look that great before. Also, I see it as them acknowledging all my hard work. Everyone I know KNOWS that I'm doing it just by eating healthy and working out, so that's just how I see it. *shrug* I don't find it offensive.
  • amymeenieminymo
    amymeenieminymo Posts: 2,394 Member
    I guess it A. depends if I like the person or not (I think I would take the same comment differently depending if I liked the person or not, and B. how they say it.

    But i totally get what you mean, I personally don't say anything because I am afraid of offending someone. There is a woman at my work that seems to have lost weight and I'd love to tell her she looks great, but like you said, is that really say you were fat before and look better now? Also I've wanted to tell my mother-in-law she looks good and I think she's lost weight, but again, fear I will offend. If in doubt, keep your mouth shut.
  • lind3400
    lind3400 Posts: 557 Member
    I agree with everyone its how you say it that matters...a girl I work with I hadn't seen in awhile and when I did she had lost like 40lbs and looked amazing so I flat out told her " You look absolutely amazing" and her face lit up....Im pretty sure they were aware of the fact that they were bigger before but are overjoyed that people recognize how much hard work they did and I want people to do the same for me....its the best kind of motivation :D
  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    I think the world would be a better place if we could all tell each other what we mean instead of trying to be polite all the time. "You look fat", "you look skinny", "you smell today, did you forget your deodorant?", "those jeans really do make your *kitten* look fat"
    "I don't like you..."
  • happyhiram
    I guess I just don't get offended by things about my weight because it's over now. I've lost most of the weight that I needed to. A buddy of mine in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu class the other day caught sight of my drivers license and told me it looked like I used to have a twin...and then promptly ate him.

    You know what? I laughed. Really hard--because it was hilarious.
  • hollyeverhart
    hollyeverhart Posts: 397 Member
    I think it depends. If it were my husband or a close friend I would make a comment maybe. But not to someone I didnt know well. I wouldn't say anything negative though. Chances are if someone is overweight they already know, and it is nobody elses place to make them feel bad about it. But I would definitely compliment my bestfriend if she were trying to lose weight and did! (but that will never happen bc shes always weighed like 105
  • kristenn1989
    kristenn1989 Posts: 223 Member
    Personally, I don't care if people remark on how much I've lost because I'm more than willing to share how I did it. If I can help them do the same, then it's all worth it.

    I don't make a point on commenting about someone who others call "fat" or anything like that. I've been there and I know it hurts. I don't want to do to them what others did to me.
  • Jacquelyn913
    Jacquelyn913 Posts: 300 Member
    It depends on how the person says it. I love the " You are looking fantastic" or "You really are working hard, and the results are amazing" I have gotten many OMG how much have you lost type 'compliments' they are a bit uncomfortable but mostly meant to be nice. I had a girl literally touch my collar bone and chest, and say 'WOW I can see and feel you're bones, you look anorexic.' I shrugged it off but it still bugs me. I dont want people thinking I have an eating disorder. I work hard at this and don't want anyone thinking I am starving myself or being unhealthy. I dont want anything to take away from my progress. I think that when people know you are trying to lose weight they feel the need to comment on it. Like its necessary or something, just because they know they think they should bring it up in conversations.
  • cramernh
    cramernh Posts: 3,335 Member
    It depends on how the person says it. I love the " You are looking fantastic" or "You really are working hard, and the results are amazing" I have gotten many OMG how much have you lost type 'compliments' they are a bit uncomfortable but mostly meant to be nice. I had a girl literally touch my collar bone and chest, and say 'WOW I can see and feel you're bones, you look anorexic.' I shrugged it off but it still bugs me. I dont want people thinking I have an eating disorder. I work hard at this and don't want anyone thinking I am starving myself or being unhealthy. I dont want anything to take away from my progress. I think that when people know you are trying to lose weight they feel the need to comment on it. Like its necessary or something, just because they know they think they should bring it up in conversations.

    WOW.. they shouldnt have touched you to begin with!
  • WilliamsPeggy
    WilliamsPeggy Posts: 440 Member
    I'll comment if someone has obviously lost & they look good. Obviously they worked hard at it & deserve a compliment. Also, I love it when someone notices that I've lost, for the same reasons I just's hard. I don't take offense. It's no secret that I was overweight.
  • Amf5627622
    I think the world would be a better place if we could all tell each other what we mean instead of trying to be polite all the time. "You look fat", "you look skinny", "you smell today, did you forget your deodorant?", "those jeans really do make your *kitten* look fat"

    I totally agree - no one says what they mean or means what they say! Everyone is so worried about being PC that people don't give you the truth, they give you the truth they think you want to hear. My grandmother would say "You've put on weight, don't eat so much and exercise more" She was just telling it like it was and it worked. :bigsmile:
  • capriciousmoon
    capriciousmoon Posts: 1,263 Member
    I don't comment unless it seems like they want me to.

    I'm somewhat more comfortable with the idea of someone calling me fat or pointing out that I have gained weight. I don't like people commenting on my loss or saying that I'm thin.
  • TDGee
    TDGee Posts: 2,209 Member
    I find that most people making comments mean nothing ill when mentioning my loss. But then, I tend to try not to find something to get offended about in my interactions with other people. :flowerforyou:
  • psmd
    psmd Posts: 764 Member
    I love it! I know I'm looking better now, and know I looked worse before. I usually tell people I've lost 24 pounds so far because it's a number I'm proud of.

    There is one woman at work though, who looks like she has lost about 150+ pounds, really really fast, like the last 6 months or something, I wonder if she's had gastric bypass. She's super b****y and I dislike her a lot. Sometimes I think about saying something about her weight if she said something condescending first. I avoid her though, because she always has something rude coming out of her mouth.
  • cramernh
    cramernh Posts: 3,335 Member
    I find that most people making comments mean nothing ill when mentioning my loss. But then, I tend to try not to find something to get offended about in my interactions with other people. :flowerforyou:

    WOW, nice guns there!