Have you lost close to or more than 100lbs?



  • Teliooo
    Teliooo Posts: 725 Member
    I did not lose all of it using this site but I used to weigh about 280. Lost about 110-120 ( I was not weighing or trying to lose weight, I just got active and left an unhappy relationship). I got pregnant then put about 20 pounds back on and kept it on for about 2 years. I have used mfp to lose the last 40 or so. It has taken me over 6 years to get to my size now and I have been overweight since I was about 7. A lot of it was not concious weightloss. Apart from after pregnancy I have never put any weight back on so for me, doing it very slowly was great.

    WHen I first lost weight I walked everywhere, miles and miles as I had to to get to university. I then met my now partner and used his bike to get about. He lived far away from me so I used to cycle to the train station then cycle to his house. I also used it to cycle everywhere. I briefly joined a gym and went for about 2 months but I hate gyms.

    I then moved to Holland where we must have cycled for at least 8-10 miles a day. I ate like an absolute pig there but never put on weight, just lost. When I got pregnant I walked everywhere right until the end of my pregnancy. Had my kid and ate to much and did not move much. I was tired of being fat again so I took up my wii fit, walked a lot. I did the 30 day shred (just started to do it again and took up swimming. I still don't go to the gym and I have only ever been to one exercise class.

    If you can walk and cycle a lot, you will see the weight drop off you. I now want to tone up so I will probably have to join a gym, but we shall see.

    The one thing I did was majorly increased my protein, lowered my sodium intake and up my fat intake as I have always had a very low fat intake. I set my goals at 40% protein 30 fat and 30 carbs. It worked wonders for me, especially the sodium lowering.

    You can do it, if I can. I love food so much and I still eat a hell of a lot of food. I have not cut out anything that I like. The one thing I have cut out is alcohol but I don't really like it anyway.
  • onmywaytoskinny155
    onmywaytoskinny155 Posts: 228 Member
    Lost almost 100. One year ago I was down 140lbs but I gained some back
  • Maggieq87
    Maggieq87 Posts: 400 Member
    Ive lost 90 lbs total. At my heaviest I was 285. I started to travel quite a bit and I dreaded trying to squeeze onto the airplane seats. Every place I travelled, I really wanted to see the place. I walked all day every day and the weight kind of fell off. I lost about 35 lbs. then I moved to London. My way of life here is just really different. I honestly haven't do e any dedicated exercise. I have to walk about 3 mimes a day just to go back and forth from work. Any place I go after that requires walking. My job is very physical and I go out dancing a lot. I've dropped 54 pounds in the 4 months since I moved here. Really just walking and counting my calories. I never go over:)
  • gregthegroove
    Ive lost 90lbs in about a year. It is possible, all it is, is TIME. Give it time. Good luck!
  • elunoj
    elunoj Posts: 8
    Well done to everyone who has lost over 100lbs, I want to lose 100lbs at the least and its mind-blowing at the moment but I'm motivated and inspired by reading all the replies tonight...
  • HeatherMarie1174
    Closing in on the 300 lbs. lost mark (11 lbs. to go) my motivation was simple after getting to 560 lbs. and not leaving the house in over 2 years,(severe depression, major social phobia, etc..), not able to walk from room to room.. I spent 3 days contemplating Life or Death (yes it was that black and white) and on that 3rd day I choose LIFE and took the first step and that was to ask for help. From there it was baby steps, seeking out doctors, therapist (both mental and physical) and continuing to put one foot in front of the other. It was a total lifestyle change, throw out all crap foods that got me where I was and replace them with healthy choices (chicken, fish , veggies, whole grains, etc...) Exercise was rough at the beginning I could barely walk from one room to the other so I started in Pool therapy (lost over 170 lbs. in the pool before I was able to support my own weight to exercise on land) Everyday you just have to get up and do everything you can do to make sure you are as successful as you can be and then get up and do it all over again tomorrow.... Baby steps..... Goodluck!!

