Come ON people ...



  • LolaGotThin
    LolaGotThin Posts: 111 Member
    For me, it helps when people use those responses for my workouts! That's where I get discouraged a lot so when people say, "Nice burn!" I always feel so glad that I actually went to the gym instead of sitting home like I REALLY wanted lol
  • EricMurano
    EricMurano Posts: 825 Member
    I can't tell you how many times I've seen "WTG", "Great job", "Good day", etc., in response to someone completing their diary for the day and it's CLEAR that those individuals didn't actually LOOK at the person's diary. Case on point: A friend closed her diary after logging only a banana for the day just to see what would happen and, sure enough, people posted "WTG", "Great job", "Good day!" ... for a banana ... a BANANA ... seriously people?!?!

    If a person's diary is not public, it's obvious you can only provide a generic response if you see "under calorie goal" ... and, truth be told, I usually don't respond to a diary post UNLESS the diary is public simply because my "Great job" means virtually nothing in this instance ... but if a person has made their diary public in order to get feedback from others, take a look at it! Make your response count!!

    Okay, rant over. lol

    Muah to all my MFP friends, you guys ROCK!!!

    Oh shiiiii! I posted something like this in the forum a while ago and I got chewed out for being self-righteous :S
  • LilMizDetermined
    LilMizDetermined Posts: 175 Member
  • tamanella
    tamanella Posts: 500 Member
    I don't look at too many food diaries these days unless the people have lost a pretty good amount . I do make an effort to comment on exercise!

    I, too, don't look at people's diaries unless prompted by someone. I just don't comment on diaries that are made public if I don't look at them. However, I do comment on the private ones and I, too, always comment on exercise!
  • stayxtrue
    stayxtrue Posts: 1,190 Member
    I am strongly considering making a rule for friends on my list to have an open diary! As I am one who actually looks at peoples diaries and If I can notice a bad trend I will give them some ACTUAL advice and I have people who do the same to me. There are far too many people who complete their diary with

    'OMG I ate sooo much today I am off to exercise it off'

    They ate freaking 300 calories and then went and burnt 1000+ calories! I am sorry bout you do not understand how the body works, I try and support these people to a certain extent and advise them of actual nutrition, but it gets to a point where I will on longer allow these people on my list. Their response to me is

    ' You ate sooo much today' I am not fat thank you... Learn your nutrition and how you FREAKING BODY ACTUALLY WORKS!! I would love to see these people trying to drive a car with no petrol... same deal with the body!!

    I think my rant is over

  • awdamm
    awdamm Posts: 375 Member
    I can't tell you how many times I've seen "WTG", "Great job", "Good day", etc., in response to someone completing their diary for the day and it's CLEAR that those individuals didn't actually LOOK at the person's diary. Case on point: A friend closed her diary after logging only a banana for the day just to see what would happen and, sure enough, people posted "WTG", "Great job", "Good day!" ... for a banana ... a BANANA ... seriously people?!?!

    If a person's diary is not public, it's obvious you can only provide a generic response if you see "under calorie goal" ... and, truth be told, I usually don't respond to a diary post UNLESS the diary is public simply because my "Great job" means virtually nothing in this instance ... but if a person has made their diary public in order to get feedback from others, take a look at it! Make your response count!!

    Okay, rant over. lol

    Muah to all my MFP friends, you guys ROCK!!!

    Oh shiiiii! I posted something like this in the forum a while ago and I got chewed out for being self-righteous :S

    i just posted this darn same thing. ( no one has commented guess you two beat them out of comments. ) HA YEAH RIGHT!
  • godricshollow
    godricshollow Posts: 274 Member
    Good job!


    And that is exactly why my diary is private.
  • Barneystinson
    Barneystinson Posts: 1,357 Member
    I am strongly considering making a rule for friends on my list to have an open diary! As I am one who actually looks at peoples diaries and If I can notice a bad trend I will give them some ACTUAL advice and I have people who do the same to me. There are far too many people who complete their diary with

    'OMG I ate sooo much today I am off to exercise it off'

    They ate freaking 300 calories and then went and burnt 1000+ calories! I am sorry bout you do not understand how the body works, I try and support these people to a certain extent and advise them of actual nutrition, but it gets to a point where I will on longer allow these people on my list. Their response to me is

    ' You ate sooo much today' I am not fat thank you... Learn your nutrition and how you FREAKING BODY ACTUALLY WORKS!! I would love to see these people trying to drive a car with no petrol... same deal with the body!!

    I think my rant is over


    I dunno, I get a little bothered by 1700 calories burnt daily on an elliptical machine (for 2+ hour workouts....) as a primary form of exercise to burn off bad eating decisions. I know I'm being Judgy McJudgerson by saying that, but ugh... I been there, done that with the same mentality years ago and it only leads to problems. I have NEVER commented on anyone doing this, though. That remains their choice and I know they probably don't want my judgy 2 cents.

