What do you do after a binge/overeating?



  • Justkf
    Justkf Posts: 208 Member
    I usually let it go, eat the minimum 1200 the next day and move my *kitten* more. I feel better witht the damage control and am back on track without too much punishment to my delicate confidence.
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    Just move on. As long as this doesn't become a habit you likely won't even gain any weight from it if you just get back to normal. I wouldn't deprive yourself to the 500 calories a day for two reason. 1...you'll probably feel like crap physically which could actually leave you vulnerable to smoke again or just eat. 2...if you make it a day or so like that you'll be so hungry the next day that you'll binge again.
  • MaximalLife
    MaximalLife Posts: 2,447 Member
    I honestly say "whoops" and continue on like normal. If I try to limit my calories the next day then I am just getting off my habit more than I already have. Mess ups happen, but I think the best thing to do is go on like normal and forgive yourself (as long as it isn't a regular thing).

    I totally agree. I forgive myself and move on - new day, clean slate. There is no point punishing yourself further - the guilt trip is bad enough!
    Listen to your peers....:smile:
  • teaspoon43
    teaspoon43 Posts: 238 Member
    I completely disagree with fasting after a binge! It slows down your metabolism, makes you sluggish, grumpy and its healthy. Drink plenty of water and only eat when you're hungry.. and try to make it fruits or veggies or lean meat. This will keep you on track and your body ready! Life happens and no ones perfect, but who wants to fast everytime they act normal? :)

    Forgive yourself and move on!
  • Tink_89
    Tink_89 Posts: 23
    I try to just keep in mind, that it's okay to have a bit of a slip up sometimes. It's only natural and probably healthy. If it gets to a point where you fear it, then that isn't healthy. The important thing is just to recognise that having a binge one night doesn't mean you have to continue. Just start again the next day.

    The only other thing I would suggest is look at whether there are triggers for your binges. Not everyone needs to do this but for me, I know I am likely to binge if I am feeling particularly emotional. So I need to think of what I can do instead of binging.
  • ninjakitty419
    ninjakitty419 Posts: 349 Member
    To be totally honest, my first and most powerful urge is to go make myself throw up. I have never been bulimic or used that as a weight loss strategy, but when I was pregnant I had severe morning sickness and would unintentionally throw up at least once a day. I guess I am just hanging onto the fact that when my stomach felt very uncomfortable, throwing up would make it feel better, even if it was only temporary. There have only been a couple of times when I have throw up purposely, and it was more of a matter of my stomach hurting and feeling like I would burst and I wanted to relieve the pressure so I could go on with my day. When i have eaten way too many calories I do feel like crud, and sometimes I log it as a reminder of my mistake. Much like you, I need to have some sort of consequence because if I just say "It was just a mistake, one day wont ruin my whole journey, dont worry about it. Tomorrow is a new day" I will (and I know this from much experience) end up justifying a "one time slip up" every other day. I don't ever try to make it up the next day by eating less. In that way, I do start every day over. But I need to at least have a record of my mistakes so I can see if there is a pattern or if it is happening too often to be considered OK.
  • reneeileen
    reneeileen Posts: 455 Member
    I might get slammed for saying this but after a really bad day, I punish myself in the gym. I need a real example of how much work it takes to burn off 1000-1400 calories. After that work out I forgive myself and move on. I figure if I make a mistake I can hike up my big girl panties and make it right for myself. I drink a ton of water and expect a minor gain within the next 2-3 days that will disappear within another 2-3 days. Life happens.
  • karmaticgeek
    I eat a bit less and work out a bit more the next day but I don't try to make up for every single extra calorie. I have done that in the past and it resulted in even more binges. Too restrictive, too punishing.
  • rainedays86
    rainedays86 Posts: 105 Member
    Purge...jkjk. I just log it and try to do better. No one is perfect and sometimes our "inner fat kid" takes over and gets the best of us. We are only human. :-)
  • heatherterp
    you are right this plan is not healthy. I agree. it is a new day. we all have mess ups. nothing wrong with adding work out time. I am doing that today. Starving yourself will not earn back what you ate. rethink this plan we are not perfect and we will have slips. Sometimes more often then we hope. Here is to a new day!
  • ShellyMacchi
    ShellyMacchi Posts: 975 Member
    I honestly say "whoops" and continue on like normal. If I try to limit my calories the next day then I am just getting off my habit more than I already have. Mess ups happen, but I think the best thing to do is go on like normal and forgive yourself (as long as it isn't a regular thing).

