Have you lost close to or more than 100lbs?

I have about 150 lbs to lose. Its a little nerve wracking thinking about losing that much and feeling like I can never do it. So those of you who have lost 100 lbs or close to or even more than that please share your story from how you got your motivation, how you kept going, your food staples, and what exercises you did and how often. Thank you in advance for sharing


  • Dohrnl
    Dohrnl Posts: 43 Member
    I am looking to lose in total 120lbs. It can be done. Don't look at the final goal number, set a smaller goal first. I had to start really small. First 10lbs, then 25, etc. I am 50 down now, and I am so proud of myself! Don't get discouraged! You can do this!
  • CyberEd312
    CyberEd312 Posts: 3,536 Member
    Closing in on the 300 lbs. lost mark (11 lbs. to go) my motivation was simple after getting to 560 lbs. and not leaving the house in over 2 years,(severe depression, major social phobia, etc..), not able to walk from room to room.. I spent 3 days contemplating Life or Death (yes it was that black and white) and on that 3rd day I choose LIFE and took the first step and that was to ask for help. From there it was baby steps, seeking out doctors, therapist (both mental and physical) and continuing to put one foot in front of the other. It was a total lifestyle change, throw out all crap foods that got me where I was and replace them with healthy choices (chicken, fish , veggies, whole grains, etc...) Exercise was rough at the beginning I could barely walk from one room to the other so I started in Pool therapy (lost over 170 lbs. in the pool before I was able to support my own weight to exercise on land) Everyday you just have to get up and do everything you can do to make sure you are as successful as you can be and then get up and do it all over again tomorrow.... Baby steps..... Goodluck!!
  • rxxxm
    rxxxm Posts: 3
    hi my name is ron ....i lost 180 lbs....it took me about three years...my story is very similar to ed's....but i was much older ....the pool was my start and a support group that cared.....small goals at first so that you get an "I CAN DO IT " feeling .....used a diabetic diet ..{another prob i was fighting }

    all i can say is you can do it.....good luck
  • Virginia90
    Virginia90 Posts: 317 Member
    I need to lose about 100 pounds - I definitely agree with others about making small goals. My goal was to be at 215 by Valentine's Day, and I weighed myself this morning and to my surprise, I was at 214.9x! It made me feel that much better! Now I reset my goal to 210 by Valentine's Day, but it's more than likely I'll be creeping to the 200 mark! We can do this! You can add me as a friend if you'd like - my food diary is public, so you can see what I've been eating - I'm doing the 30 day shred as well right now!
  • myfriendamy
    myfriendamy Posts: 131 Member
    I haven't lost it YET, but I'm well on my way! I'm 52 down with 100 to go :)

    for me, looking at 150lbs to lose was too much. it was impossible to even wrap my head around it. but I could lose 10 pounds, I knew that much. I could lose 10lbs 15 times! LOL

    definitely set small goals for yourself. I started in July 2011 at 298lbs, and I set a goal of 10lbs. then 20... then 40... I set a crazy goal of down 50 by new years, and I made it before Christmas! but I still can't look at 100lbs to lose.

    but I know I can lose 10! :)
  • eatlift
    eatlift Posts: 113
    Im still trying to lose 5!
  • LadyKatie2010
    for me it was getting divorced. i would not say my exhusband was an "awful" man, but our marriage certainly was. there were a LOT of things done and said that never ever shouldve happened.

    so I chose my health and happiness and walked away. I'd rather be single than with somebody who doesnt have the ability to care for anyone but himself.

    I guess you just make better choices when you feel happy with life and with who you are. I was miserable with him. always in tears, always feeling worthless and ugly. ...its amazing what a life changing decision and a positive attitude can do. :)
  • LadyKatie2010
    I haven't lost it YET, but I'm well on my way! I'm 52 down with 100 to go :)

    for me, looking at 150lbs to lose was too much. it was impossible to even wrap my head around it. but I could lose 10 pounds, I knew that much. I could lose 10lbs 15 times! LOL

    definitely set small goals for yourself. I started in July 2011 at 298lbs, and I set a goal of 10lbs. then 20... then 40... I set a crazy goal of down 50 by new years, and I made it before Christmas! but I still can't look at 100lbs to lose.

