How do you reward yourself???

rainedays86 Posts: 105 Member
My name is Raine, I'm 25 and started my weight loss journey at the end of July 2011. Down 45 lbs currently. :-)

I have made a point to reward myself with non food items when I reach little goals.
For example, when I lost my first 20 lbs, I bought myself a sexy dress.
When I did really well over the holidays I bought a sexy (smaller sized) dress.
And when I officially went from a Morbidly Obese BMI to just Obese BMI I bought myself my first pair of running shoes.;-)

So I was wondering what you all reward yourself with when you hit your mini goals???

Happy Losing!!!!
♥ Raine ♥


  • reneeileen
    reneeileen Posts: 455 Member
    Most of my rewards have involved shopping for new clothes. I heard a really great idea from someone on a board who made herself a new necklace for each milestone. The beads she chose and the number of the beads had a meaning for her. I thought that was a really lovely idea.
  • runnercheryl
    runnercheryl Posts: 1,314 Member
    I don't have specific mini goals and rewards usually, but just this time I'm not allowing myself to get my hair cut until I get back down to what was my lowest weight since I started my healthy lifestyle, before I had a glitch last year.

    That weight is 155lbs, and I'm currently on 161.2lbs. Looking forward to getting back there and getting my hair cut!
  • CannibalisticVegetarian
    Congratulations on the loss, girl! You're doing fantastic!

    My rewards often depend on what I want at the time. Some of the rewards may be a day of eating a food I otherwise wouldn't allow myself to eat due to guilt (i.e. Chinese, or going out for Mexican food). I figure that it's only a day, so it won't ruin a year's worth of progress, plus it makes it so that I don't cheat. Sometimes a reward may be skipped if I went against my own mental rules, but it'll be made up somewhere down the line.

    Ex: I went to visit a friend for a week and ate fast food I barely exercised either, so once home, I skipped whatever reward was coming up, (was trying to read 228lbs), and instead would have a reward at 218 instead).

    I'll buy clothes sometimes, but haven't much money and am still in the long process of losing, so I'm skeptical about buying and having to quickly give it away. Last thing I bought though were some super sexy demona laced boots from hottopic. This time it'll probably be a video game I've been eyeing for some time.
  • ChubzMcGee
    Hi Raine!

    You're doing so well! keep it up chick!

    I have 20lb to lose i've just re-started, i would like to lose more but i've set that for now as a more realistic goal. I'm a serial yo-yo dieter, i lose some then end up putting more on after :(

    Once i have lost 20lb i have decided my reward will be some GHD hair straighteners! if i have a further goal after that my next reward will be some UGG boots :)

    Keep up the good work everyone
  • rainedays86
    rainedays86 Posts: 105 Member
    Great ideas guys! I think it's so important to reward yourself for your hard work! I choose not to reward myself with food because I think I am addicted to food. It would be like and Alcoholic rewarding a years sobriety by going out drinking. lol Some people are able to reward with food, that's great, I am just not one of them. I am about 5 lbs till I hit the 50 lb mark and 11 for Onederland! I need to figure out my next prize! lol
  • stopdropandlose
    stopdropandlose Posts: 162 Member
    When I hit 156, I'm buying a pair of TOMs. At 120 (or whatever weight around there that feels right), I'm getting my hair straightened. And after I stay at 120 for awhile, I'm going on a shopping spree. I've already started saving.
  • Allie_71
    Allie_71 Posts: 1,063 Member
    I'm gonna get a haircut or something when I reach goal. That's still a little ways away, but man do I need a haircut so I gotta hustle and knuckle down :) I usually reward myself with a small food treat, such as a little scone or a glass of wine with friends :)
  • hellokathy
    hellokathy Posts: 540 Member
    When I signed up here and seriously started losing weight by starting a regular workout, planning meals, etc., I rewarded myself by signing up for the Glossyboxes. I figured that's not really expensive so it was a nice reward for the first step. :)

    The next plan is to treat myself to a Kindle once I've lost my first 20lb. And then I'll see what else I'll want for my next 20lb.
  • rainedays86
    rainedays86 Posts: 105 Member
    You all are doing so great! Its so neat to see how yall treat yourselves!
  • adjones_21
    adjones_21 Posts: 234 Member
    Pedi, get my hair done, buy a new outfit are some of several. When I reach my goal weight I am gonna get a tattoo
  • deja_blu
    deja_blu Posts: 359 Member
    Since losing 50 lbs, I am treating myself to a pair of cross trainers, a FitBit and a TruboFire. I have 30 more lbs to lose and I will get sculpted with these new "toys". =]

    Congrats on your (and everyone else's) success!