    You are amazing!!! I'm sure I'm not the only one that has told you that, but you are! :smile:
  • HeatherMarie1174
    I have lost 100 lbs and it has been over the past 3 years. I lost about 25 or 30 and kept it off for a year or so. Then, I found this site in March 2011. I have lost the rest of it since then - this site is amazing for support and motivation. Just take it one day at a time ...
  • MissFuchsia
    MissFuchsia Posts: 526 Member
    I've lost almost 100lbs in about 18 months. I started out wanting to lose just 20/30 lbs because I honestly didn't believe I could lose that much. I tried to lose weight so many times and always failed. After losing the first 20 I was determined to lose another 80 and get down to 140. I found it easier not thinking about my final goal and just setting mini goals. It's been a bit of a struggle at times but I'm nearly there now :)
  • jcearth
    jcearth Posts: 46 Member
    I've lost 174 lbs. in the last 10 months. My exercise of choice is running - I am running a half marathon next month and a marathon later this year. I couldn't run 30 seconds when I started. It takes a lot of work, but it is worth it. The biggest thing, though, is that you have to want to lose the weight badly enough to make it a priority. It takes a good plan and sticking to it consistantly. As far as eating, don't starve yourself - if you are hungry, then by all means eat something. Just try to make informed decisions about what you are putting in your body. Once you begin to count the calories, it all becomes a lot easier. Once you get in the habit of working out and eating right every day, it gets easier. Even after all my progress, I still get stressed out by the scale when it won't move. And when it moves more than it should, I remind myself that it will soon come back the other way. It's a battle, and in order to win, you have to show up every day to fight it. Good luck!!

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • DallasEl
    I lost about 180 over 18ish months. Wasn't easy, but also wasn't hard once got over that first 3 month sock to the system. Set out a plan and buy into it with everything you got. Focus and determaination needs to be sharp as hell. Once the ball gets rolling momentum will be your greatest allie! Some random thoughts/methods I used to cut weight....
    - Always ate the same foods. Need to change the way you think about food. Fuel only.
    -Set small acheivable goals. Keeps you motivated and builds momentum like a em effer!!
    -Stay away from crap food for at LEAST first year. That stuff is a slippery slope, no need to tempt/tease yourself.
    -Get shoes that fit and feel good.
    -Listen to kickass music.
    -When working out, if you ain't uncomfortable you ain't doing it hard enough.

    Best of luck!! Your goals are totally attainable!! Will power and sweat!
  • Bermudabarbie
    Bermudabarbie Posts: 568 Member
    I can understand how overwhelming it all is, PC. My best advice is to log on each and every day. Complete your diet and exercise diary each and every day. Be 100% honest. If you have to keep your diary "private," this is just fine.

    Don't be afraid to reach out for more MFP friends. There are some awesome people on this site, who will help you achieve your goals.

    I have lost 87 pounds. Maybe more, as I stopped weighing myself after 220 pounds. (Too ashamed.) Unlike many others, I got "fat" from enjoying great meals, buffets, cocktail parties, hors doeuvres, unlimited desserts and all things delicious. I didn't realize how I had let myself go.

    I've lost the weight over a few years. Not all on MFP. But this is the best "tool" going. I try to walk 45-90 minutes a day, at least 4 or 5 days a week. I swim in the summer. Do some at home exercise. That's the bulk of it.

    Like everything in life, PC, you just do it "one day at a time." Don't let the amount you have to lose overwhelm you and paralyze you with fear. You will get there. It takes focus and concentration. It is not easy. If it were easy, there would be no MFP.

    The best motivation is that you are doing this 100% for YOU! You are worth it! Stay focused and don't give up.
  • thejackswild79
    It won't always be easy, but you can do this.

    I set out to lose 130 lbs in January of 2011. I was 285 lbs, 5'8" and I realized that as much as I am driven to live life to the fullest I wasn't able to. At first it was tough. It wasn't simply reducing calories but learning how to eat and even why I eat. Though I was very active for my size, it also took awhile to find a workout routine that I enjoyed and could stay committed to. For me, it was a combination of Zumba, running, yoga and weight lifting.

