How do you beat late night snacking (binging?)



  • ruby_red_rose
    ruby_red_rose Posts: 321 Member
    I use a combination of the following techniques:
    1. Sip water
    2. Sip a warm liquid like tea
    3. Pop a chewing gum in my mouth
    4. Brush my teeth
    5. Distract myself by doing something that prevents me from eating - such as hop on the treadmill or call my mom
    6. Eat baby carrots

    Hope this gives you some ideas.
  • emmab0902
    emmab0902 Posts: 2,338 Member
    This may sound radical (especially coming from a psychologist lol) but you don't need to know why you do things to stop doing them. You can start doing things differently without having a lightbulb moment.

    I was a chronic evening/night eater, and have begun to beat it by trading my rubbish food for a Weight Watchers jelly and keeping busy talking to friends online etc.

    Do I miss the junk food? Hell yes .... at the time. But I love feeling better the next morning knowing I don't wake up feeling like beating myself up.

    Also I figured out all my eating was done in conjuction with reading or being on the internet so I had to break that association by only eating when I was not doing anything else and eating more mindfully.
  • Cr01502
    Cr01502 Posts: 3,614 Member
    I try to get to bed early. Have some tea and brush my teeth. Also there is a supplement called 5htp that releases tryptophan to your brain. It fills you up and makes you sleepy. It can be picked up at most vitamin stores. It's very helpful if cravings get to be too harsh. I also suggest maybe eating a lighter dinner than normal and saving some extra calories for a little low fat cottage cheese at the end of the night. That fights hunger cravings as well and gives your body the protein it needs to repair itself. Hope this helps.
  • I posted this in another thread, but I recently took up knitting again. Sounds lame, but it's been helping me while I'm getting back on track because it uses both hands, so I can't eat while I'm doing it (unless I'm doing a Garfield-lasagna type move, LOL ... not gonna happen!), there's counting involved, which is repetitive, but relaxing, and it's portable. I've been bring the scarf I'm working on for my Mom to the office with me, and then when I bring my dinner, I still have something to do when I take a break (instead of going to get something else or shopping). So maybe a hobby would help!
  • lurkette
    lurkette Posts: 25 Member
    I work at night so this problem goes double for me. I sit here and all I want to do is eat, so I drink water and unsweetened tea. My snacks are usually light, stuff I bring from home like celery sticks and carrots, kashi granola bars, fruit and nuts. Once in a while when my break is too far away and I start losing it, I binge because I hate feeling hungry and I need to get better with that. Nobody's perfect. But yeah, saving some cals sounds like good advice. Also, try going to bed a bit earlier. Believe me, I would if I could.
  • bonnt
    bonnt Posts: 171 Member
    I drink water, chew on gum and/or brush my teeth.
  • HollieDoodles
    HollieDoodles Posts: 678 Member
    This is wonderful to read. I have gotten some fantastic ideas out of this thread and another just like it, this evening.

    Thank you to everyone who gave tips! :smile:
  • Lots of great advice here. I think you just have to find what works for you.

    For me, like some of the other posters, I just plan for it. I stay up late and I know that I am going to snack. After a long day, once I've put the baby down and it is finally "me" time, snacking and wine are just what I need. I make sure to get a good workout to allow for my late night indulgences. That way, I can really appreciate the workout and the treat.

