Feeling DOWN. This is HOPELESS.



  • houstonmacbro
    houstonmacbro Posts: 99 Member
    Why bother. My self control sucks. :cry:

    I'm never going to get anywhere. I keep screwing up.

    Keep at it and DO NOT GIVE UP. Sometimes it takes a minute to kick start the old body. It seems like the effort is useless, but it is not. You are retraining your body and metabolism and hunger and a lot of things. Let it sort out, but be consistent. We're here if you need us for inspiration!
  • houstonmacbro
    houstonmacbro Posts: 99 Member
    I think everyone whether they have 10 bls or 100 feel like this
    its not the screw ups you have to concentrate on but the small victories. picking a salad over frys taking the stars over the elivatore (even if you had to stop 3 times)
    a lot of the lost of control has to do with the chemicals food has in it and in your own hormones. if your having really trouble it might be time to consult with your doctor. you may have a vitamin deficiency or a hormone problem. If its only been a few weeks its more then likely food related. Try not keeping the foods you crave in your house. or when you really want something take a small amount and leave the rest in the kitchen.
    it has been shown if you have a small amount of what you crave you will loss the craving. so instead of eating the whole bag of chips try just a handful.
    Don't loss hope we are all int his together :)

    So true. And I think even if you are trying to lose weight, don't forget to eat. When you don't eat, your body starts going into survival mode and will actually hang on to weight ... eat smallish 'meals' throughout the day. This is a journey, not a sprint. Remember that. We're all walking, running, and hanging out with you. Some have reach their goals, many (like me) have not, but remember this is not a judgement or a test. It's about breaking bad habits, establishing new ones, and feeling good about yourself and being the fittest you can be. Don't give up.
  • speednut
    Remember if you keep making the same mistakes, you will repeat your past. Half the battle of losing weight is to keep your head on straight and have small victories. When people say you look great, it gives you more motivation. GOOD LUCK, we are all pulling for you!
  • veggievixen79
    veggievixen79 Posts: 109 Member
    Mon-fri Restrict to what MFP has for you and on the weekends dont worry about it.. and see how you go.. It is possible to be too strict

    THIS! Something (even if it's not everything) is better than nothing. Feel proud of what you've done right instead of beating yourself up about what you've done wrong.
  • CyberEd312
    CyberEd312 Posts: 3,536 Member
    Why bother. My self control sucks. :cry:

    I'm never going to get anywhere. I keep screwing up.
    I went through that as well.
    You must just decide what is important to you, attaching pleasure to fitness success and pain to being fat.
    How you manage this is all up to you. No external motivation will last.

    If you can manage to stoke your internal motivation, set goals and take action, anything that brings you closer to your goals will attract you, and anything that moves you away will repel you.

    Temptation becomes something you will easily resist.
    Why? The fleeting pleasures of gluttony and binge eating is offset by the pain having to live with the consequences.

    It's just that simple.

    This!! Could not have said it any better........
  • Gary1977
    Gary1977 Posts: 804 Member
    Why bother. My self control sucks. :cry:

    I'm never going to get anywhere. I keep screwing up.
    I went through that as well.
    You must just decide what is important to you, attaching pleasure to fitness success and pain to being fat.
    How you manage this is all up to you. No external motivation will last.

    If you can manage to stoke your internal motivation, set goals and take action, anything that brings you closer to your goals will attract you, and anything that moves you away will repel you.

    Temptation becomes something you will easily resist.
    Why? The fleeting pleasures of gluttony and binge eating is offset by the pain having to live with the consequences.

    It's just that simple.

    This!! Could not have said it any better........

    100% agree as well.
  • goodasgoldilox165
    goodasgoldilox165 Posts: 333 Member
    It is a really tough thing we are all doing - I bet most people here know the feeling you describe. The fact is though, you are still here and looking around the site even a little shows you that it can be done. There is some good advice above. I'd suggest the 1. 'Only today- but I'm sticking to it completely'. Don't plan ahead further - just deal with today. 2.Don't choose a low calorie level. 3.Whenever you feel likely to cave in to temptation, move away and put off eating it until just a little later. (After I've been for a walk... after I've done the job that I'm putting off by eating this... after I've had a drink of water - after I've checked on plans for tonight ... after I've called and chatted to that friend...) Usually just putting things off for a few minutes reduces or removes the craving. It is a sort of mind game but does actually work! I'm trying all these t h ings today. The holiday seems to have thrown me a little!
  • trud72
    trud72 Posts: 1,912 Member
    SERIOUSLY??? :noway:

    it does not give people like me much hope then does it i was pushing on 400lbs,and i am sure i have some sorta eating disorder(binge)....so basically you just GOT TO MAKE YOURSELF...:frown:
    start with baby steps....stuff yourself silly with fruit and veg to fill yourself up! and slowly it really does get easier,do not keep getting on the scales 1 time a week is plenty....the scales can make or break you trust me on that one! :noway:
    as the days roll on it gets easier and you have more and more self control ok..
    good luck honey x
  • porffor
    porffor Posts: 1,212 Member
    I truly felt your way for a long time but 5 years ago I realised every day that you are 'good' is better than no days!
    Every lb you lose adds up (1 a week = 52 lost) - if you never lost any you'd end up gaining and then THAT would be hopeless.

    You've got great support here, but weight loss is a cycle of change - emotionally there are times we can take action, and times we can't. When you have a day when you feel you can't then don't.. just be as good as you can and don't lie to yourself. You're doing this for you, and only you can make that choice of an apple v's apple pie.

    Hope your spirits lift and your little one makes you realise you have a lot to keep trying for!

  • caroltina
    caroltina Posts: 453 Member
    Life is not perfect, Do you know ANY perfect people? I don't! If you make a mistake it is what you do with that inormation that makes the difference. You can do this - keep on keeping on. It is my little moto, the more you do the more you will want to do, make small changes and make them count and then move on to the bigger ones. You have support - don't all these posts show you?
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,709 Member
    Why bother. My self control sucks. :cry:

    I'm never going to get anywhere. I keep screwing up.
    If you're defeated already, then you've lost. You gotta really care about yourself enough to make the transition. Take time to sit down and write to yourself why you want to do this and what it will do for you and your life. Till you really make that distinction, you're just "winging" it and without a real goal or plan, it's going to be difficult.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition