Feeling DOWN. This is HOPELESS.

Why bother. My self control sucks. :cry:

I'm never going to get anywhere. I keep screwing up.


  • crunchybubblez
    crunchybubblez Posts: 387 Member
    I felt as you did, until about 4 months ago.
    Watch Food Inc, Fat Sick & Nearly Dead, Food Matters,
    & Forks Over Knives, in that order.
    They're all on Netflix.
    I really think it will help.
  • stayxtrue
    stayxtrue Posts: 1,190 Member
    Not to sure where you are going wrong but maybe try a new method

    Mon-fri Restrict to what MFP has for you and on the weekends dont worry about it.. and see how you go.. It is possible to be too strict
  • silne
    silne Posts: 1
    Pick yourself back up and try again tomorrow. Focus on WHY you want to lose the weight. Take each day as it comes. Don't obsess. Perhaps your goals are too extreme? Cut yourself a bit of slack. We all have blowouts. The trick is to say "ok so I screwed up yesterday, but today I will try harder". Work out what causes you to break and try and remove the temptation if you can. It takes time. You didn't put on the weight overnight or even in a month or two, so it'll take you a long time to take it back off again.
  • PrincessLou71186
    PrincessLou71186 Posts: 747 Member
    Do you have a good support network? I tried in the past to 'watch' my weight and that never worked. Now I have a great support network and my fear of 'letting them down' is what is pushing me on.

    Where are you letting yourself down? Is it exercise, food or both?

    Do you have the right inspirations and motivation?

    If you need/want more online support then feel free to add me. I try to be a good friend.

  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,616 Member
    I know it's hard, but the only thing you have to change here is your mind. Your self control is there and fully functional. You *can* do this. Choose to have a healthy day tomorrow. And then choose it again the next day. Recommit yourself every morning. Don't worry about yesterday, don't worry about tomorrow. Make today your healthy gift to yourself. And in no time you'll look at yourself and be able to say 'you know what? I *can* do it. I can look after myself. I'm ok. I can be a healthy person'.

    No-one is doomed to an unhealthy lifestyle.
  • belladonna_3k
    We ALL mess up and fall back into crappy eating/exercise habits... mostly because that's what got us overweight in the first place... it's what we know. A new, better routine takes time to learn and impliment. There will be setbacks. Just keep trying and take each day as it comes. Do the best you can THAT day, and try to do a little better each day. If you have a bad day, don't beat yourself up. You're human. :-) The fact you are making the effort is better than not making any effort at all!
  • redfroggie
    redfroggie Posts: 591 Member
    It isn't hopeless, but it isn't easy either. You need to take really small steps in the beginning. If you have your diary set up to lose 2 lbs a week, move it down to 1/2 a pound a week, do that for a month see what the results are and then bump it up to 1 pound when you are ready. You will do this, you're here and that's a big step.
  • mzenzer
    mzenzer Posts: 503 Member
    Not to sure where you are going wrong but maybe try a new method

    Mon-fri Restrict to what MFP has for you and on the weekends dont worry about it.. and see how you go.. It is possible to be too strict

    Sage advice. Don't beat yourself up over not being perfect with your journey, because it is that not a destination. Go read my blog. I've had a lot of obstacles in my way and I did it, and the blog doesn't even go completely into everything. Trust me I had many reasons to just say screw it all.

  • MaximalLife
    MaximalLife Posts: 2,447 Member
    Why bother. My self control sucks. :cry:

    I'm never going to get anywhere. I keep screwing up.
    I went through that as well.
    You must just decide what is important to you, attaching pleasure to fitness success and pain to being fat.
    How you manage this is all up to you. No external motivation will last.

    If you can manage to stoke your internal motivation, set goals and take action, anything that brings you closer to your goals will attract you, and anything that moves you away will repel you.

    Temptation becomes something you will easily resist.
    Why? The fleeting pleasures of gluttony and binge eating is offset by the pain having to live with the consequences.

    It's just that simple.
  • 2ply
    2ply Posts: 6
    I've not been doing MFP for very long but I find that if I eat a little more than I planned to, a little more than is my allowance for the day, I go for a very brisk walk for as long as it takes to make up the difference. This has been really helpful to me and enables me to feel more in control of the process. I have even done this late an night after an attack of the munchies.
    Also, I sometimes input my meals and snacks before I eat them so that I am aware of the calories involved and, if they are foods which are high in calories, I savour them more (or cut down on the amounts by a bit or even decide if I really want them all that much).

    Good luck and don't give up.
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    Why bother. My self control sucks. :cry:

    I'm never going to get anywhere. I keep screwing up.
    I went through that as well.
    You must just decide what is important to you, attaching pleasure to fitness success and pain to being fat.
    How you manage this is all up to you. No external motivation will last.

    If you can manage to stoke your internal motivation, set goals and take action, anything that brings you closer to your goals will attract you, and anything that moves you away will repel you.

