Any other pale girls out there?



  • moodymarble
    moodymarble Posts: 182 Member
    I WAS pasty pale, almost see through. shoulda called me casper. i tan now, yes, I burned and it hurt like a *****, but if you can get through the first few sessions dealing with it, after you get a base tan you won't burn anymore.

    My friends have called me Casper but I don't mind. At least I don't have leathery lookin' skin and have had compliments on my complexion. I've had ppl mistake me for early 30's while I'm actually 43. So I'll continue avoiding the sun and tanning beds to stay looking approx 10 yrs younger!
  • bex_86_
    bex_86_ Posts: 92
    I'm pale and tried the beds a few times they just make me go red for a few days, then back to normal. Xx
  • SugarNtheRaw
    SugarNtheRaw Posts: 191 Member
    <<<Yep, this was taken today. Eff tanning beds, skin cancer runs in my family! I use sunscreen any time I go outside, so by the end of the fall I'm freckled and have a few shades... But otherwise I look like milk.
  • maryl130
    I agree - don't do tanning beds they cause cancer too and the Jergens tanning stuff is great for your legs and arms.
  • fitplease
    fitplease Posts: 647 Member
    I worked with someone who LOVED the sun. She was wrinkled at 24. I met her brother some years later. He was so sad about that. (Me too.)

    BTW, I am pale myself. If I get a couple shades darker, I still look white. LOL. My roommate kept nagging me about getting a tan this past summer. She is naturally dark, but she could not understand that some people don't tan. I have always looked younger than my years and enjoy that I do not have all the lines and wrinkles some of my contemporaries do.
  • xocliwharas
    A tanning bed/booth with a higher number of bulbs will decrease your chances of burning. I've found that I'm less likely to burn doing a short time in a higher level bed than the same amount of time in a level one bed. Also make sure you drink enough water, and keep your skin moisturized!
  • VeganInTraining
    VeganInTraining Posts: 1,321 Member
    my friend is 27 and started tanning at 20, she doesn't get too dark, but now at 27 she has tan old lady cleavage. You know what I'm talking about the cleavage with wrinkles in it...and it's not like she is busty it's definitely from the tanning bed. Also at 27 she has already had skin cancer removed.
  • rugbyphreak
    rugbyphreak Posts: 509 Member
    i'm more irish than a leprechaun, so i know where you're coming from. if you are going to try a tanning bed, make sure you talk to the employees there and start on the lowest setting for no more than 6 minutes or you will burn like toast over an open flame! take it slow. be careful. don't over do it. i over did it my first time and i regretted it. let's just say my base tan for vacation turned into my reason for laying in the cold indoor pool for the entire week... now i'm too lazy and broke to tan, so i'm back to being pale as a sheet.
  • samantha64118
    I'm pale, and I've learned to love it. It's part of who I am. One of my close friends used to tan, not even really that often but she got skin cancer last year when she was only 19 in 2 different places. Luckily they caught it and were able to remove it but it was still scary for everyone, and left scars on her body.

    As far as tan girls looking "skinnier"...who cares? I mean seriously, I don't want to be skinny I want to be healthy & fit. Not bones clinging to me with an orange glow. & there are some GORGEOUS pale women....Norah Jones, Adele, etc

    Best advice I can give you, stop worrying so much about how you look. There are far more important things, like careers and fitness (actually fitness, not just being skinny), friends....LIFE :)
  • pinkprincessmama
    pinkprincessmama Posts: 52 Member
    I'm pale but I self tan with St Tropez bronzing mousse. It is amazing and not orange at all. I put it on with a foam mitt and there are never blotches or streaks.
  • rherrin5
    rherrin5 Posts: 136 Member
    I was a pale girl till last year. Tanning is bad. We all know that. But I felt super confident being tan. I started slow and used an upgraded bed for the first 2 weeks. I used a Ed Hardy Lotion that was middle of the road ($35.00) lotion. I started at 6 mins, then 8, then 10. Before ya knew it I was at 20 mins. Some beds with new bulbs would get me red but if I felt like I was starting to burn id get out of bed. I loved that tan!!!! Was also a relaxing time for me. If your going to tan, a bed is safer than outside :)
  • eatlift
    eatlift Posts: 113
    I love pale girls. :)
  • KimmyEB
    KimmyEB Posts: 1,208 Member
    Tan girls look so much skinnier, and when they are skinny they look so much better. I don't want to tan a lot, just build up a base tan so I don't look like casper!!

    and I tried lotions, they don't work. Jergens in particular. Makes me pasty and just, not attractive. and not to mention ORANGE!

    I love that you have your priorities in order.
  • 6heatherb6
    6heatherb6 Posts: 469 Member
    Learn to love your paleness! :heart: Your skin will thank you for it.
    Agree agree agree
    We all need to start a movement of loving the skin you were born's the perfect colour made just for you!!
    Don't use tanning beds...just another name for cancer beds...we have quite a campaign against them here in Australia as they are so dangerous.
    If you must use anything...rub in a bit of tanning lotion for fair skin and you'll get a little glow on your legs.
    "Don't happy...."
  • 6heatherb6
    6heatherb6 Posts: 469 Member
    I was a pale girl till last year. Tanning is bad. We all know that. But I felt super confident being tan. I started slow and used an upgraded bed for the first 2 weeks. I used a Ed Hardy Lotion that was middle of the road ($35.00) lotion. I started at 6 mins, then 8, then 10. Before ya knew it I was at 20 mins. Some beds with new bulbs would get me red but if I felt like I was starting to burn id get out of bed. I loved that tan!!!! Was also a relaxing time for me. If your going to tan, a bed is safer than outside :)
    Incorrect information - ANY tanning is harmful to you and your skin!!
  • reaolliemama
    reaolliemama Posts: 489 Member
    Pale skin is much more attractive than skin cancer .....

  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Eating well - getting the right nutrients, plus lots of fruits and veggies - made a huge difference in how my skin looked. When I at crappy, I looked sickly and pale. Now, that I am healthy, I look healthy, even though I'm still pale.
  • reaolliemama
    reaolliemama Posts: 489 Member
    Tan girls look so much skinnier, and when they are skinny they look so much better. I don't want to tan a lot, just build up a base tan so I don't look like casper!!

    and I tried lotions, they don't work. Jergens in particular. Makes me pasty and just, not attractive. and not to mention ORANGE!

    I love that you have your priorities in order.

  • Jadeyre
    Count me as another ginger girl who decided tanning beds just aren't worth it. My family has a history of skin cancer and I rock the spf 100 even in the winter time. I do of course firmly believe it is your own choice, some people just love that tanned look. I work with geriatrics though and have no desire to be as wrinkled as they are at a young age =)

    This says it all for me:

    "The Yale School of Public Health found that young people who tanned on indoor tanning beds experienced a 69%-increased risk for developing early-onset basal cell carcinoma. “Indoor tanning was strikingly common in our study of young skin cancer patients, especially in the women, which may partially explain why 70% of early-onset BCCs (basal cell carcinomas) are in females,”......The findings appear in the Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology and support prior research from the University of Minnesota, in which it was found that people who used tanning beds—no matter what type of bed or for how long they tanned—were 74% likelier to develop melanoma, the most serious type of skin cancer, said Reuters."

    You pick your poison, eh? Some smoke, some drink, some eat...and some tan lol. =)
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    I'm reflective.

    I actually like my pale skin though.. It's a nice contrast to my dark hair.