    I am very goal oriented so I set milestones I could target with smaller goals along the way that I could celebrate to keep me motivated. I set the goal of achieve three major milestones in 2011: get under 250 lbs, get under my driver's license weight of 220 lbs, get under 200 lbs. I worked in 10 lb increments then pretty much spoiled myself rotten when I hit the milestones. For the first one I went clothes shopping. For the second one I ran a 10K.

    The next milestone has proven to be an incredible challenge. I am sitting right there at the line, 80 lbs lost but I have been maintaining within 5 lbs since August. Most days I am actually okay with that because while I am so close to that milestone I can taste it, these past four or five months I had really kicked up my work out program, more than doubling my weekly running miles plus focusing even more on core and strength. I have continued to lose inches while gaining strength and endurance. In the beginning I would have been incredibly disheartened to work this hard and not see the scale move but while sometimes frustrating, I actually see it differently. I started on this journey to lose the weight and now I really am living life to the fullest. At my current weight of 209 (I am on the upside of 205 at the moment LOL!), my pre-wedding 180 lbs skinny jeans are too big and I am running 10-15 miles in the mountains FOR FUN, not because I have to or I need to exercise.

    So 2012 is upon me and my goals are to reach that 200 lbs milestone and get to the next one, 180 lbs. That is about 20-25 lbs in 2012...and I am tackling it 5 lbs at a time. And I will be celebrating the 200 lbs with a trail half marathon and the fourth running three half marathons in three days with great friends and family at Lake Tahoe. Notice a theme here? Somewhere in all the calorie counting and weigh ins I realized that I really love to run. A LOT. My motivation is no longer just losing the weight but becoming a fitter, more capable runner. Who knew that could happen?!

    Patience. Persistence. Determination. And lots of small, achievable goals you can celebrate all the small victories because frankly you deserve it.
  • SafireBleu
    SafireBleu Posts: 881 Member
    I did once before. In 2001 after getting married, getting pregnant, having my son, and going through a nasty divorce I found myself weighing 300lbs. I got my stuff together did a lot of inside work and lost 140 lbs to 160 lbs. I looked and felt great. After a new marriage and 2 more kids I gained 30 lbs and was 190 lbs. I felt okay there. But when my oldest got sick and I thought my world would end I turned to food and gained weight. I was 233 when I joined MFP. I have lost 37 lbs and feel good about where I am heading. It can be done. We all go off track and struggle with the changes we have to make but if you can do it. I found a quote once that i love, "If it is important to you you will find a way if it's not you'll find an excuse" I am tired of finding excuses not to take care of myself. I deserve to be fit and healthy, happy and secure in who I am and how I look. You do too.
  • kelceyjean12011
    kelceyjean12011 Posts: 185 Member
    i was 298 when i went into labor last january...i was about 270-275 when i came home and almost a year later i am 180 :) you can do it!!!
  • smileeangel
    Bump! For when I need motivation. When I started I had 89 pounds I wanted to lose. I'm down 10lbs and I love looking at success stories to keep me motivated!
  • slayerdan
    slayerdan Posts: 193
    112....all trial and error till you find what works for you. Go for it.
  • Kelly_Wilson1990
    Kelly_Wilson1990 Posts: 3,245 Member
    I have lost 145 pounds.
  • rosssport
    rosssport Posts: 16 Member
    I started last March
  • Cindy311
    Cindy311 Posts: 780 Member
    I'm currently sitting at 116 pounds lost over the last 3 years, 3 months. You are absolutely as capable as any of the posters here! The bulk of my weight I lost through diet and using the elliptical machine. As the weight came off I started branching into weight training and now I'm doing the C25K program. One thing I always found important was to know that I'm worth taking at least 30 minutes everyday for myself. Best of luck :)
  • Jessamin
    Jessamin Posts: 338 Member
    154 pounds since February. Another 70 or so to go. I got sick of being young and fat. I got sick of not going to parties and not having boyfriends and not being able to buy pretty clothes. Comparatively pretty petty compared to other stories on here, but it's how it went.
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