    Posting a high calorie burn as a part of a grueling training schedule (i.e. endurance training or a sport) is quite different. And generally these folks EAT to fuel this type of lifestyle.
  • kateroot
    kateroot Posts: 435
    I think a lot of times people just comment to give others motivation, and maybe in hopes that their friends will reciprocate and help them stay motivated. So what if you can't see the person's diary? I think it's pretty harmless and really NBD.
  • tkn11
    tkn11 Posts: 276 Member
    I couldn't agree more!!!!
  • KandieLantz
    KandieLantz Posts: 424 Member
    I can't tell you how many times I've seen "WTG", "Great job", "Good day", etc., in response to someone completing their diary for the day and it's CLEAR that those individuals didn't actually LOOK at the person's diary. Case on point: A friend closed her diary after logging only a banana for the day just to see what would happen and, sure enough, people posted "WTG", "Great job", "Good day!" ... for a banana ... a BANANA ... seriously people?!?!

    If a person's diary is not public, it's obvious you can only provide a generic response if you see "under calorie goal" ... and, truth be told, I usually don't respond to a diary post UNLESS the diary is public simply because my "Great job" means virtually nothing in this instance ... but if a person has made their diary public in order to get feedback from others, take a look at it! Make your response count!!

    Okay, rant over. lol

    Muah to all my MFP friends, you guys ROCK!!!

    Thank you thank you THANK YOU!! I get so tired of seeing that on obviously terrible choices! People need to take the time and effort to look or not post on it!
  • stylistchik
    stylistchik Posts: 1,436 Member
    I agree. I have trouble eating all my calories and I don't appreciate people encouraging me to be 300 calories under my goal!
    TTBMILLER Posts: 8 Member
    yeah, i think you're right. especially if people need the encouragement to keep journalling when they'd rather not, i think a few words are in order. for example, i really didn't want to admit what i ate last night, but i did anyway, and i felt that was an accomplishment. also, i've been iffy on logging in, so that's a feat, too, at least until i establish a good habit.
  • livinginwoods
    livinginwoods Posts: 562 Member
    I do give kudos to those that stay below. I usually look at their diary's. I get lots of ideas from them. I also leave supportive encouragement when someone goes over. I see nothing wrong in positive reinforcement. And I have no problem taking some criticism from my friends on here. One day someone told me to eat more veggies. She was right. I don't eat enough. Some people need that extra boost because this is the only place they get encouragement. I don't log false food to test my friends. How weird. This is not a game to me but my life. I take it seriously.
  • maidentl
    maidentl Posts: 3,203 Member
    I can't tell you how many times I've seen "WTG", "Great job", "Good day", etc., in response to someone completing their diary for the day and it's CLEAR that those individuals didn't actually LOOK at the person's diary. Case on point: A friend closed her diary after logging only a banana for the day just to see what would happen and, sure enough, people posted "WTG", "Great job", "Good day!" ... for a banana ... a BANANA ... seriously people?!?!

    If a person's diary is not public, it's obvious you can only provide a generic response if you see "under calorie goal" ... and, truth be told, I usually don't respond to a diary post UNLESS the diary is public simply because my "Great job" means virtually nothing in this instance ... but if a person has made their diary public in order to get feedback from others, take a look at it! Make your response count!!

    Okay, rant over. lol

    Muah to all my MFP friends, you guys ROCK!!!

    I think this applies too when someone posts in the forums about their diet. Sometimes people post about how they're SO hungry and people give them tips on how not to eat without looking at their diary and seeing that they're hungry because they eat 900 calories a day. (I know not everyone has a public diary.)
  • sunkisses
    sunkisses Posts: 2,365 Member
    I find it funny. And later, I find it falls in line with the same sort of out-of-touch friendships these people offer to me. I don't know how they are with their other friends, but I have plenty of friends who sincerely seem to care about me so these are the first people I think to cut when I'm cleaning up my friends' list and making room for the supremely awesome.

    True story:
    I had surgery last month and had to fast the morning of. I had like 700-800 calories that day. All I talked about for days before the surgery was the surgery, and that day I commented on my diary post about why I was under. Like 6 people said "I hope you feel better" type comments. And one says "Good job!" LMFAO! Yes, good job keeping your calories under by fasting and later barfing up your pain meds and food.
  • talzybob
    I agree completely. I stoped postin my food diary as the lack of interest wasnt worth it. Advice on what I was eating was what I was looking for but hardly any came. So now my diary is on paper and I talk about it with my specialist at the hospital every time I go. I also got the same on wieght loss and when id be thhe first to comment and say it was through illness I still got the wtg and well done. Ummm no its not I was ill and said so. It gets frustrating. Im glad someone has said something. Now. I couldnt put it better myself.
  • ItsMeRebekah
    ItsMeRebekah Posts: 910 Member
    most the time i finish mine its on my phone, later on at night.. i can't see that feature on the app and so i do comment something encouraging..
  • talzybob
    I should also point out that no one should be under their calorie goal especially when excercised. It took collapsing and a hospital stay and a lecture from a dietician to make me understand how bad it can be. You should be compensating for what you burn off not starving yourr body. If you want to succeed listen to your body and the advice you recieve from peoplee.
  • mlke4258
    You must be a calorie furnace!!! Relax!! LoL...Like you said to another poster "you have to many friends to be looking at all their diaries" I feel that is probably the case with a lot of people. Wether or not you like what's in the diary, at least they take the time to use it. For that I give them a " Good Game" slap on their butt..