THE Team Week 5



  • chantybear
    chantybear Posts: 343
    Anita - :huh: I do not work, because I am going to school full time.
  • LosingIt4good
    LosingIt4good Posts: 1,214 Member
    Someone needs to seriously kick my butt in gear and make me go to the gym... LOL

    Dropped hubby off at the airport this AM then spent 2 hours in court today (child support modification) and I am just draggin tail....I need to go cuz the rest of the week is gonna be just as messed up...Im just so darn sleeeeeeeeeeepy....
  • adopt4
    adopt4 Posts: 970 Member
    I've been down with a cold today. Unlike LI4G, I STILL went to the gym (nudge nudge). (she'll hit me later, I'm sure, LOL). I did 30 straight mins on the elliptical! And that was without someone chatting next to me distracting me! Then 25 on treadmill, slower pace than normal, didn't want to wear myself out. Felt fine until I got home and then I was exhausted. Basically slept most of the afternoon once I fed the boys and got them down for their naps... Having to force myself to eat (wow that's different) so I could get at least 1200 cals in me so my body can get better. Suceeded in eating 1241 for the that has to be good enough, I'm almost ready for bed again, unless I get a craving here shortly.

    Hoping to feel better tomorrow, I want to see if I can do the 30 mins again.. my legs were complaining but not too badly... after I get used to the 30 mins I'll add the arms (right now I have to hang on to the non moving handles so I don't fall off! LOL) and then move onto the other elliptical machines that are much harder. The reason I love the gym right now - I have someplace to go up when my body gets used to something, there's always another machine I can move to that does more.

    My scale read really low today but I didn't log it in here. If it says the same or lower tomorrow, though, I'm logging it! It would be my new lowest weight in over 10 years!
  • lulubar
    lulubar Posts: 739 Member
    healthymom and dewdrop - saw you both on the 200situpchallenge thread! Yayyyy. My tummy was sooooo sore today and this is weird - my left calf???? Why the heck would my calf be sore?!! My feet were tucked under the edge of the treadmill - I wonder if I was pulling with my leg? strange things are afoot ~ well, acalf:tongue:

    Anita, adopt4, healthymom - gooooood girls on the exercise!! Hope you feel better tomorrow adopt4.

    LI4G ~KickintheButt.gif
    That's for you!

    Chanty - I am sooo impressed that you are so young, and yet you eat such healthy foods! I have never had the courage to try tofu - I thinks it's the name - It makes me think of toe-cheese, ick!:blushing:
  • stillkristi
    stillkristi Posts: 1,135 Member
    Hello everyone, I'm ba-aa-ck! 824834ttykjfe6uz.gif It feels like a week since I had a chance to post here, but its only been a couple of days! Wow.

    Had a little crisis and a bunch of paperwork at work, so I have been swamped. I am most unhappy that I have missed two days in my goal towards workingout an hour a day. smileyexplosion.gif So, if I am lucky, I will get in four days, and thats if I work out some tongiht, which seems unlikely. Bummer! Oh well, enough about me. Oh, wait, one more thing! My work is doing a biggest loser thing, so I weighed again on Monday (after Friday) and had lost another pound and a quarter, so, I'm counting it!! AND, a coworker (one who I haven't been incenently badgering about my new eating plan, and "Do I look thinner?") said to me this evening, are you on a diet or something, because you look thinner! th4g6906.jpg Well, I go way beyond the happy dance. Silly, I know.

    So, it ttook a while, but it was so good to catch up with all of you.

    Zano, thanks for the concern, you are right, of course - though it is REALLY unlikely that I will be running anytime soon, it is still so easy to over do it, and then lose ground while waiting to heal or something.

    Nita, thanks for always checking in first thing, and all the time, really. Sorry I haven't been around much lately. Tanning bed. Really? I have an embarassing :blushing: tanning bed story. (I know, I have every kind of embarassing story.) So, about a hundered (??) 100 years ago, I helped manage this hair salon. In the salon, there was a tanning bed. After the place was closed up, I would occasionally tan. Silly, I know because there was no way I was going to appear in any public forum (or private forum) in any kind of swimwear. We've had that conversation, right? So, one day I thinks to myself, "it would be nice not to have these silly tan lines....." Anyway, just let me warn you against spending more than about 30 seconds if you are going to wear your birthday suit! First, one burns, then one itches. Its not a good thing. :noway:

    Get_fit, speaking of birthday suits, birthday.gif Have fun!!