  • TheAnie
    TheAnie Posts: 180 Member
    When I hit 150(which was a goal for myself a long time ago that I never made) I rewarded myself by making my first purchase on SockDreams website. A very sexy pair of tights.

    When I hit 140 I don't know what I'll reward myself with. I had an awesome necklace I found on etsy in mind at one point, but we shall see.
  • kristen11joy
    kristen11joy Posts: 114 Member
    When I started back to the gym, I felt like all my gym stuff was really ratty, so I've been rewarding myself with a new workout t-shirt every 5 pounds. I'm up to 4 now, which gets me through the week most weeks -- and I'm about 10 lbs away from my goal (at which point I will start replacing all my baggy pants!lol)
  • jnchorn
    jnchorn Posts: 250 Member
    This is my toughest category. I don't celebrate my victories often. Last year I set a goal of walking 3 times a week. In October I participated in 3 walks for charity. One of which was the Susan G. Komen 5K. It was very rewarding to be able to compete in that. Now I wish I could do them every weekend. Besides that, getting my hair cut and colored or buying a new nail polish. It's a tough one though, I love hearing the ideas. :)

  • h0kieerin
    h0kieerin Posts: 11 Member
    Here's my current reward list:

    160 pounds lost - Super Cool water bottle - Done
    170 pounds lost - Super Cool Bento Box - Done
    180 pounds lost - Heart Rate Monitor - Done
    190 pounds lost - New book for the Kindle
    200 pounds lost - Wii Fit and Balance Board
    210 pounds lost - Mini Donut Pan
    220 pounds lost - Something new for the house
    230 pounds lost - New family portraits of DH and I
    Goal weight - Vacation, somewhere/something big.

    I have to tweak some of my rewards thanks to Santa, but it's a start. I worked really hard to think of rewards that were not food.
  • rainedays86
    rainedays86 Posts: 105 Member
    When I hit 150(which was a goal for myself a long time ago that I never made) I rewarded myself by making my first purchase on SockDreams website. A very sexy pair of tights.

    When I hit 140 I don't know what I'll reward myself with. I had an awesome necklace I found on etsy in mind at one point, but we shall see.

    I LOVE LOVE LOVE the tights!!! Those are sooo cute!!! Maybe ill get a pair when I slim down!!!
  • rainedays86
    rainedays86 Posts: 105 Member
    This is my toughest category. I don't celebrate my victories often. Last year I set a goal of walking 3 times a week. In October I participated in 3 walks for charity. One of which was the Susan G. Komen 5K. It was very rewarding to be able to compete in that. Now I wish I could do them every weekend. Besides that, getting my hair cut and colored or buying a new nail polish. It's a tough one though, I love hearing the ideas. :)


    It's sooo good to reward yourself I think! Even with something small!!! My very first reward was when I lost 10 lbs, I got some really cute shoelaces. Sounds silly but I loved them and knew I had earned them. That made them so much greater. You should really give yourself rewards for your mini goals, it just makes you feel good! Good luck!
  • PedmomJill
    PedmomJill Posts: 505 Member
    Clothes for sure! I've gone from a 2X to a 4/6 so I've had to buy a LOT of clothes!
  • rainedays86
    rainedays86 Posts: 105 Member
    Here's my current reward list:

    160 pounds lost - Super Cool water bottle - Done
    170 pounds lost - Super Cool Bento Box - Done
    180 pounds lost - Heart Rate Monitor - Done
    190 pounds lost - New book for the Kindle
    200 pounds lost - Wii Fit and Balance Board
    210 pounds lost - Mini Donut Pan
    220 pounds lost - Something new for the house
    230 pounds lost - New family portraits of DH and I
    Goal weight - Vacation, somewhere/something big.

    I have to tweak some of my rewards thanks to Santa, but it's a start. I worked really hard to think of rewards that were not food.

    I love these ideas!! The rewards just get bigger the more you lose! That's so great!
  • rainedays86
    rainedays86 Posts: 105 Member
    Clothes for sure! I've gone from a 2X to a 4/6 so I've had to buy a LOT of clothes!

    WOW! Congrats on your loss!!! I am scared to buy too many clothes just yet. I went from 24 pants to 16/18 pants now. I can't afford to buy an entire new wordrobe every few months. lol When I was ten I went from kids sizes to a womens size 10 jeans. So i don't even know what it will feel like to be in anything less than that! Super excited to find out though!