Is it okay to eat at 9:30 if your going to bed a 12:00?



  • pucenavel
    pucenavel Posts: 972 Member
    Listen to YOUR body. If you eat literally IN YOUR BED before you go to sleep and don't have heartburn, don't have nightmares, don't suffer from insomnia or bleed from your ears onto your pillow, then eating in bed is probably OK for you.

    SOME people get heartburn. SOME people don't sleep well, or don't feel well the next day or whatever. THOSE people shouldn't eat before bed.

    Personally, I find I'm MUCH hungrier at lunch if I eat breakfast. For me, I'm better off with a vitamin, some fiber and perhaps a few berries, yet all the "textbooks" tell me I'm doing it wrong. Not everyone is the "average person".
  • agthorn
    agthorn Posts: 1,844 Member
    But I don't agree with those saying it doesn't matter. While your body does function while asleep, it doesn't need as many calories and there's no sense giving it several hundred calories that won't get burned up as they would during the day. I think it's better to finish eating long enough before you go to bed to at least get the food out of your stomach and into your digestive system.
    Your body is constantly cycling. If you are in a calorie deficit for the day, it doesn't matter if you give your body "several hundred calories that won't get burned up as they would during the day." Your body has already burned off fat reserves to fuel the period when you were in a deficit earlier in the day. If you burned 2000 calories over a 24 hour period and only ate 1500 at any time during that period, you have lost 500 calories worth of body mass. Period.
  • PegasusDeb
    PegasusDeb Posts: 665 Member
    I agree with everybody, but I also have yo watch WHAT I eat. I have acid reflux, so waking up with heartburn is never fun. I would plan on a lighter meal though, if you are going to eat that late.
  • PegasusDeb
    PegasusDeb Posts: 665 Member
    Listen to YOUR body. If you eat literally IN YOUR BED before you go to sleep and don't have heartburn, don't have nightmares, don't suffer from insomnia or bleed from your ears onto your pillow, then eating in bed is probably OK for you.

    SOME people get heartburn. SOME people don't sleep well, or don't feel well the next day or whatever. THOSE people shouldn't eat before bed.

    Personally, I find I'm MUCH hungrier at lunch if I eat breakfast. For me, I'm better off with a vitamin, some fiber and perhaps a few berries, yet all the "textbooks" tell me I'm doing it wrong. Not everyone is the "average person".
    I'm with you on the b'fast thing! I feel like I wanna eat all day if I get up & eat! I hear this from alot of people as well! Strange.
  • 12skipafew99100
    12skipafew99100 Posts: 1,669 Member
    I always eat something before I go to bed if I am hungry, even if I go over calories just a little. I hate sleeping hungry.
  • CyberEd312
    CyberEd312 Posts: 3,536 Member
    No time is the wrong time to eat... I am a type 2 diabetic and can't go through the night without eating something so I eat a small meal on my way to bed. Gets me through til morning.......
  • MsMargie1116
    MsMargie1116 Posts: 323 Member
    Yes. They only turn in to gremlins if they eat after midnight.


    Bawahahahahahahaha!!!! :laugh:
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    Do whatever you want. I try to eat no later than 2 hours before bed, but it doesn't really matter. If you lose weight and grow in your sleep, I don't see how you can't digest your food in your sleep. They say your metabolism slows down, but it doesn't make logical sense to me.
  • Freedom4Brooke
    My advice would be to keep it light and be sure it fits into your caloric goal.