    Temptation becomes something you will easily resist.
    Why? The fleeting pleasures of gluttony and binge eating is offset by the pain having to live with the consequences.

    It's just that simple.

    Wonderful advice! :drinker:
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    What my problem seemed to be to get going was nothing tying the here and now to the then and there. I have a Heart Rate Monitor and it really helps with this. The HRM tracks my calories burned during exercise.

    Funny how I would start my 15 minutes of exercise and it would turn into 30 because I wanted to see a certain number on that baby. 30 turned into 60 and well, you see where this is going.

    Keep up the good work. I am older, and screwed up my metabolism with stupid diets for years, so it took a year to lose 36 lbs. I gained some back, but it is better now than ever because I STOPPED..............NOW. Not tomorrow, not Monday (too many of them have passed thus far)
  • slorff
    slorff Posts: 10 Member
    dont give up .....it can be done....i joined about the same time as u did.....and i am not doing so great either...but i am not going to give up...it is a very hard time during the holidays..food is everywhere....now that it is over...i plan to get more serious...i will say a prayer for you ..believe me i need it too....:tongue:
  • Galletakek
    If your not failing your doing something wrong ! :)
    Dont give up ! You got this! keep pushing mama -xoxo
  • anima_gemella
    anima_gemella Posts: 243 Member
    felt like this....BUT remember u can always start back again! Nothing is lost just continue and even u had a bad day tell urself n motivate urself by sayin that U WILL start again!
  • JennyWren0611
    JennyWren0611 Posts: 1 Member
    I know how you feel - I lost 7 pounds before Christmas and have put them back.

    BUT you can do it - by making little changes that will add up.

    With the food, I am not "on a diet" but I try to make sure I log it all - I am much more likely not to eat between meals if I have to record that I've done it. Keep busy, keep out of the kitchen - most of my snacking is pure habit, not because I'm hungry. I've also found that cutting down on carbs has been very helpful, for my main meal I don't have pasta or potatoes, but make up with extra veg. Try to take a 10 minute brisk walk each day, park at the far end of the car park, use the stairs, get off the bus one stop early. Don't buy the foods that make you want to binge. If you have to buy them for other family members, buy them a named box and put them in there as soon as you buy them (I do this for my 2 sons who love cakes, the guilt of stealing out of their box is too great).

    These are all very small changes, but they do add up. Your weight loss won't be spectacular but it's more likely to stay off - unless next Christmas gets in the way of course!

  • 4thehardman
    4thehardman Posts: 731 Member
    Why bother. My self control sucks. :cry:

    I'm never going to get anywhere. I keep screwing up.
    I went through that as well.
    You must just decide what is important to you, attaching pleasure to fitness success and pain to being fat.
    How you manage this is all up to you. No external motivation will last.

    If you can manage to stoke your internal motivation, set goals and take action, anything that brings you closer to your goals will attract you, and anything that moves you away will repel you.

    Temptation becomes something you will easily resist.
    Why? The fleeting pleasures of gluttony and binge eating is offset by the pain having to live with the consequences.

    It's just that simple.
    Possibly the best advice I have seen on this website since I joined. I'm going to write this out and stick in in my purse then read it befor eI put anything in my mouth.
  • Daisy80
    Daisy80 Posts: 755 Member
    I know how you feel. I have started so many times only to end up again where you are now. You have to try and change your mindset! Be positive! Tell yourself that you CAN do it instead of you can't! A tool that helped me incredibly is Jillian Michaels book "Winning By Losing". It helps you to find a positive attitude towards yourself and your journey! It gives you a help on your diet and exercise. You can get it really cheap on ebay or amazon! It is the best piece of advise I ever had! Go and look it up! :smile:
  • TheBakerGirl
    Don't give up! It isn't hopeless. You wouldn't have bothered posting this if it were really, truly hopeless. It's hard, we all agree, and we've all felt exactly the way you feel right now. Don't be too hard on yourself! Take any mistakes and chuck 'em out the window. That's all in the past. Every eating decision and tiny bit of exercise you get is one step in the right direction. Stay focused on the future and use the past as a learning tool.

    You're amazing! Don't forget it. :flowerforyou:
  • NoriDupuis
    NoriDupuis Posts: 26 Member
    I think everyone whether they have 10 bls or 100 feel like this
    its not the screw ups you have to concentrate on but the small victories. picking a salad over frys taking the stars over the elivatore (even if you had to stop 3 times)
    a lot of the lost of control has to do with the chemicals food has in it and in your own hormones. if your having really trouble it might be time to consult with your doctor. you may have a vitamin deficiency or a hormone problem. If its only been a few weeks its more then likely food related. Try not keeping the foods you crave in your house. or when you really want something take a small amount and leave the rest in the kitchen.
    it has been shown if you have a small amount of what you crave you will loss the craving. so instead of eating the whole bag of chips try just a handful.
    Don't loss hope we are all int his together :)