Anyone ever hear about Apple Cider Vinegar?



  • yeabby
    yeabby Posts: 643 Member
    It is good for a lot of things. Beyond stomach/digestion issues it is also good for inflammation and arthritis.

    You need to use unfiltered apple cider vinegar though to get results. It isn't as readily available as the standard.

    Also, most people only take a couple tablespoons a day.
  • netztoy
    netztoy Posts: 83 Member
    I have tried it for weight loss...1 tsp with 8oz glass of water thirty minutes before meal...don't honestly know if it helped with the weight loss because I was also cutting calories and excersing, but I don't think it would hurt anything. The brand I have is Bragg. I first saw Dr.Oz speaking about it, and several other people swear by it...good luck with whatever you decide:smile:
  • jilliebk
    jilliebk Posts: 252 Member
    I try to take a spoonful every am, but some days I skip it is so harsh on my stomach @ times but it works!
  • stylistchik
    stylistchik Posts: 1,436 Member
    Some people use it to aid with digestion because the acid helps break down food. I use it for cooking, as well as cleaning and sometimes a hair rinse to make my hair shiny. :laugh: It's not a miracle for weight loss, might work as an appetite suppressant if you drink it straight -YUCK
  • Stefanie7125
    Stefanie7125 Posts: 462 Member
    I have heard it helps to lose belly fat. 2 Tbls mixed in a cup of juice (tomato hides the taste well, I've been told) every morning.
  • big_dog8
    big_dog8 Posts: 43 Member
    i bought the Braggs brand at GNC but to me the only way it would make you lose weight is because it's so freaking nasty you will throw up! Bleah! my mom used to take the Vinegar pills and they are like a laxative and will make you pee all day.....just my two cents worth! i still have the $5 bottles of vinegar...guess i could use it to clean....
  • jmehere
    jmehere Posts: 108 Member
    Vinegar lowers your insulin response to foods. Dr. Oz has been recommending taking a teaspoon diluted in water before meals. It may only be necessary for higher glycemic meals or if you are diabetic, though. It can guard against a sugar crash and hunger that come after eating high glycemic foods. For instance, I take some when I have something sweet (if I remember and it's around). The raw apple cider vinegar, vinegars with the mother, have the added benefit of aiding digestion because of the enzymes present.
  • livinginwoods
    livinginwoods Posts: 562 Member
    I know several naturalists who use it every morning . I have done it sometimes and it does help my stomach. I forget to do it enough.
  • ambercholtz
    ambercholtz Posts: 84 Member
    I read up on it on The Learning Channel Website. It helps even out glucose levels and aids in digestion. I personally use it to prevent diabetes 2 and to help my digestive tract since it has always been sensitive. I however do NOT drink it, I splash it on my vegetables and meat.
  • dakitten2
    dakitten2 Posts: 888 Member
    I use it for cooking all the time. But never heard of it in correlation with a diet plan.
  • I have heard it is good for a lot of things. I don't know if it really helps weight loss or anything, BUT I used to drink a tablespoon once a day. My favorite way to have it was in this Ginger Tea I got from Trader Joes... with a little Honey. It was like drinking warm apple cider. Yum!!
  • LHSweeney
    LHSweeney Posts: 87 Member
    I use ACV for acid reflux. It burns your throat a bit, so I chug water immediatly afterwards. But seriously, the second it's down, acid reflux-gone! :D

    ACV is acidic, stomach acid is also acidic. It doesn't make sense to me what you said, but if it works it works. Keep doing it. But my question is, have you tried ....... Sodium Bicarbonate(baking soda?) Baking soda neutralizes acid converting acid to salt and water.

    Not sure if anyone addressed this already but... the idea behind using ACV to fight acid is that when you suppress the natural acid by using anti acid products, your body tries to fight back by making more acid so you become dependent on those.... if you introduce extra acid into the body it supposedly tricks it into thinking it does not need to produce as much acid...... that's just what I read .......
  • big_dog8
    big_dog8 Posts: 43 Member
    i do take Swanson Lechithin, Kelp, B-6 & Cider Vinegar vitamin each am w/ the rest of my vitamins. it has 80 mg. cider vinegar. i was ordering B-6 and got this because it had the vinegar in it. figured it wouldn't hurt me :smile:
  • big_dog8
    big_dog8 Posts: 43 Member
    good idea Dmouse! didn't think about mixing it w/ hot tea....
  • Tosca Reno (the Clean Eating guru!) swears it works wonders for digestion and ab definition. She blogs about how and why here:
  • 2fit4fat
    2fit4fat Posts: 559 Member
    My fav spinach salad (which i am making today for lunch and a little extra for tomorrow) has dressing made with apple cider vinegar. I LOVE IT! i dont know if i would have it alone though either.. I just use a little as salad dressing mixed with a few other things
  • ingfit
    ingfit Posts: 180 Member
    I don't drink it for weight loss, but I do for general health. It raises your body acidity which is really good for fighting off any type of infections or diseases (cranberry juice does as well, but citrus actually lowers acidity, as does sugar). Once I'd had a lot of sugar and was feeling just awful, and I decided that I should drink a bit of ACV to counter the effects of the sugar and I felt better immediately. Another time I was coming down with a cold and I drank (sorry this may be disgusting but) a bit of juice that some peppers were pickled in, so it was essentially vinegar and capsaicin, it was not two hours until I felt completely better and that did not come back, while everyone around me was getting sick. So yeah, vinegar is pretty good stuff, and apple cider vinegar is supposed to be the best.

    I drink it (ACV) and sometimes jalapeno pickle juice when I feel a cold coming on and everytime it stops the cold from developing. Even if a cold is starting to settle in like sore throat, tiredness, headache, I start drinking straight ACV and it shortens it to one or two days instead of the usual 10.
  • mommamuscles
    mommamuscles Posts: 584 Member
    I try to drink 2 T. 3 times a day. I think it has helped some of my digestive issues and helps keep the bloating down on my "treat days."
  • Thanks again my friends, I constantly have indigestion and bloating after I eat. I may give it a try. Not sure if I am going to be able to tolerate the taste I may have to hold my nose and chug....I will let you all know how it goes!!! :smile:

    If you're having bloating issues after you eat its probably because you're eating something that your body doesn't agree with. Are you lactose intolerant and eating too much cheese? Can't digest processes/refined wheat (i.e. white breads, white pasta, packaged-prepared foods)? Or eating too many foods that come from a can or jar and are loaded with preservatives and other chemicals "to make it taste better" like MSG that so many people don't realize make their bodies fight to digest and so end up accepting the uncomfortable bloated irritated bowels as a normal sensation. I suggest trying to eat as many whole foods (and cook at home) as is possible. Don't get me wrong, I still use canned black beans and some sauces out of a jar (but only occationally) and try to eat true Whole Grains every day. Like oatmeal, Barley, brown rice or rye. It can really help your intestinal health and your colon, as well as reduce cholesterol and risks of heart disease and some cancers. Any way, hope this helps. I myself am lactose intolerant. Greek yogurt is one of the few things that helps my digestion because of the 5 live cultures (good bacteria). You might try it out!
  • I work in a vinegar plant. Yes if you will drink one tablespoon full of apple cider vinegar before each meal it will curb appetite, helps for heartburn too.