    but I know I can lose 10! :)

    i LOVE this. great great way to look at it!
  • ClickinMom
    I lost about 80 pounds a few years back. It finally came down to me having to make the choice for me, not for my kids, or my husband or anyone else, but really truly for once for me! I think also that I was really hard on myself to loose at least 25 pounds, once that 25 was gone, I was so excited I just had to keep going. It just kept coming off. Once I hit 78 pounds I stopped. I plateaued and could not lose but I maintained it for 3 years and now I am back and excited about loosing even more and feeling even better. I just kept telling myself no food tastes as good as feeling good about yourself feels. It's so true, the self-confidence with it made such a difference in my life and I feel like I did it healthy and in a manageable for life kind of way. Good luck! I'll be thinking of you.
  • sixxbaby
    sixxbaby Posts: 543
    I have taken almost 2 years to lose 96 pounds (I was up to 100, but fell off the wagon for the holidays) I woke up on my 39th birthday and looked in the mirror and said to myself "You are not going to spend another decade fat" that day I joined the gym and there was no looking back,

    I will be honest the first 3 months or so are VERY hard, hard to get started and keep the motivation, but once you start dropping sizes and feeling better, both mentally and physically. You will be able to do things you have not done in a long time. Then well it gets easier. I have had my moments but I just remember where I was and vow to NEVER go back....

    Feel free to friend me!!
  • zipnguyen
    zipnguyen Posts: 990 Member
    lost 96lbs. And took top ten in physique challenge. My story and documented journey right here with some advice, stories and recipes. http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/403233-lost-96lbs-and-made-top-10-in-physique-contest
  • PrincessLou71186
    PrincessLou71186 Posts: 747 Member
    Some very inspiring stories here.

    Keep up the excellent progress.

    I need to lose 24kg (53lbs) and even that is scaring me. I am aiming to lose 2kg a month, giving myself a year to lose the weight. That seems much easier to me.

    Do you have any inspirations/motivation? I find they help. I have a friend who lost 70lbs in eight month, she tried for a decade to lose weight but she never did, in September she started uni and didn't want to be the 'fat' one and she doesn't want to be a 'fat' midwife either.

    Good luck. X
  • Gary1977
    Gary1977 Posts: 804 Member
    Hello, I lost nearly 250lbs since early March when I joined MFP. Not being able to stand with my brother @ his wedding in October on 2010 & couldn't even get fitted for a tux, even at a Big & Tall store was my motivation. Start slow with the exercise & it will come....good luck on your journey!:drinker:
  • aquapussy
    aquapussy Posts: 112
    Lost my hundred in under a year. I would still like to lose another 20 or so if that's what my body can do.

    It is very daunting at first, on top of that I have mental issues like probably many people who are overweight, anxiety, depression, OCD.

    For me it is hard to see the end result, I always want things fast and now or they don't seem possible.

    In 2010 November I had to get a minor operation and they made me step on the scale. It read 259. I was in shock, could not believe I weighed that much. That kinda put me into an even bigger depression. Believe it or not I had not weighed myself in ages. I was still doing activities while fat like attempted bike touring and snowboarding, but they made me miserable due to the weight.

    So by January 2011 I was laying in bed depressed, but I had started reading about people losing weight on another forum. I saw their success stories and I saw there was a way out if I could make myself get on the treadmill and eat properly. I finally got the guts to step on the scale myself and I saw 264 lbs!!! This was horrifying as I did not feel that overweight.

    About the 15th of January I started tracking calories, eating very low carb and doing the couch 2 5k on the treadmill. It all seemed pointless but I just ignored those feelings and took it day by day. Then after that week I had lost 3 lbs. The couch 2 5k was good because it was a structured workout that I could do. I actually ran every day and rode my bike outside when it was warmer.

    So the bottom line is, how did I get the motivation? I forced my *kitten* onto the treadmill. YOU WILL lose weight if you do what you have to do day by day. Don't think about the weight you "have" to lose, make your goals daily, like make sure to eat under xxxx calories and carbs and do at least a 15 min workout. Look at the small things you have to do each day and the final goal will come to you.

    I did reward myself with food, having one "bad" day a week. This may or may not work for you but it helped me initially as it is not as daunting as thinking you can never eat certain foods again.
  • BobbieJo_1977
    BobbieJo_1977 Posts: 197 Member
    I've lost 189# working with my DR and eating a sensible diet and lots of walking. :) It's been 3.5 years since I started.
  • Tet005
    Tet005 Posts: 32 Member

    At my highest I was 256. Being 5'4", there wasn't any way for me to "carry it well". Haha! It came to a point where I just was not happy with my health! I decided to make small changes. I completely agree with what everyone has said. Take it little by little! My first changes I made to my diet were just to cut out fried foods and only drink water and milk (simply because I wasn't a big coke/coffee/tea fan). Easy as that, from there I added in more whole grains and good protein; and lots of fruits and veggies. This isn't to say I don't indulge every now and then, but I was definitely not on a "diet" I had to make a lifestyle change. And so it began. I started going to the gym. When I started I couldn't do that much, but the point was I started. I am an elliptical fanatic and so I enjoyed working out on there. I also threw in some swimming. I have lost my weight very slowly because I wanted to be sure I did it the right way. And let me go ahead and correct my self, I didn't lose my weight; I got rid of it because I don't ever plan on getting it back! :) Now, I weigh 161 (95lbs gone) and what a journey it has been (and will continue to be my goal is 145)! Now I work out about 5 times a week with a variety of different exercises. I always try to have some cardio even if it isn't much. I have recently added weight training and picked back up swimming laps. I enjoy a variety of different classes (offered at our intramural center) such as yoga, zumba and spin.