    My thoughts as well..
    Too much sugar/carbs before bed tends to mess up my sleep patterns, and we all know how important a good nights sleep is!!
  • clau35
    clau35 Posts: 8 Member
    Yes it is ok. the important thing is not to go to bed right after eating with full tummy. When we sleep with do not burn calories and what we do is storage the food and turning into fat instead energy :)
  • Lift_Run_Eat
    Lift_Run_Eat Posts: 986 Member
    Eat something with Casien protein in with such as cottage cheese. This acts like a time-released protein and will continue to work as you are sleeping.
  • Murlin54
    Murlin54 Posts: 81 Member
    I've read opinions (not saying they are true) that you shouldn't eat 3 hours before bed. Your body supposedly goes into the highest fat burning mode when you have not eaten for 11 hours. 11 is the magic number apparently, so if you sleep 8 hours and don't eat for 3 hrs before bed, you will hit that magic 11 hour mark. Again, it could be bunk but it is in the book Mastering Leptin by Byron Richards. They also say you should only eat 3 meals a day and no snacking in between. If you want desert, eat it right after your meal. Reasoning has to do with rising glucose/insulin and the effect on leptin and all that. The book says that the current trend to eat 5 or 6 small meals a day is very wrong. Instead of keeping your metabolism humming as the proponents say, they claim that it throws of your leptin balance etc, etc. The book makes sense when you read it but I couldn't tell you if there is a bit of truth in it. I found it fairly difficult to always space my meals 5 to 6 hours apart with an 11 hour break in the evening before eating again. They claim you will adjust to it. It is hard to know what to believe. So much information/disinformation and it only gets worse over the years. People here will say a calorie is a calorie, but really I don't see how that is true. 100 calories of candy is not the same as 100 calories of broccoli. i believe your body can function a lot more efficiently on the broccoli, even though the calorie value is the same. I found Mastering Leptin an interesting read but I can't vouch for its veracity. Lots of supporting data/studies included in the index and all that but as I said, who are we to believe?
  • Kotasmommy
    Kotasmommy Posts: 124 Member
    Yes it is ok. the important thing is not to go to bed right after eating with full tummy. When we sleep with do not burn calories and what we do is storage the food and turning into fat instead energy :)

    Not true. Your body is always burning calories. Even in your sleep.
  • jewels813
    I just watched The Doctors today, in order to lose belly fat..... not to eat 4 hours before bed, 8 glasses of water a day, lean protein and veggies. I am going to give this a try!
  • AngieELS
    Interesting thread!
    I've always believed that it didn't matter what you ate as long as you stayed within your calorie range.

    But I've found that for me, not eating late is best because if I do I wake up still kind of full and unable to eat a good breakfast. Which leads to me starving by lunch and then I overeat midday... then I am not hungry for dinner until really late and it is an endless cycle. If I stop eating early in the evening, then I am ready for a good breakfast. I feel like my metabolism is more on track because doing this really helped me lose weight last year. If I do get hungry at night, I try something really light like fruit. But dinner and anything heavy or really filling, I try to eat by or before 6 or so.
  • agthorn
    agthorn Posts: 1,844 Member
    Yes it is ok. the important thing is not to go to bed right after eating with full tummy. When we sleep with do not burn calories and what we do is storage the food and turning into fat instead energy :)
    Your body is constantly burning calories. If you don't burn calories at night, then you're dead. If you are alive in the morning after being dead, then you're probably a vampire.
  • Athijade
    Athijade Posts: 3,287 Member
    Yes it is ok. the important thing is not to go to bed right after eating with full tummy. When we sleep with do not burn calories and what we do is storage the food and turning into fat instead energy :)
    Your body is constantly burning calories. If you don't burn calories at night, then you're dead. If you are alive in the morning after being dead, then you're probably a vampire.

    As long as I don't sparkle...
  • emstgm
    emstgm Posts: 117 Member
    Yes. They only turn in to gremlins if they eat after midnight.

    snap-out.gif Getting them wet only makes them reproduce.

    No, no, no ... that's Tribbles, not Gremlins! :bigsmile:
  • lacroyx
    lacroyx Posts: 5,754 Member
    If you're hungry, eat! If not, don't. Timing makes no difference as previous posters stated. :)
    she's right when i work crazy hours i eat crazy times but if i'm hungry i eat if i'm not i don't
    comming from someone who works graveyard hours it does not matter.
  • snookumss
    snookumss Posts: 1,451 Member
    I sit in bed drinking my 62 grams of protein and go to bed. It doens't make any difference.