1,200 calories = STARVING CINDY!

I just read a thread where people were saying they were ok with eating only 1,200 calories/day and did not feel hungry or deprived. I, on the other hand, feel ravenous most of the day and my thoughts are consumed with when my next snack/meal will be (and yes, I'm aware that if I exercise I can eat more). If you're one of those on the 1,200 calorie/day diet and feel satiated at the end of the day, could you please give me a list of foods you're eating that are filling you? Is there a "method" to what you eat at what time of day that keep you fuller longer? Any advice would be great - thanks!


  • Starlage
    Starlage Posts: 1,709 Member
    Well, I've always been told if you're hungry all of the time it means you're not eating enough.. Try adding an extra 100-200 cal snack to your diet that's full of protein (or go the other way and add more healthy fats, like the recommended healthy one ounce of nuts/day. very filling. I get this in EVERYDAY. I feel like it makes a difference. I can't survive on 1200/day either; hungry and grumpy constantly so I increased to 1400 and I'm WAY happier! I've only been on this change for a week but I DID lose two pounds this week. We'll see how it goes over time. I had to overhaul the way I was eating; increase calories for breakfast, 100-200 cal snack mid morning, 300ish cal lunch and then dinner's smaller like 200-300. "breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dinner like a pauper" right? :o) Oh and I'm short 5'1" and lightly active lifestyle (aside from exercise). good luck!
  • spartangirl79
    spartangirl79 Posts: 277 Member
    This site tends to be a tad low in terms of recommended daily calories. For the most part, nobody should be eating 1200 calories or less unless they're 5' tall and 100lbs. Check your BMR (basal metabolic rate -- the amount of calories you need simply for your organs to function, if you laid in bed all day and did nothing else) and then follow the Harris Benedict equation to figure out your daily calories, remembering to always eat all your calories you earned from exercise! http://www.bmi-calculator.net/bmr-calculator/
  • onegirly
    I'm about 3 days new on the site and my calculations are 1230 cal/day ...so almost like yours and I am hungry too. Also I seem to feel as if I don't have whole lot of food choices until I go over my daily calorie amount...I do exercise but honestly out of shape so I get 150-250 cal from that (which I happily eat them) I'm 38yr old , 5'7 and weigh 192 ...I just thought maybe it was the whole adjustment period of eating the correct portions and calories that made me feel hungry ???
  • CCSunlight
    CCSunlight Posts: 249 Member
    Obviously what people really need varies person to person. I was having a tough time with 1200/day so I readjusted how much I wanted to lose from 2 lb a week to 1.5 lb a week and my calorie allowance went up. 1.5 a week is still a great loss! I was feeling hungry all the time, like you, so I'd cheat to feel fuller and not log it. I'm also trying to up my water intake because a lot of time when you feel hungry, you're actually thirsty.

    EDIT: I also got a hot air popcorn popper, which is a great way to get a lot of food with little cals because there isnt any oil, and i just spritz it with some i cant believe its not butter spray for a little flavor.
  • Athijade
    Athijade Posts: 3,276 Member
    How much do you weight and what is your goal? How many calories are you trying to lose? Perhaps you can adjust things so that you have more calories. Yes, it might slow your weight loss, but if you are hungry, then you may be too low already.
  • cindy4mica
    cindy4mica Posts: 777 Member
    How much do you weight and what is your goal? How many calories are you trying to lose? Perhaps you can adjust things so that you have more calories. Yes, it might slow your weight loss, but if you are hungry, then you may be too low already.

    I'm 5'4" and weigh 131 - trying to get back down to the 115 I was last year:/
  • ebaymommy
    ebaymommy Posts: 1,067 Member
    How much do you weight and what is your goal? How many calories are you trying to lose? Perhaps you can adjust things so that you have more calories. Yes, it might slow your weight loss, but if you are hungry, then you may be too low already.

    I'm 5'4" and weigh 131 - trying to get back down to the 115 I was last year:/

    I would say you are not eating enough. Your BMR is 1325. That means you need 1,325 calories a day just to keep your body functioning, even if you laid in bed all day.

    Take your BMR x whatever one of these fits your activity level to get your TDEE (total daily energy expenditure)

    * Sedentary (e.g., you do no exercising and have a desk job) = 1.2
    * Lightly active (e.g., you participate in light exercise or sports 1 to 3 times per week) = 1.375
    * Moderately active (e.g., you participate in moderate exercise or sports 3 to 5 times per week) = 1.55
    * Very active (e.g., you train hard 6 to 7 per week in exercise and/or sports) = 1.725
    * Extremely Active (e.g., you exercise or play sports hard everyday & have physical job or 2X day training, i.e. marathon, contest etc.)