    Now, all that is just to show you that you can do it!!!!! It will be hard, and there will be days that exercising does not sound appealing. In those moments you just do push through and remember the goal! And sure, there will be days when you may stumble, but you just gotta get back up and keep going! Each day is a new day, treat it as such! Don't let your upsets affect your week! I believe in you and am here for you! Get 'em, girl!

    Add me if you like! :)
  • chatterbox3110
    chatterbox3110 Posts: 630 Member
    I've lost 81lbs, and still have 100+ to go. My start weight was 375lbs, I'm currently at 294lbs and aiming for 199lbs. Once I get there I'll have another think - my first target was to get into twoderland, now I want to get into onderland!

    I was starting to get a lot of immobility problems, I developed sleep apnoea, fibromyalgia, asthma, and at what should be an interesting part of my life, was feeling like an old woman with little interest in life.

    I set myself little targets, 1lb a week, which is totally achievable. If I have a bad week I put it down to experience now, whereas before I'd let it get to me and that would be it, diet over.

    I have a 'relaxed' day every Friday, which is my normal weighing in day. I don't go mad, but I do allow myself a treat without being made to feel guilty. That is what keeps me going, knowing I have that to look forward to. If we have a social occasion where I know I'm going to take a few more calories onboard then I swap my relaxed day around.

    This time its a whole new way of life, not just a diet. I don't run marathons yet, but I do swim, do aquafit sessions and walk when I can, anything to raise my cardio levels and burn off a few extra calories. I also go to the gym occasionally, but haven't quite fallen in love with it yet although its beginning to grow on me!

    If you think of the fable about the tortoise and the hare - that's me - I'll get there eventually, but I WILL get there!

    Don't think of what you have to lose as a mountain, break it down into little slopes, it really does make it easier to achieve.

    Good luck on your journey, you can do it!!!!!
  • Ashlea82
    Ashlea82 Posts: 191
    i have about 130lbs to lose , wait no ive already lost some so i guess i have about 100lbs still to lose
    i deffinately find it daunting.. and unreachable at times but i keep thinking about where i will be when im done and looking at my self in the mirror and saying this is why your doing this because that's not who you want to be
    (like today when i tried on swimsuits ugggghhh lol
    feel free to add me we can help eachother stay motivated :)
  • HonkyTonks
    HonkyTonks Posts: 1,193 Member
    176lbs lost here!
  • forme2310
    forme2310 Posts: 157 Member
    Hello All,

    I have lost 46 pounds to go but have at least another 100 to lose but I am not thinking of the big picture I break it down one day at a time. I plan my meals out the night before or the day before because I work nights so my days and nights are opposite of most as I am sure you can tell when I post the most is when most of you are sleeping. I do exercise but I am also exploring what caused me to eat its not that I just wanted the food. I am figuring out what is eating me so I can learn to resolve in other ways than turning to food. I have made awesome friends on here and also belong to OA. I have alot of support and love in the room and don't know where I would be without my sponsors. But most importanlty take it one day at a time and break it down to smaller attainable goals. I am finally under the 300 pound mark and have not been there in years.

    I come froma family of big people and my mom was a remarkable woman but she was very heavy and she gave up on life and died in her early 60's. She is one of my biggest motivations as I want to live a long healthy life where I can take care of myself and be a pain to my partner of eight years. I am doing this for me as I am stubborn at times and don't want to be taken care of by others and I want to live life to the fullest. I also want to live it for my mom too she was a special lady but her time never came well she was here on Earth and I miss her terribly but I am here and I am going to do a marathon some day.. I am doing my first 5 k on January 21st with my dog STymie (son) I will walk it but I am in training as I drop more weight I will be able to pick up my speed. But we all have to start some where. Start out small and you will be amazed at where that takes you my friend. Hope I did not ramble to much just wanted to share as this is not my time around the block I have lost 100 pounds in the past but did not keep it off as I never figured out what was eating me I just ate it!!!! Have a fablous day.:flowerforyou:
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