exercise and vomit



  • jessicamckay13
    I'm a puker. If I work out early (before 8am) and have even half an apple beforehand, I'm going to puke. I thought for sure I was going to go down on Monday, I coached 6am bootcamp them my boss asked if I wanted to workout...all I had in my stomach was WAY too much coffee. Managed not to, but just barely. I really think it depends on the person. I'm just a weenie :)
  • srp2011
    srp2011 Posts: 1,829 Member
    The idea of exercising til you puke is about as ridiculous as making yourself puke to lose weight (in fact, it sounds pretty darn similar) - if you are puking while you are exercising, something is off and you're not just at your limit, you're beyond it. It may make for great tv (so do car wrecks and murders), but the contestants on the Biggest Loser have medical help right there (which tells you something - if you need medics on site, whatever you're doing is probably not safe). Sorry, but puking while you're working out doesn't make you look cool or tough or super dedicated, it just makes you look like a fool... As for "athletes" doing it in practice, I just think about the news reports about kids dying during football practice or some other sport practice because of heat stroke or cardiac failure because they didn't listen to the warning signs their body was sending...
  • CowLover111
    CowLover111 Posts: 17 Member
    If you actually puke or even gag then that's a bad sign, but if you just feel nauseous it's probably safe to keep going. You might try stopping and drinking water. I get nauseous as well as bad cramps if I run when I'm dehydrated.
  • Mardill
    Mardill Posts: 141 Member
    Unless someone is with you to keep an eye on you, I think you should stop. What if you pass out & you inhale some vomit? Maybe take a break, drink some water & try again later?
  • Cait_Sidhe
    Cait_Sidhe Posts: 3,150 Member
    I don't care what some guy on tv says. Or really what some guy on a weightloss forum says either. If I vomit, I'm done. Working out to the point of torture is no longer working out to be healthy.

    I do experience dizziness after a run, but it goes away fairly quickly. I've never exercised to the point of vomiting or dry heaves.
  • mtuomibsn
    I don't know if it's a runner thing...but sounds like no big deal to me. If you're not excessively vomiting, dizzy, seeing spots, etc...and particularly if it passes quickly and you're working within your expected fitness limits, I wouldn't worry. It shouldn't happen every time, and certainly shouldn't be a goal, but sometimes we can't explain why it happens...exercise induced nausea is common. That being said...I'm assuming you were not pushing yourself too hard (sometimes when I watch the biggest loser, I want to say...if you need to hold on to the treadmill for dear life, you are definitely going too fast!!!) and that you were properly fed and hydrated. Honestly, I've been a runner for 20 years and I used to vomit during or after every race I ran. I'd get sick and then feel like a new woman (well, girl). I backed off a bit, and now I'm not puking, but I'm not running very fast, and, to be honest...that's part of the reason I'm on here...not pushing myself to my physical limits (coupled with eating like a 13 year old) has resulted in being flabby.
  • purseus
    purseus Posts: 54
    usually when i do cardio like that i don't eat or drink anything cuz that will happen, but in this case i don't think it would be safe
  • There are two schools of thought... Whether to workout till you vomit, or not!

    Personally, working out till you vomit is your body telling you something is WRONG.

    I've always wondered why a Personal Trainer would allow this.

    Why not:
    1) Work out sufficiently so it feels GREAT and you can work out again the next day. vs Workout out till your body rejects it and therfore doesn't want to do it again.
    2) Work out and build upon each workout (periodization) in order to do more each sessions WITHOUT vomiting... vs Working out till you vomit each time which accomplishes what? It can't be more can it? YOur body has to repair - if you OVERTRAIN it is harder to recover. Vomiting after each workout is overtraining. Workout so you can walk away and want to do it again is efficient training.

    Even for fighters. (*and boxers as a poster stated about their boyfriend) If they are working out till that point, what's the goal? To feel the pain? An athlete athlete should train smart. Feel the pain to the point they WON'T throw up, turn around with their hand in the air and get ready for the next round. If you are training to vomit every round, then expect it to happin in the ring or cage or whatever venue you are competing in.

    This isn't good. Logically speaking... Giveing it everything you got in an event and raising your arms like a champion is how a champion should be. Not throwing up after the toughest fight of their lives! Because the guy who wins, is the guy who AINT throwing up when the bell rings.