    Li4g - you really do rock! thanks for the tea receipe. I steer clear of alcohol (drug and alcohol counselor for a reason) but I still like the slurpee idea! And, I really like lulu kicking your butt for you! Do keep us posted on your potential move. Flordia seems like a long way from Washington, unless my geography is WAY OFF. I can't imagine living anywhere but the desertish west. I have lived in Idaho and Utah all my life (except for a brief sojourn in Italy).

    Chanty, am I mistaken, or you about half way to your goal? There should be a party somewhere in our future! Congrats!! Plus, the end of exams, and papers perhaps for a while. I loved grad school, but I was really glad when it was over. And, thanks for the receipe. At first I am thiniing, "oh the rice cauliflower sounds really good, but I am avoiding rice right now. :huh: Took me a minute, but I finally climbed out of the hole my brain goes to sometimes and realized that the cauliflower IS the rice. WAY cool. Gonna try that. Do you cook the cauliflower pretty soft, or not so much? If soft, you could put it through a ricer..... I like the possibilities.

    Nita, I live alone, so I am cooking for one, which I used to find difficult - that is, cooking a healthy, well balanced meal for one. But, what I am doing these days is this, I buy the already prepared salads, and the local dairy delivers milk, but also a number of tasty, "meal solutions" which I buy and heat up one at a time. For example, today I had seared tilapia loin with lime-mango salsa, salad, and steamed cabbage. Yummers. I have a couple of chicken things (thai curry and italian) or I pick up a rotisserie chicken and eat it over several days. For breakfast, I usually eat a half a cup of cottage cheese, herb tea and some fruit. Or, a couple of strips of panfried bacon (70 cals) and a couple of scrambled eggs on a piece of toast w/o butter. I make it sandwich like, then I don't need the butter. At least once or twice a week, I try to eat soup. Again, cooking for one, I don't make a big pot of soup, I buy progresso healthy what ever. I also use the George Foreman Grill like it was going out of style. BBQSmiley.gif

    Adopt4, thanks for checking in on me when I was AWOL. It was really nice. AND great job on working out when sick, and using it with a small dose of guilt - which is a great motivator! Let's hope your scale is right! Yay!!!

    Healthymom, good job on not letting your sugar weekend derail you. That has always been my downfall, one little slip and ITS ON!! I've got to get over that if I am to be sucessful. AHEM - excuse me, since I am to be successful!!!

    Renayeb, maybe you actully are building muscle, and it isn't a weight gain at all! (er, you know what I mean, a pound is still a pound, but at the end of the day, its the volumn that really counts.)

    Dewdrop, thanks for being so positive - you're great.

    AND, lulu - wonderful posts, as always. Positive, supportive AND funny. who could ask for more.

    CMR, missing you here!

    Well everyone, take care I have spent forever writing this, so it is likely someone has posted between lulu's last post and me finishing this. If I have missed anyone, YOU KNOW I LOVE YOU! Take care!!! Good to be back!
  • chantybear
    chantybear Posts: 343
    Chanty - I am sooo impressed that you are so young, and yet you eat such healthy foods! I have never had the courage to try tofu - I thinks it's the name - It makes me think of toe-cheese, ick!:blushing:

    Haha thanks:smile: . That description almost made my stomach turn...thanks Lulu :tongue:

    Kristi- 1.5 more pounds, and I am there! :smile: Oh yes I will have some fun celebrating the end of the school year do not worry:wink: ! Haha yeah it was really good, I used half a small head of cauliflower, 2 eggs, 1 tbsp reduced sodium soy sauce, and 1/2 cup of frozen peas, and it was really good..I ate the whole recipe:happy: I think it has more flavor then rice anyways, it is pretty soft, really depends on how long you cook it. I am not to sure what a ricer is, but sure?:happy:
  • nitag
    nitag Posts: 706 Member
    Good morning all... Oh Wed and I am working. YUCK>>> I hate this place and my boss even more. I wish he would lay me off so I could stay home and collect unemployment.. He is an *kitten*...

    Anyways.. I got in my 45 mins af cardio and 50 curnches this morning. WOO HAAA...

