Foods you are powerless over?



  • megansoriano
    Margaritas. . . .does that count? If not then chips and salsa!
  • theoneandonlybrookie
    Potato chips. Especially Lay's Sour Cream and Onion. Oh and Utz's Crab Chip. I can't bring them into my house or else I WILL eat the entire bag.
  • chrise1278
    chrise1278 Posts: 5 Member
    Potato chips~ any brand, any flavor! Just love the salty crunch!
  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    Peanut Butter - I'm currently banning it from my house (temporarily) until I can learn to control myself. The last jar I bought was consumed all by me in 1-2 days.

    I recently started measuring out a tablespoon of peanut butter for my toast. :( If you've ever measured out a tablespoon of peanut just doesn't cut it.
  • Regmama
    Regmama Posts: 399 Member
    Anything with pecans! And Chicago style pizza!
  • annabanana05
    Pizza im like the other lady i have a hard time to just order a small!! I tend to think I at least need a medium!! I know I know it's sad :(
  • MFPfriend
    MFPfriend Posts: 1,121 Member
    I actually posted something like this yesterday!

    For me, it's cereal. I have no control. I can't just do one serving. I can keep it in the house (other family members eat it). I can even eat one serving dry.

    But as soon as I pour a bowl of cereal with milk, I'm gone. I could eat the entire box, and still not feel satisfied in anyway.
    I probably won't ever eat cereal again, though. I love it too much, and it's definitely what got me to the weight I was.
  • furbutt
    furbutt Posts: 74 Member
    spoonfulls of peanut butter from the jar
  • Charloo1990
    Charloo1990 Posts: 619 Member
    Pizza or chip shop chips and curry :p lols
  • trud72
    trud72 Posts: 1,912 Member
    anything sweet when its my week before grrrrr :cry:
  • muitobem
    muitobem Posts: 436 Member
    Chocolate...potato chips...doritos...pastas...well, just FOOD in general! lol
  • Crystalchaos72
    Tortilla chips and french onion dip and I add crushed red pepper flakes.....yum. I eat the whole thing in one sitting, usually one day a week, took this week off though, so I guess I have a little control :)
  • poustotah
    poustotah Posts: 1,121 Member
    NOTHING!!! I am AWESOME today!!!

    And so are all of you! Now put down the pizza and the chips and let's kick this in the booty!!!
  • H_Factor
    H_Factor Posts: 1,722 Member
    Cape Cod kettle cooked Salt & Vinegar Potato Chips
  • jenna25
    jenna25 Posts: 213 Member
    Peanut butter and mexican food!
  • lovelyrose11
    lovelyrose11 Posts: 609 Member
    Chocolate..hands down!! You put chocolate in front of me and it never fails....I will give in. lol
  • Slove009
    Slove009 Posts: 364 Member
    Gourmet Cheeses. I love getting a cheese plate at places that offer them. If I buy some for home, I have to hide them in a drawer because if I see the cheese when I open it I go straight for it and will eat the entire block. I'm trying to add fruit & nuts with smaller peices but that has not had as much success as I had hoped...
  • bmayes
    bmayes Posts: 55
    Pizza!! and for some reason CHIPS! Especially Doritoes - which I think deserve their own food group. I strategically do not go down the chip aisle or order pizza and I try to change the channel on the pizza commercials (brainswashing me). lol
  • Ge0rgiana
    Ge0rgiana Posts: 1,649 Member
    Ice cream - specifically Moose Tracks. I can't have a serving, oh no. More like 4 at a time. Just cannot have it in my house when I'm trying to eat at a deficit.

    ^^^ THIS. Entire pints of Ben and Jerry's (Chubby Hubby, anyone?) have magically disappeared in my presence. Not a pretty sight. Better for me to go to the local ice cream parlor and have a small cup of sugar free sweet cream or whatever they have that day.
  • tmm01
    tmm01 Posts: 137
    I cannot have crisps (uk) in the house at all. I just wouldn't be able to resist. If I am really craving them I now opt for Snack a jacks a rice cake substitute. However I have found by not all those nibbles etc in the house I crave them less. I am really looking forward to all the kids christmas chocolate disappearing so that doesn't 'talk' to me from the cupboard.