You must stay ahead of hunger! MUST READ!!



  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    Not to mention, most of the time the energy used for TEF isn't manufactured from eating, it's just energy already being used that's diverted to the digestive system. That's why you feel sleepy after a huge meal, because all your energy for normal activity is being used by the digestive system instead. Same reason you get a burst of energy during intermittent fasting, once your digestive system shuts down, all the energy it was using is released back to the rest of the body.
  • ryno0618
    ryno0618 Posts: 361
    There is not much science behind what was shared and I see a lot of you refuting it. BUT I will say just as common sense practice throughout the day some of these things really do help (at least mentally). For instance, drinking 12-15 cups of water does help give me energy, does help curb my hunger, and keeps me hydrated. Eating 5-6 mini meals a day helps sustain me and helps me avoid being "hungry" at traditional meal times.
  • HMonsterX
    HMonsterX Posts: 3,000 Member
    There is not much science behind what was shared and I see a lot of you refuting it. BUT I will say just as common sense practice throughout the day some of these things really do help (at least mentally). For instance, drinking 12-15 cups of water does help give me energy, does help curb my hunger, and keeps me hydrated. Eating 5-6 mini meals a day helps sustain me and helps me avoid being "hungry" at traditional meal times.

    You correctly put "helps ME", which it may well do. But that is personal preference, not biological fact that applies to everyone. Meal timing is a key one. It doesn't affect your metabolism, but may help you with your cravings. If you dont get cravings anyway, there's no point.
  • GyasiDaniels
    Works for me and everyone i have trained. Surely it's different strokes for different folks. What works for one doesn't work for all. But it's legit. I have helped PLENTY of people get to there goal weights using what i was taught to get certified and personal experience on the job. But once again this is for those needing help, looking for a light a the end of the tunnel. If it's not for you then IT'S NOT FOR YOU. Peace.
  • GyasiDaniels
    I love how brave people are on the internet. =)
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    I love how brave people are on the internet. =)

    What is that supposed to mean? If you said this to me in person, I would have the same response.
  • wftiger
    wftiger Posts: 1,283 Member
    My Dr. who is a member of the American Society of Bariatric Physicians and who has helped patients lose weight for over 20 years would disagree with most every point in your post.

    Since I have lost over 11% of my starting weight in less than 2 months, I'm gonna have to go with him. Thanks for sharing though, although it was a run on paragraph and I lost interest half way through.
  • Crys1217
    Why are people so rude? If you don't agree with the information and/or the information is not helpful to you just state your opinion without the rude insults. What is the purpose? FYI: Grammer is not the topic here!
  • badgerbadger1
    badgerbadger1 Posts: 954 Member
    Why are people so rude? If you don't agree with the information and/or the information is not helpful to you just state your opinion without the rude insults. What is the purpose? FYI: Grammer is not the topic here!

    Internet police spotted.
  • clarebrad
    clarebrad Posts: 188 Member
    I agree, no need to be mean, someone is trying to share.
  • LisaJ135
    I've done it all , and it all is true !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • LisaJ135
    Oh really , well as a nurse for 35 yrs. and have lost Wt. over 30, 65 and now 40 lb.s and doing most all that this guy has said , except for all the H2o.
  • sweet110
    sweet110 Posts: 332 Member
    I'm always suspicious when someone says that *everyone* must *do* anything. I know what works best for me. Based on my experience.

    And as someone who tends to compulsively overeats and binges, it was so important for me to learn to *be* hungry. To just be hungry. And to realize that I wasn't going to die. That if I hadn't planned well, and found I was hungry and all I could find was McDonalds...well, would waiting an hour until I got home kill me? Usually not. And to learn that there would be enough food to satisfy my hunger, even if I ate slowly. And that I could get a small serving of something *and go back* if I was stil hungry. I was obsessed with food and hunger. When I tried to eat 6 small meals a day, and it drove me up a wall...thinking about food 6 times a day just fed my obsession.

    But, there are people for whom this isn't their struggle. Some people out there skip meals and then gorge. Some people have huge, natural appetites. Some people love pecking throughout the day.

    I understand that my experience isn't shared by everyone. So my solutions won't work for everyone.