  • gretchensnyders
    Dont you just feel like binging again the next day at 2?
  • MaximalLife
    MaximalLife Posts: 2,447 Member
    I completely disagree with fasting after a binge! It slows down your metabolism, makes you sluggish, grumpy and its healthy. Drink plenty of water and only eat when you're hungry.. and try to make it fruits or veggies or lean meat. This will keep you on track and your body ready! Life happens and no ones perfect, but who wants to fast everytime they act normal? :)

    Forgive yourself and move on!
    And again, people are trying to teach you something based on experience.
    I wish somebody had told me these things when I was 18 years old [if you're really 18] -- :wink:

    No biggie, but don't be so dogmatic so young.
    You are engaging is the typical kind of self-sabotage of those who yo yo diet their entire life before dying fat.

    Be better than that.
    Good luck to you young lady.

    I wish you well no matter what - even though I come across as a cranky old Paw Paw.
  • paigemarie93
    paigemarie93 Posts: 778 Member
    at 111lbs, you shouldn't be worrying about one minor slip up. Just detox with water & cranberry juice for two days(I do this after a night with friends drinking & eating pizza) along with eating healthily & you'll feel great.
  • singingchick1515
    singingchick1515 Posts: 12 Member
    I had my first slip-up in months last night. Don't hate me for this, but I had the munchies, if you know what I mean (I very rarely smoke anymore- this is one reason why). I ate a little less than my maintenance calories for 2 days in one night. (Gross, I know. Stuff happens.)
    I added the foods I ate to MFP- split up the calories over today and tomorrow. I'm going to eat around 500 calories today and tomorrow (most or all of it will be lean protein), add 30 minutes to my normal cardio time, and do my usual strength training. This will cancel out all the extra calories I ate in the binge, AND leave me at my safe set net of a minimum of 1200 calories, so I'll still be in weight-loss-zone.
    I know, it sounds unhealthy, intense, dangerous, whatever else you want to call it, but this is the only way I can cancel out a binge without feeling guilty- and I can handle it. This is my personal preference, so I can get past this setback as quickly as possible and have no trace on my body that it ever happened.
    What do you all do after a slip-up like this?
    Split the calories up?
    No offense, but this is absurd. PLEASE!

    Just start fresh today and don't engage in any such starvation tomfoolery that's really you trying to punish yourself.
    Just feel the guilt, own the guilt, then move on.

    If your solution to a blunder is to follow it up with another blunder, prepare to fail in the end.
    How about this: just eat right TODAY and let yesterday fade away?

    Success is about stringing together several good days that become good weeks, months ect.
    Ruining yourself today is no solution for yesterday's mistake. Now you have even more to make up for.

    Not good!

    AMEN!! Good answer! Just feel the guilt and move on...
  • SnuggleXPuff
    SnuggleXPuff Posts: 22 Member
    Usually I just let it go. If it's really over my limit however I'll be sure to do a couple extra minutes of exercise the next day.
  • paigemarie93
    paigemarie93 Posts: 778 Member
    Purge...jkjk. I just log it and try to do better. No one is perfect and sometimes our "inner fat kid" takes over and gets the best of us. We are only human. :-)

    I know that was intended as a joke, but joking about ED's isn't cool...
  • yager8725
    yager8725 Posts: 267 Member
    take a long nap. wake up and start all over again. with LOTS of water!!
  • mimaduck83
    mimaduck83 Posts: 175 Member
    like everyone else, chalk it as a whoops day.

    What I do? Lie flat and naked and wait for the nausea to pass :laugh: and a belly rub helps too:bigsmile:
  • JamesonsMommy
    JamesonsMommy Posts: 771 Member
    just forget about it.. You are messing with your metabolism if you starve yourself for the next 2 days.. It will hurt you more than it will help you... MOVE ON!!