Has anyone else noticed?



  • SavCal71
    SavCal71 Posts: 350 Member
    Could it be the other way around, and that the ads are being delivered based on keywords in the topics? That would be fairly easy to do, though I'm sure the ads do have at least a little influence (not that I see them).

  • CannibalisticVegetarian

    Speaking of Bananas have you noticed that you can put inches when you log them?? Like who measures their banana? Its just weird.....

    Well... are you saying size doesn't matter?

    ....My interest is now piqued.... Please, continue..
  • seehawkmomma

    For your banana, this convenient ruler. The above is 8 inches, or 127 calories.

    I wonder how many people will put their bananas up to the monitor for comparison. :tongue:

    If you did raise your hand now :)
  • shiseido_faerie
    shiseido_faerie Posts: 771 Member
    Could it be the other way around, and that the ads are being delivered based on keywords in the topics? That would be fairly easy to do, though I'm sure the ads do have at least a little influence (not that I see them).

    That's exactly how it works.

    ^^ This is true. The ads are delivered based on keywords. Just as when you for example do a search in google, you'll get ads targeted at you based on that. OR (creepy) say you look at a pair of shoes on a website, you could get an ad with those shoes targeted at you once you leave that website. Or on facebook, ads are delivered based on your interests and also what you type as comments or as your status. I work for an advertising firm (and even I find it creepy and intrusive)
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,126 Member
    Sadly, my guess is that several people have gotten their monitors sticky already. . . .
  • Jovialation
    Jovialation Posts: 7,632 Member
  • ImKindOfABigDeal40
    ImKindOfABigDeal40 Posts: 807 Member
    Could it be the other way around, and that the ads are being delivered based on keywords in the topics? That would be fairly easy to do, though I'm sure the ads do have at least a little influence (not that I see them).
    I think it's this! Facebook does this
  • Jovialation
    Jovialation Posts: 7,632 Member
    Every site does this
  • Mrs_ALM
    Mrs_ALM Posts: 39 Member
    Cookies ( the kind stored in your computer - not the food- haha) is what feeds these ads. I think there are add-ons to firefox to prevent this but is it really that bothersome? Probably not. :)
  • LilysMommy2012
    LilysMommy2012 Posts: 24 Member
    cm with those measurement skills Im going to assume your a guy :)
  • strawberry123187

    Speaking of Bananas have you noticed that you can put inches when you log them?? Like who measures their banana? Its just weird.....

    Well... are you saying size doesn't matter?

    Uhhh no. Size does matter. For sure. I just never thought to pull out a ruler and measure them.

    I just love how sexual this seemed in my head. :laugh:

    omg i'm so glad it wasn't just me, i've been laughing my butt off at that! Immature moment! :laugh:
  • mizjohnston
    mizjohnston Posts: 196 Member
    Its the cookies. I like it because every time Jillian Michael's pops up I know I better go do my DVD if I haven't' already lol She never leaves!!!
  • capriciousmoon
    capriciousmoon Posts: 1,263 Member
    Cookies ( the kind stored in your computer - not the food- haha) is what feeds these ads. I think there are add-ons to firefox to prevent this but is it really that bothersome? Probably not. :)

    I think the answer to this must be real cookies, but I'm not sure who we're supposed to give them to.