    My only advice would be to try to make smart snacking choices. If you know you are going to have late snacks, allow for the calories and have yummy but healthy (or at least low calorie) choices on hand.
  • melkithall
    melkithall Posts: 75 Member
    This has been the crux of my weight problem. I have three young children, one a little baby. Once I get the other two to bed and sit down to feed the baby, it's like SNACK TIME!!! I haven't conquered the problem, but here's what's helped. During the months of Sept and Oct I was helping a friend who has a home business. So, as soon as kiddos were in bed, I'd be crocheting like mad to make these fun hats for her etsy shop. There were a lot of Halloween orders and such. Well, I lost the most weight those months. My hands were busy, my mind was busy. I had the TV on, but wasn't looking at it the whole time, so missed most of the food commercials!! Then, she didn't need my help and all of a sudden I was left to my own devices. Of course, that's when all the cravings came back and then the holidays too. Definitely plan for a snack, but also KEEP Busy!
  • kmjenkins
    kmjenkins Posts: 396 Member
    Paint your fingernails---hard to snack with wet nails...winning!!! :bigsmile:
  • aquapussy
    aquapussy Posts: 112
    I figured this one out easily, by letting myself snack. I will have an apple. some cheese or a pomegranate, or raw vegies. The time you eat does not really matter just make the right choices.
  • kimgodfrey001
    kimgodfrey001 Posts: 9 Member
    I find protein shakes really help me- with skimmed milk I've found one that's amazing- tastes like a pudding (vanilla, toffee or banoffee are my faves), no fat, low carb, and 166 cals with milk, 98 with water. it's really filling though because of the protein and if you are excerising will improve your muscle recovery. Otherwise I also have "healthy" snacks, like light crisps or a muller light or even fruit.

    The best tasting protein I've found (and value for money) is myprotein- the first time I've actually enjoyed a protein shake! Hope this helps, good luck x
  • carole456
    carole456 Posts: 121 Member
    If I feel an urge to eat I exercise and drink plenty of water, if I still feel hungry I choose something sensible, log it and then enjoy it!
  • HonkyTonks
    HonkyTonks Posts: 1,193 Member
    I struggle, a lot, with late night snacking. By late night I mean 8pm - 11pm (after the baby has gone to bed). I'm not exactly sure what the root of it is... boredom, habit, emotional eating; and I know a huge part of the battle will be figuring out the "Why" of it all.

    Any tips you guys have for different ways to curb the snacking would be great. I've tried not buying things but I still manage to find something/anything to snack on.

    Don't stress, maybe try saving up the calories for later at night to have a few snacks. Your overall deficit is important, time of day that you're eating isn't so much. Get some nice low calorie snacks - fruit, yoghurt, etc
  • justle
    justle Posts: 275 Member
    i have the same issue, so i budget for the calories, i normally have a mullerlight fat free yoghurt (99cal) with 1 or 2 meringues crushed up into it (50-100cals)

    last night was a bad night though, lots of emotional eating goingon there so i know i have to work really hard at the gym today!
  • Story of my life. All my life.

    I just bought an air popcorn popper. I can eat 6 cups of popcorn with seasoning (no butter) for a ridiculously low amount of calories. And it tastes so much better than microwave.

    And I exercise just so I can have those extra calories at night. :)

    Good luck.
  • Nichelle_b
    Nichelle_b Posts: 19 Member
    Thi great advice everyone!! Thank you SO much!
    I think a few key take-aways that I'll try out:

    1) Realize that snacking after dinner & after the baby has gone to bed is something I do and not feel guilty about it or feel like I need to deprive myself to be successful. A key note to this is that deprivation is typically why I fail at keeping weight off. So, don't deprive & don't feel guilty.
    2) Have healthy snacks prepared & at the ready. Fruits & veggies up front in the fridge rather than hidden away in the drawer.
    3) Drink a big glass of water while I decide what I want to eat. That will give me enough time to decide if I REALLY want to eat something and if so, how much & make better choices.
    4) Plan for it!! Set aside 200-300 calories every day for my post dinner snack. That way I don't go over throughout the day and I don't feel guilty for having something. Best yet, if I don't eat all of the stored away cals, I'm under for the day.
    5) When planning for the snack, maybe even decide what I want to eat (i.e. Weight watchers ice cream, a few dark chocolate candies, etc) so that I'm looking forward to it all day and truly savor it. Having it pre-logged in my diary will help with this also.

    Thanks for the great advice everyone.
  • Paint your fingernails---hard to snack with wet nails...winning!!! :bigsmile:

    I love this. But being the fatty I am, I usually just take the polish off and start eating.
  • unnur16
    unnur16 Posts: 140 Member
    If i get this craving i get my self an apple and sometimes a tiny penutbutter(no suger added) on top of it. that helps me alot.
  • go to bed, Drink water, just say no, chew gum.