Going to bed hungry



  • lovelylovebug
    lovelylovebug Posts: 27 Member
    Whenever I am hungry, I eat something. To hell with calories- I can make that up later. I have actually woke up in the middle of the night (sometimes like 2am), felt hungry, and eaten rice cakes and almond butter. When I had a 12am to 4am diary category, all kinds of strange things appeared there.

    In summary- I'm not doing anything hungry, definitely not trying to sleep with a rumbling stomach.

    Lol so what day did you post your middle of the night snacks to? The day prior or the next day? Technically it would be the next day, but I'm just curious...
  • Crystal_Pistol
    Crystal_Pistol Posts: 750 Member
    I have actually woke up in the middle of the night

    Is it strange that my grammar disturbs me? I find that I try to speak more "loosely" in the forum and then hate reading my posts.
    Random thought I felt like sharing.
  • hatravers
    hatravers Posts: 166 Member
    at the start of everyday i have a bowl of oatmeal made with water and add a 35 cal yogurt into it (to make it creamier) and 1 tsp of honey, i register it in my diary and add another bowl for supper that way i know i wont go to bed hungary
  • BluenoserChick
    BluenoserChick Posts: 106 Member
    I've discovered if I eat past 7pm, because of my poor metabolism, I end up with indigestion and end up chewing antacids before bed. Coupled with that discovery and the new calorie monitoring, I find I'm going to bed hungry more often than not. I just drink a Coke Zero as a 'snack/treat' and deal with it. Better hungry than suffering indigestion and waking up through the night. To each his own though.
  • GreatSetOfBrains
    GreatSetOfBrains Posts: 675 Member
    I tend to be wy under one day related to only god knows. But I am often 100 cals or so over from the midnight snack pack. That's I need to simmer the tummy. Of half a PB&J. My fav, yummy!
  • hrharris70
    hrharris70 Posts: 30 Member
    I don't know if this will help but, I usually eat a protien and veggie dinner about 3 hours before bedtime then fit a short workout in there somewhere. By the time it wears off I'm already asleep. I prefer to wake up hungry than go to bed hungry. That sounds like a punishment, " Going to bed hungry". : )
  • bdur76
    bdur76 Posts: 155 Member
    Going to bed hungry for me is a reminder of my victory and strength over food for the day. I'm not famished at bedtime, but I do get some stomach grumbles and feel hungry. I go to bed most days feeling totally strong and empowered that I am in control of my eating decisions and that food no longer controls or dictates itself to me. Sounds lame I'm sure, but I love it!
  • dovesgate
    dovesgate Posts: 894 Member
    When I first started on MFP I had a few nights that I went to bed hungry or I'd be waiting for midnight to roll around so I could sneak off to the kitchen for a snack that wouldn't put me over my calories. I don't do that anymore. I had to learn the hard way to leave myself enough calories for a good, filling dinner or an after-dinner snack because I dislike feeling hungry. It isn't very relaxing when my tummy is rumbling.
  • lovelylovebug
    lovelylovebug Posts: 27 Member
    Would having your evening meal later help?

    Probably yeah, but the only issue with that is I eat lunch 1-2pm most days and I can't wait past 6 to eat dinner! Then I go to bed at around 10 without snacking (most nights).
  • significance
    significance Posts: 436 Member
    I save a lot of my calories for the evening and have dinner fairly late so I have a good dinner to look forward to all day and don't go to bed hungry. I don't mind being a little hungry during the day - there's still something to look forward to later - but if I find it really demoralising to finish the day hungry.
  • Crystal_Pistol
    Crystal_Pistol Posts: 750 Member
    Whenever I am hungry, I eat something. To hell with calories- I can make that up later. I have actually woke up in the middle of the night (sometimes like 2am), felt hungry, and eaten rice cakes and almond butter. When I had a 12am to 4am diary category, all kinds of strange things appeared there.

    In summary- I'm not doing anything hungry, definitely not trying to sleep with a rumbling stomach.

    Lol so what day did you post your middle of the night snacks to? The day prior or the next day? Technically it would be the next day, but I'm just curious...

    Next day- I end the "day" at midnight. "On paper" only though. I actually see this whole thing as a fluid time span and work and trending towards even.
  • lovelylovebug
    lovelylovebug Posts: 27 Member
    Going to bed hungry for me is a reminder of my victory and strength over food for the day. I'm not famished at bedtime, but I do get some stomach grumbles and feel hungry. I go to bed most days feeling totally strong and empowered that I am in control of my eating decisions and that food no longer controls or dictates itself to me. Sounds lame I'm sure, but I love it!

    I completely agree. I feel good when I'm hungry sometimes because I *haven't* binged or eaten poorly. And when I'm hungry a few hours after a meal I feel good because I know that I didn't eat too much and my metabolism is in high gear.
  • Crystal_Pistol
    Crystal_Pistol Posts: 750 Member
    Going to bed hungry for me is a reminder of my victory and strength over food for the day. I'm not famished at bedtime, but I do get some stomach grumbles and feel hungry. I go to bed most days feeling totally strong and empowered that I am in control of my eating decisions and that food no longer controls or dictates itself to me. Sounds lame I'm sure, but I love it!

