30 day shredders starting Monday?



  • 7wojtowj
    So random, but I also started the 30 day shred on Monday. I would definitely love to be apart of this group for some support! Jillian really knows how to kick your butt!
  • cupcakemama
    D3L1 DONE!! I felt GREAT today!! Really, feel like level 1 will be completed by friday and ready to start level 2 next week!! I really do need weights though, I feel like I'm cheating with no weights, but to be fair I have a bad arm injury.
  • chaineyart
    Anybody on D1L2 today?
  • cupcakemama
    D4L1 DONE! It's getting much much easier, very ready for L2. but will wait till tuesday like I said I would!
  • Fat_2_Fit_Mommy
    Fat_2_Fit_Mommy Posts: 569 Member
    I have started it last month I am on d15 but would love to do this on Monday!
  • atlantapiper
    atlantapiper Posts: 133 Member
    I'm in...actually borrowed this from the neighbor last night and started it last night, getting ready for Day 2 :) let's go!
  • Robide
    Robide Posts: 101 Member
    So how's everyone finding it? I had yesterday as a rest day, and hit the gym today, but tomorrow, I'm stepping up to lvl 2.

    Personally, I am loving it, but I really struggle with the first strength set, I find my shoulders give out mid way though the squats, and I have to drop down to my knees midway through the second set of push ups.

    However, it is definitely working. My weigh in day is tuesday, and I had dropped .5kg, and lost half an inch from my waist and chest, so it is definitely working for me :)

    I'm dreading level two though!!
  • MaryODwyer
    Some of these comments are making me laugh and scared all the same time. If I can get the dvd I will start also! It's been sold out each time I try. Is it safe to start it when I just recently started exercising after being on bed rest for having a baby??? Are you creating a group for us to join?
  • wowsuzie
    So I did Level 2 of Ripped in 30 on Tuesday and my upper body is still too sore to move....I have volleyball tonight & usually I do the dvd before V-ball but I don't know if that will happen tonight...on that note. I'm ready fpr spring baby!
  • CoachKristenSmith
    CoachKristenSmith Posts: 18 Member
    I did Level 2, Day 5 yesterday. I have lost inches already, 3 on around my waist and 1 on each thigh!! Haven't lost much in actual weight but I can feel myself really losing the inches and my arms/shoulders feel a LOT more muscular. I find Level 2 super challenging, I have to take a break occasionally and the strength portion in the 3rd circuit is just ridiculously killer, my shoulders just burn on those v-raises. But I am NOT giving up, I will see this through til Level 3 Day 10!! I also really HATE plank jacks. OMG they make my whole body burn but I guess that's the point! I have started training for a 5K using the "Couch to 5K" app and so some days I do the dvd then do my 30 minute training run and I find that the workout helps my running and the running helps my workout so I recommend extra cardio in conjuncion - I can maintain the 2 minutes of cardio in the dvd SO much better than I could at the start. I hate Jillian some days but she is getting me results!
  • paprad
    paprad Posts: 321 Member
    Just started the 30DS and I thought, how bad can it be for 20 mins after doing gym/treadmill for days. Omigosh - it was a killer! So much for my hubris

    Had a question for the other shredders - is it okay to do so many jumping jacks with a knee that used to give me trouble? or should I try some modification. she doesn't give any flexibility there

    Also - what weight should the dumbell be? the lightest one at home was 3 kg (each) and it felt like slabs of concrete after 10 raises during squats.
  • lambertj
    lambertj Posts: 675 Member
    Just bought 30 day shred today to bump up my workouts before a trip to Florida in 25 days but reading this thread has me scared lol