Muscle DOES NOT weigh more than FAT



  • leeanndelcourt
    leeanndelcourt Posts: 28 Member
    thank you for posting that pic froggzy.....I was looking for that.
  • thankyou4thevenom
    thankyou4thevenom Posts: 1,581 Member
  • mzenzer
    mzenzer Posts: 503 Member
    Dead horse + baseball bat= this thread

    My God thank you! It's amazing how people just never seem to get this. 5lbs of feathers in a pillow weighs the same as 5lbs of fat as well, DUH!, but you can bet those feathers take more space (i.e. volume) than the more dense 5lbs of fat. Sometimes this site makes me think we are failing our school children in this country in mathematics.
  • FACT : What you really should know is there is a misconception that women who work out and lift weight will get bigger and bulk up not true you don't have testosterone to bulk. yes you can not loose weight maybe even gain fr the first 2 months because you are putting on lean muscle mass and burning fat so that is why it is said muscle weighs more then fat ..

    That's very true. The reality is actually the opposite. I've been lifting heavy weights & most of the time I'm the lone woman in the weight room & the guys including the trainers keep staring at me especially when I deadlift 30kg. barbell or squatting on 25 kg. weights (I'm just an intermediate lifter for now but hopefully soon I can lift more than 50kg.). Well eversince I fell in love with heavy weights & got serious to it, I keep on getting smaller & people thought that I'm not eating well or I'm taking something, LOL! When I actually started to lift heavy, my waist size is close to 76cms. (29 in I think) but now my waist is gone down to 68cm (26-27in). However my weight hasn't been changed. Many women always asking me what have I done to reach this stage & I kept telling them that I lift heavy stuff.

    So that proves your point. Anyway my ticker is actually me the before taken 2009 & the after taken around early November 2011
  • cdez80421
    cdez80421 Posts: 88 Member
    And by the way you do not convert fat to muscle, they are two entirely different things, muscle is muscle and fat is fat you can
    not turn one into the other. If you are working out and building muscle that muscle takes up much less room than fat, that
    is why your clothes are fitting looser. Fat simply takes up more space.
  • I think you don't understand what he means. Simply goes like this: Muscle is denser than fat & therefore takes less space on your body but it DOES NOT WEIGH MORE THAN FAT. One pound is one pound & the reason why you are getting smaller without losing weight is that you are losing fat while at the same time gaining muscle.

    I don't think you understood what I meant. MUSCLE DOES WEIGH MORE THAN FAT BY VOLUME.


    Let's just say muscle is denser than fat. Enough said
  • thankyou4thevenom
    thankyou4thevenom Posts: 1,581 Member
    I think you don't understand what he means. Simply goes like this: Muscle is denser than fat & therefore takes less space on your body but it DOES NOT WEIGH MORE THAN FAT. One pound is one pound & the reason why you are getting smaller without losing weight is that you are losing fat while at the same time gaining muscle.

    I don't think you understood what I meant. MUSCLE DOES WEIGH MORE THAN FAT BY VOLUME.


    Let's just say muscle is denser than fat. Enough said

    You two do realise you're both arguing on the same side of the debate just in different terms?
  • mikeyrp
    mikeyrp Posts: 1,616 Member
    Wait... let me think about this....

    Air is less dense than Fat, so if I have more oxygen in my blood I will be bigger even though I weigh the same.

    Muscles need oxygen to function, therefore if I have more muscle I need to consume more oxygen - which in turn will make me look fatter

    If I work out whilst holding my breath, my muscles will have to learn to cope without as much oxygen. This will make me look thinner.

    Doing anaerobic exercise can be achieved by running really fast.

    I don't have much time.

    Conclusion - doing weight lifting whilst running quickly will make me look thinner than doing the same exercises separately.

    This is why I should never be allowed to think for myself.
  • EddieG77
    EddieG77 Posts: 185 Member
    Thank you all..I actually got paid by MFP to post this so we could debate about it!! HAHA....kidding of course!! My apologies as I was looking at this from another angle and I never was great at science!! So please don't bash someone for trying to make a comes down to knowledge and providing the correct answer to the person!! Which I do greatly appreciate the responses!!
  • mandylooo
    mandylooo Posts: 456 Member
    It's like the old Christmas Cracker joke - what weighs more a tonne of bricks or a tonne of feathers?

    When people say muscle weighs more than fat it's simply a shorthand way of saying muscle weighs more than fat by volume. We use so much colloquialism and idiom in speech, I really don't know why people get so hung up on this.
  • Bankman1989
    Bankman1989 Posts: 1,116 Member
    Thanks for the clarification..wish you around when I first debated this..I think the year was 1973.
  • NicNac86
    NicNac86 Posts: 130
    You two do realise you're both arguing on the same side of the debate just in different terms?

    I do, not sure about the other person!

    The part that got me was when she originally said 'muscle doesn't weight more than fat'. In capital letters. Like I'M the idiot...
  • NemesisJRM
    NemesisJRM Posts: 248 Member

    not only that! it also calls for this:

  • lol does it really matter? im pretty sure the person who sed it knew what they meant..and uu knew what they meant...its retarded that this post keeps popping always tempted to post thing like this justt so i can see people veins pop out of thier replys
  • rubbyk
    rubbyk Posts: 15 Member
    I still dont get it, could someone please go into more detail for me.
  • Fit_Canuck
    Fit_Canuck Posts: 788 Member
    I still dont get it, could someone please go into more detail for me.

    Don't do it! It's a TRAP! :)
  • chiremba
    chiremba Posts: 30 Member
    Yes but don't get confused. Muscle is more dense than fat so if comparing volume (size) muscle does weigh more than fat. What I mean is that at the same size (volume) a body builder/athelete will weigh more than a couch potato but will be healthier which is why athletes pay more attention to body fat %.than to BMI ( body mass index). For the rest of us increase in weight and size is due to fat!!! and the BMI holds true
  • I keep seeing responses to posts that muscle weighs more than fat when in fact this is an old myth. When you take 5lbs of muscle and weigh it against 5lbs of fat, according to my math, 5lbs is 5lbs. Fat is much thicker than muscle, so by going by the scale if you are working out and you are not losing weight, you are simply replacing the fat with muscle. You could go months without losing weight, but your clothes are getting bigger and bigger on you. This is because you are losing the fat and converting it into muscle.

    Please read here if you could:

    Let's stop this myth for everyone's sake and don't always go by what the scale says but what you see in the mirror or how your clothes fit!!

    Hope this helps!!

  • rubbyk
    rubbyk Posts: 15 Member
  • rubbyk
    rubbyk Posts: 15 Member
    I still dont get it, could someone please go into more detail for me.

    Don't do it! It's a TRAP! :)