    Off to work.. Or lets say pretend I am working..

    Chat with ya all later..

  • adopt4
    adopt4 Posts: 970 Member
    Mornin' ya'll, or almost noon here. Still coughing and sniffing but I'm alive, and worked out this morning. 30 mins on elliptical again (whoo-hoo!) and 27 on treadmill, for a total of 490 cals burned. I could have done more but I'm trying not to wear my body out too much so it can fight this cold...

    Did see LI4G at the gym this morning, briefly, so I guess I guilted her a bit (not really)!

    Scale drops about .3 - .5 every day. Not sure what that's about but I love it. I guess I am loving the elliptical now because I think that's why, it's burning the fat. Plus I seem to have a better handle on my eating than I did in the beginning. So unoffically I'm at 20 pounds lost!! Whoo-hoo! Let's hope that keeps up and I can weigh in on Friday less!

    I like the bagged salads with the salad dressing and everything already in there, so it changes up the food a bit. I measure it out into glad ware and then grab one out for me and usually stick one in hubby's lunch. That will last us anywhere from a day to 2 days for lunch, depending on the bag of salad. I'm the type of person that needs a quick lunch or something really easy to make, plus making lunch for hubby so he eats better to, which is why I like the bagged salads. Today for lunch I had the "Perfect Harvest" salad, added some grape tomatoes, and then ate some peas (just realized I should have stuck the peas on the salad too!). I will eat something a little more substantial in a bit but I'm always so hungry by lunch that I want to eat something, then wait awhile, then eat something else so I don't overeat. I'll probably have an English muffin with egg beaters, turkey bacon, and non fat cheese slice... learned that recipe from LI4G and it's a really good egg fake-mcmuffin and not that many calories either.
  • LosingIt4good
    LosingIt4good Posts: 1,214 Member
    Well, lulu's buttkicking and adopt4's nudging just couldnt get me to the gym last night. Its not for a lack of tryin tho. I even had my workout clothes on and was ready to go, then sat down and well... I was just so emotionally drained yesterday that I ended up crashing my workout clothes!. My adrenalin was so jacked up after court yesterday that by the time I had a chance to go my body was like "yeah right!" So, I went over on cals yesterday by a little, not my best day...but could have definitely been worst! The court thing turned out good for me, so no complaints there... just sitting there for 2 hours waiting to spend 5 minutes in front of the judge was stressful and the ex tried all kinds of crap to not have the support go up.

    Anyway... since I crashed early, I woke UP early. Got to the gym this morning by 8:15 and by the time adopt4 got there at 9:15 I had burned 589 calories. I had little ones coming at 10:30 so I had to get in and get it done otherwise I woulda went when she did.

    Back on track today with calories. Its so wierd what stress does to ya. I was hungry allllllll day yesterday even tho I KNEW i had had more than plenty to eat and shouldnt be thinkin of food. It was exhausting! If the kiddos leave early enough I may go to the gym again for water aerobics, but it looking like I'll have them until about 9pm tonight. Will definitely be going tomorrow, even tho it supposed to be my day off from the gym.
  • stillkristi
    stillkristi Posts: 1,135 Member
    Chanty, thanks for more info on the rice. I meant to ask if that was more than one serving. Cool!! Also, a ricer - think REALLY BIG garlic press. Typically used for potatoes when you are going to make gnocchi or croquette. You don't want them really creamy, like mashed potatoes, so you use the ricer. I am betting I could rice the cauliflower. I'll let you know. I think I may try that rice stuff tonight. MMMMM....

    Li4g, stress can really be a killer, can't it !!? A good reminder that we need to be mindful of stress and we need to work to destress our lives. Thanks!!! See you later all. I am sneaking this in at work after posting my lunch calories.

    Kristi :bigsmile:
  • healthymom2009
    Losingit4good: :love: Way to go - getting back to the gym today. I say "life happens" and we just try our best to stay on track. Monday I didn't get to the gym, so I did some stuff at home but no cardio. I felt bad all day. The next day I thought about adding the lost time to my workout. I didn't because - yesterday is over and you will make yourself crazy trying to be perfect.

    So I swam yesterday and added 4 extra laps. :tongue:

    Today I did my sit - ups (106 of them) :love: I hope to "Love those abs" by the time I am done! Lulu - saw you on the sit up thread too. Nice to have friends there!