    Whoa. That is really serious. I feel like I control food all the time. It wasn't always that way; I used to binge and hide it, but the greatest victory to me is that I am in control in general, whether I eat or not. I don't down a package of Oreos (though I occasionally do damage to gingersnaps), but I eat when I feel hungry. I don't see food as a foe.
  • SpaceMarkus
    It's better to have a small snack than to be hungry. The best thing to do if you need something before bed is to mix up a small protein shake. You metabolize that very quickly rather than something heavy that your body won't be able to burn while you rest.
  • ruby_red_rose
    ruby_red_rose Posts: 321 Member
    I usually never go to bed hungry. But that's because my meals are a little unbalanced. I eat about 700 calories in breakfast, lunch and snacks, and another 700 calories at dinner. That is enough to keep me happy until bed time.
    I have had that same feeling too. Especially now since I have been eating more frequently along with working out. I guess it is just my metabolism boosting. To help I try and just drink something or do something to take my mind off of the feeling.

    When do you eat dinner and when do you go to sleep? I changed my diet so that I eat dinner before 7--normally around 6--because my hubby and I tend to go to bed around 10ish. That way, around 8ish, when we are sitting around watching tv, I can have some celery or a little popcorn and not feel so bad about snacking.
  • Kimi0371
    Kimi0371 Posts: 19 Member
    I like going to bed a bit hungry. I seem to sleep better and oddly enough I'm not as hungry in the morning as when I go to bed full. If I think I'm seriously hungry I try a large glass of water, and if I'm still seriously hungry then I eat (love the grapefruit idea, it's light and takes a while to eat too!). But I've learned that just a bit empty is good.
  • CMmrsfloyd
    CMmrsfloyd Posts: 2,383 Member
    I refuse to go to bed hungry. Every single day, I plan evening snacks so that they will fit into my calories. Might be yogurt, dry cereal (love a sweet crunchy snack), popcorn, fruit, hot chocolate, graham crackers, an ice cream bar. Usually I have 3 or 4 small snacks between dinner and bedtime. Since I plan it into my calories for the day, it's not a problem and I have continued to lose weight steadily the entire time I've been working at this. The timing of when you eat is not important except as it relates to your personal preferences. Calories after 8 pm count exactly the same as calories before 7. There is no difference if you are budgeting them into your daily goal and being accurate about how you log them. Your body is burning calories throughout the day and night, it does not stop when you go to bed.

    I feel good when I'm NOT hungry b/c that means I've made choices throughout the day such that I can enjoy myself and be satisfied all while staying within my goal.
  • bdur76
    bdur76 Posts: 155 Member
    I agree that it sounds a little crazy, but I got to be 360 lbs by allowing food, cravings, and lack of willpower own me. I've lost the weight by taking control of my eating habits, and subtle reminders like a tummy grumble, make me feel fully in control. If I want to have an apple or a small snack, I will,

    I also do intermittent fasting where I consume all my daily calories between 11 am and 7 pm, then fast till the next day at 11. The whole key is finding what works for you and what is sustainable. I see no reason why I can't continue to eat like this forever, and I know you are wondering, if I am really hungry in the morning, I will have my coffee with skim milk, and if I'm still hungry, then I eat, but it is my decision. Willpower and control over my eating decisions have changed my life!
  • emilytgs24
    emilytgs24 Posts: 90 Member
    This is funny because I was just thinking about this subject the other day...When I was in weight loss mode I got really used to going to be a little hungry. Not starving-if I was ever like that then I did go eat some thing little and portioned-taking into account that maybe miscalculated my calories in/out for the day. I started calling this little bit of hungry an empty stomach and started almost freaking out (that's dramatic) if I didn't feel that when I was going to bed. I didn't really think about this much until a year later when I read a book called "Lost and Found" by Jacqueline Sheehan. One of the characters in the book was anorexic and it talked about how she RELISHED that STARVING feeling. She would eat less and less to feel more of it. It was nuts. Then I freaked out a little-was I doing the same thing? Do I have the same tendencies? Obviously the girl depicted in the book was not eating healthy at all-they stated that she was eating 500 calories a day and only a few select foods. But still-it made me think! That and I like food too much to be anorexic...

    So I decided these were the rules for me:

    1. if you are absolutely starving-eat something-you're body is trying to tell you something! And maybe it's just that you are trying to go to fast in your weight loss. Maybe your dinner wasn't really 700 calories...Readjust your calorie settings maybe-if it's happening all of the time.
    2. Are you really hungry or just "snacky?" I've been ready The Beck Diet Solution which talks about cognitive aspects of dieting. You had better know the difference before you go looking for food.
    3. If in fact you are hungry that doesn't give you the go ahead to eat anything you want! It should be healthy and portioned!

    I can't say that I've stuck to this always, but I usually do!