quitting soda

Seeking some advice on ways to quit soda. I am addicted to Pepsi. I always try to quit, but find myself craving it. I don't want to just switch to diet because I don't think that is good for you either. .. Should I just slowly try to cut back?? It's so frustrating! So many wasted calories... Anyone else with this problem??


  • AnninStPaul
    AnninStPaul Posts: 1,372 Member
    I went cold turkey. Water, carbonated water, water with lemon slices, lime slices.
  • AudgePaudge
    AudgePaudge Posts: 537 Member
    I made sweet tea (24 calories per 12 ounces) and it helped a lot with the cravings!! Vitamin water zero helped me too :) Good luck!!
    TTMARIE85 Posts: 1 Member
    i went to one soda a day. now i just drink a soda (no refills) when we go out to eat only. i drink the great value brand of crystal light too. i always have a big pitcher of it in the fridge for the kids since its sugar free and better then kool aid for the kids! and its only 5 calories!
  • Bheller234
    I have this problem. I am a huge Pepsi fan and have a lot of problems say no to it. I was at the point that i would have one or two a few times a week. I slowly started to push them away and as of right now i am at about 1 a week and still trying to completely push soda out. I don't do diet soda, i don't like how it tastes so i didn't try for that at all. I just got to the point that i always have something other than soda with me. At work i always have a cup of hot tea with no sugar and a glass of water and when i start to think i want a soda i just focus on them and drink them. Even when i am at a restaurant i always ask if they have an herbal hot tea and if they don't i get water with lemon. I try really hard not to slip up but sometimes i just really need it and can't help myself. So if i do give in a have one i will not have another one that week. One a week if needed is what i have got to so far.

    Anyway to the point, try to slowly get your self away from the soda. It will take some time but if you take it away a bit at a time you will get to not wanting it anymore.
    Hope this helps you, and best of luck! :smile:
    GURLEY_GIRL3 Posts: 359 Member
  • Iamkim73
    Iamkim73 Posts: 924 Member
    I did it by cutting back to one a day. I increased my unsweetened iced tea to help with the caffeine withdrawal. I also made a real effort to increase my water. It was a huge challenge at first but now I don't have the cravings anymore.
    Good luck
  • PNOD
    PNOD Posts: 35
    I have like 1 soda a year now. I used to drink it all the time. 3-4 a day or more. I went to water and never looked back. Rather than think about giving up soda think about gaining health with water and focus on the good you are doing for yourself and not the "giving up" you really are not giving anything up. Soda never "gave" you anything posative . You are gaining health, money, weight, happiness, and release from an addiction.

    COLD TURKEY IS THE ONLY WAY!!! If you had trouble giving it up in the past you must just stop. I do not even like soda anymore. Way too sweet.

    Now if I could just do the samething for beer :)
  • steffihoney
    Hi, my name is Stephanie and I am a Pepsi addict!!! :tongue:

    It has been 3 days since I have had a sip. I used to drink one 20 oz. a day plus drink out of the 2 liter at home. I haven't bought one at work since last week and I haven't bought any from home. When I was trying to lose weight before, I would take a sip here or there, but doing my best not to touch any of it. Haven't eaten out, so no concessions there either. One of the other things I have to curb, the eating out!