    And I did 30 minutes on the treadmill. I'm starting to hate that thing. I cant go any faster - in fact I seem to be getting slower...does that make sense?????:grumble:
  • chantybear
    chantybear Posts: 343
    Chanty, thanks for more info on the rice. I meant to ask if that was more than one serving. Cool!! Also, a ricer - think REALLY BIG garlic press. Typically used for potatoes when you are going to make gnocchi or croquette. You don't want them really creamy, like mashed potatoes, so you use the ricer. I am betting I could rice the cauliflower. I'll let you know. I think I may try that rice stuff tonight. MMMMM....

    Your welcome Kristi:smile:, it says it serves 3-4, but it really depends on the size of the head of cauliflower. I ate it all (a big nice plate) with half a small head, and was very full! I find it really easy to just grate it with a regular grater.
  • stillkristi
    stillkristi Posts: 1,135 Member
    chanty, I had the cauliflower rice for dinner tonight! WONDERFUL!!! I I prepared it, and then I went to the website you mentioned. Might have been better to go there before. But, it was very good! I pre-cooked the cauliflower by steaming it for just a few minutes. Then, I used roasted seseame seed oil, because it adds a great nutty flavor. Not much, maybe two teaspoons. Then, I decided I would sort of load up the vegies. I put in mushrooms, asperagras (sp?) and celery in addition to the onions and peas. I didn't have any fresh garlic (:grumble: you know how the head tricks you by shriveling up and going away?) or ginger, so I used a little powdered. Fresh would be better. I also tossed in a couple of ounces of lean ham. I sauted the vegies, warmed up the ham, and then scrambled the egg. Mix, grate the cauliflower on top. Mix again. Almost ruin by grabbing the Worchestershire Sauce instead of the soy sauce! :noway: But, catch myself in time. It was wonderful!!! Seems like you could use cabbage too, and you could use Miracle Noodles and vegies to create a low main. I'm all excited. Thanks!
  • LosingIt4good
    LosingIt4good Posts: 1,214 Member
    Kristi- It REALLY is a P.I.T.A! LOL Most of this 60lbs I gained over the last 7 years was due to stress. LOADS of it. I spent 6 years fighting my ex in supreme court and we finally settled that a year ago. There really isnt anything worst than going through that kind of long term, cronic stress. I ate and ate and ate and ate, smoked alot of Pot in the beginning (which I no longer do, clean for over 2 years now!!) and ate some more! It was the worst 6 years of my adult life not dealing with the stress in a healthy way. I had back issues and nerve & joint pain issues that amazingly enough in the past year since the settlement are pretty much not there anymore. Migraines also are way less frequent. Im still very over protective of my back... especially now that Im workin my butt off at the gym. There are some things adopt4 has told me she found in terms of weights that I am just plain scared to even try for fear that I land back in bed for 2 months unable to walk. Been there, done that... no way in heck i ever wanna do it again!!

    Healthymom- Thanks for the encouraging words. I did sit here today and input my meals and exercise plan for the remainder of the week. Not taking tomorrow off... just gonna count yesterday as my "thursday day off" and hit the gym as I usually do. Altho its gonna be boring as heck since I cant go when adopt4 does this week. Im also gonna hit the gym Sunday. Since hubby is gone to Florida and the kids will be with thier dad... I have the WHOLE day to do whatever I please... so Im gonna be getting in a very good workout on Sunday. Dont have money to spend and the house is so fricken clean right now due to boredom so... might as well do something productive!
    I was shocked to see that Im already over my goal on exercise. Ive felt like such a slacker this week!! But, since Im going Sunday... this is what my weeks goal looks like....
    Weekly Total / Goal: Minutes 510 / 300 Calories burned 4678 / 2510

    I dont plan on seeing the scale budge much this week. Like I said..I had a bad eating weekend on top of the stressful no gym day yesterday... so I'll be in shock and awe if that scale budges in the right direction. Your probably thinking Im nuts...that it has to move but seriously.. i ate way too much crap food LOL anything under 222 at this point I'll be thrilled with! The one big thing I havent done this week is pop on and off the scale everyday. I just DONT wanna know.... not till its gonna matter on Friday! :laugh:
  • LosingIt4good
    LosingIt4good Posts: 1,214 Member
    If every day were like today... You'd weigh 208.0 lbs in 5 weeks.