    I agree...cold turkey!!! It is the only way.
  • ooDeniseoo
    FLAVORED WATER THAT IS CARBONATED!!!!! i could drink a whole bottle of soda but that water is just as sweet!!!!! really try it, it will only cost you $1...store brand oh grape is my fav. and for the person who likes mt. dew ......lemon lime...mmmmmmm but make sure you read the bottle first i once got the tonic water not so good.
  • SarahMorganP
    SarahMorganP Posts: 921 Member
    I drank 6-10 cans of Mt Dew a day for years and years. I just had to give it up cold turkey. That's the only way that would ever work for me. Now I only drink pop once in a great while, like when we are out to eat or something and even then I mostly order a coke because I don't like coke as much as Mt Dew so I'm not so worried I will get the urge to drink it a ton again. Other than those few times a month I drink pop I only drink water.
  • bizm
    bizm Posts: 1
    Cold Turkey- no doubt the best way. Not to say you'll never touch the stuff again but until you're ready to handle that sweet taste in moderation...don't touch it! This is day 5 for me and the plan is not to touch it for at least 2 months. Keep it out of the house and stock up on water! Good Luck:)
    SKINNYMESOON2B Posts: 112 Member
    pepsi max! i love ) calories and does NOT taste like diet at all. (I HATE DIET SODA)
    SKINNYMESOON2B Posts: 112 Member
    Cold Turkey- no doubt the best way. Not to say you'll never touch the stuff again but until you're ready to handle that sweet taste in moderation...don't touch it! This is day 5 for me and the plan is not to touch it for at least 2 months. Keep it out of the house and stock up on water! Good Luck:)

    DEFINITLY cold turkey, thats what i did. on holidays or going out i get pepsi max.
  • russeljames
    russeljames Posts: 103 Member
    i was totally addicted, then i starting drinking club soda, i like the bubbles...that did it for me. Also, it is like crack, once you are off the junk STAY AWAY!! It sucks you back in..
  • EMarvie
    EMarvie Posts: 335 Member
    I hear you as well!!! I am a Coke fan - i have drank up to 8 a day ! no joke! i'm slowing down and having only 1 a day right now -
    Maybe next week I'll try to stop all together - but i agree with others..it's like liquid crack! very addictive.

    thing is, I do love to drink water - just havent had the will power to stop with the coke. now that the holidays are over i'm sure it will be easier.

    THANK YOU TO ALL, now I know i'm not the only one that relys on it.

  • Lift_Run_Eat
    Lift_Run_Eat Posts: 986 Member
    I am a year and a half soda free. I did it as a challenge Can I make it 1 week. Now a month. Etc.

    Recently read this online. May help you quit Pepsi.

  • taradactyl81
    OMG me too! I get up in the morning and have to go straight to the fridge and get one, the stop on the way to work and get it in "polar pop" form and then again at lunch and then another when I get home and then again before bed. Its pretty serious! I heard that more than 5 servings of diet soda increases your waitline by up to 5 inches....Id say Im proof of that.
  • H_Factor
    H_Factor Posts: 1,722 Member

    I loved Diet Mt. Dew and just like the Green Lantern, I thought it was my green fuel ... LOL! I started my journey last January and still consumed the Dew. In april, I started exercising....cardio. I knew/believed that water would do me better than the Dew so I forced myself to begin drinking more water. By mid April, I was down to one can of Dew a day (no other soda) and by the end of April, I cut out soda pretty much entirely (I've probably had 12-15 caffenated drinks of any kind since the end of April....and 5 or so of them were during two separate "driving through the night" trips). So I've been largely caffeine free for 8+ months and I feel great. So long as I get at least 6 hours sleep (I aim for 7+), I have all the energy I need and don't need that stinkin' caffeine. I recall reading that even if you don't like plain water, you develop a liking for it. I know I did. Besides, there are plenty of flavored waters that you can drink if you don't want to dive into plain water. My luxury drink? my daily Sobe lifewater. LOL!
  • CyberEd312
    CyberEd312 Posts: 3,536 Member
    I drink diet pepsi (2-3 bottles a day) and have for years, it has no bearing what so ever on my weightloss or making me crave sweets or whatever. Is it bad for me?? maybe but frankly not to worried about it. I would be more concerned if I still weighed 560 lbs. and was inching closer to death daily. So I will take my chance with my diet pepsi.........
  • janet_pratt
    janet_pratt Posts: 747 Member
    Back when I weighed 285 I just went cold turkey and didn't drink anything but water. I hated it at first, but now I rarely drink anything else. I drank a lot of soda and had a 6 pack a day Minute Maid Pink Lemonade habit. Easiest way is to just stop. Just cutting back still makes you crave it.