    See!! Told ya I was back on track!!! I could totally live with that number when I see hubby in April!
  • LosingIt4good
    LosingIt4good Posts: 1,214 Member
    yum yum kristi!! That sounds awesome!!!

    We had spaghetti for dinner. Homemade very chunky marinara meat & veggie (mushrooms, tomatoes, carrots, zucchini, onions, cabbage) sauce over angelhair pasta. Was the first time I made it that way and OMG it was the bomb! Im definitely making it again. My daughter is carb loading right now cuz shes doing track. If she doesnt, she gets way too thin and doesnt look good. Makes for interesting fun when Im trying to cut back on that kind of stuff. This was awesome cuz now she can eat alot of pasta and I can eat alot of veggies with a little bit of pasta.. LOL

    PS. I cant stand whole wheat pasta, it tastes like soggy cardboard..:laugh: :laugh:
  • stillkristi
    stillkristi Posts: 1,135 Member
    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: LI4G - For some reason, when I saw P.I.T.A. in your post, the first thing I thought of was, "WOW, I never picked her for a vegitarian. I' wonder if she thinks it was terrible for me to put ham in my dinner!" :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    So, I got it finally. STRESS! Yeah, Its part of what keeps me in business. Sad to say. Sorry you went through that.

    I so agree with you on the whole wheat pasta. I thought it was more like soggy sawdust. UGH!!

    But seriously, maybe you would like miracle noodles. No calories, no carbs, no flavor, but heck, that is what your sauce is for. Made from soluible plant fiber, looks like rice noodles, and is almost al-dente in texture. (I get no commission for these commercials!) No soggy cardboard!

    And, congrats you are back on track. smiley_on_tredmil.gif
  • chantybear
    chantybear Posts: 343
    Wow.....last night was such a crappy night for me!!:grumble: Hopefully today is better!:smile:
  • adopt4
    adopt4 Posts: 970 Member
    i'll have to try the miracle noodles. no taste has to be better than whole wheat noodles. sheesh.

    Since I had the same weight two days in a row, I logged it today. 20 pounds officially! whoo-hoo!

    Can't go to the gym this morning, oldest has an award he gets in school today! he's in K. Not sure what it's for, but for a drug baby/fetal alcohol syndrome/died in my arms at 6 mos old and brought back to life later/micropreemie born at 24 weeks/wasn't supposed to ever walk, talk or write his name.. well, an award is a big freakin' deal! (and by the way, he's reading, and writing well, way more than they ever expected of him!). Still makes me want to hurt bio mom for making him struggle with everything so much over the years, and he has years of struggle ahead of him. :cry:

    I'm going to have to really watch what I eat today, since I may not get to the gym at all ( hard to get motivated if I don't go in the morning right away, I just get tired later).
  • nitag
    nitag Posts: 706 Member
    Hi Everyone.. Geeze I wish it was friday already.. My week is all of wack...

    Last night I had chinese food.. I was really careful not to over eat and measured everything and still stayed within my calories but HOLY SODIUM!!! Won't be doing that again...Honestly it was worth it.. Tasted so good...

    I was up at 5:30 and got in all my cardio, weights and 80 crunches. Yes I am now working the abs... Oh I hate it and it hurts... But I joined a 100 a day situp or crunch challenge on here for 30 days.. We shall see how that goes.. I needed some motivation... I want one of those ab rockers. Does anyone remember those?? I am going to look for one on amazon..

    Chanty, I thought you worked.. But going to school is a full time job so stick with that..

    Adopt4 are you feeling better?? I sure wish I had a gym buddy here.. No one works out and gyms are too far away and too expensive...

    Kristy - I missed your posts.. Wondered what happend to you, but I knew you'd be back..

    LI4G - I bought some whole wheat pasta and we are have turkey meatballs and pasta tonight. My husband was willing to try it.. Can't wait to see the look on his face :laugh: It shall be priceless, but he is really trying to support me and eats what ever I make.. And Yeah for being back on track....

    Everyone else, how are you doing?? No CM is she coming back?? Has anyone heard from her?? If not someone needs to step in and start a new thread for tomorrow...

    Eveyone, have a wonderful day and thanks so much for the support...