    I find doing that and subtracting from it gives me a much better calorie count to strive for that what MFP calculates. For example, I'm 5'5, 123lbs and 33 years old. My BMR is 1340. I work out hard 6-7x per week, so I multiply my BMR x 1.725 for a TDEE of 2311. That would be maintenance calories for my weight. I'm trying to lose still, so I subtract out 500 per day giving me 1800 calories a day and I can still lose about 1lb per week. I recently switched to this and am MUCH happier (i.e. not starving on the 1200 calories I was trying to live off before) and still losing.
  • piercedbeauty21
    I'm on 1,200 calories a day and I always have a ton of calories left over. I'm doing the Slimfast 3-2-1 diet and it's really working for me. I'm never hungry and I have to remind myself to eat a lot of the time. Please feel free to add me as a friend and look at my food diary if you'd like some Ideas :)
  • cindy4mica
    cindy4mica Posts: 777 Member
    How much do you weight and what is your goal? How many calories are you trying to lose? Perhaps you can adjust things so that you have more calories. Yes, it might slow your weight loss, but if you are hungry, then you may be too low already.

    I'm 5'4" and weigh 131 - trying to get back down to the 115 I was last year:/

    I would say you are not eating enough. Your BMR is 1325. That means you need 1,325 calories a day just to keep your body functioning, even if you laid in bed all day.

    Take your BMR x whatever one of these fits your activity level to get your TDEE (total daily energy expenditure)

    * Sedentary (e.g., you do no exercising and have a desk job) = 1.2
    * Lightly active (e.g., you participate in light exercise or sports 1 to 3 times per week) = 1.375
    * Moderately active (e.g., you participate in moderate exercise or sports 3 to 5 times per week) = 1.55
    * Very active (e.g., you train hard 6 to 7 per week in exercise and/or sports) = 1.725
    * Extremely Active (e.g., you exercise or play sports hard everyday & have physical job or 2X day training, i.e. marathon, contest etc.)

    I find doing that and subtracting from it gives me a much better calorie count to strive for that what MFP calculates. For example, I'm 5'5, 123lbs and 33 years old. My BMR is 1340. I work out hard 6-7x per week, so I multiply my BMR x 1.725 for a TDEE of 2311. That would be maintenance calories for my weight. I'm trying to lose still, so I subtract out 500 per day giving me 1800 calories a day and I can still lose about 1lb per week. I recently switched to this and am MUCH happier (i.e. not starving on the 1200 calories I was trying to live off before) and still losing.

    How did you come up with 1325?
  • cindy4mica
    cindy4mica Posts: 777 Member
    I'm on 1,200 calories a day and I always have a ton of calories left over. I'm doing the Slimfast 3-2-1 diet and it's really working for me. I'm never hungry and I have to remind myself to eat a lot of the time. Please feel free to add me as a friend and look at my food diary if you'd like some Ideas :)

    Thanks, I will:)
  • ebaymommy
    ebaymommy Posts: 1,067 Member
    How much do you weight and what is your goal? How many calories are you trying to lose? Perhaps you can adjust things so that you have more calories. Yes, it might slow your weight loss, but if you are hungry, then you may be too low already.

    I'm 5'4" and weigh 131 - trying to get back down to the 115 I was last year:/

    I would say you are not eating enough. Your BMR is 1325. That means you need 1,325 calories a day just to keep your body functioning, even if you laid in bed all day.

    Take your BMR x whatever one of these fits your activity level to get your TDEE (total daily energy expenditure)

    * Sedentary (e.g., you do no exercising and have a desk job) = 1.2
    * Lightly active (e.g., you participate in light exercise or sports 1 to 3 times per week) = 1.375
    * Moderately active (e.g., you participate in moderate exercise or sports 3 to 5 times per week) = 1.55
    * Very active (e.g., you train hard 6 to 7 per week in exercise and/or sports) = 1.725
    * Extremely Active (e.g., you exercise or play sports hard everyday & have physical job or 2X day training, i.e. marathon, contest etc.)

    I find doing that and subtracting from it gives me a much better calorie count to strive for that what MFP calculates. For example, I'm 5'5, 123lbs and 33 years old. My BMR is 1340. I work out hard 6-7x per week, so I multiply my BMR x 1.725 for a TDEE of 2311. That would be maintenance calories for my weight. I'm trying to lose still, so I subtract out 500 per day giving me 1800 calories a day and I can still lose about 1lb per week. I recently switched to this and am MUCH happier (i.e. not starving on the 1200 calories I was trying to live off before) and still losing.

    How did you come up with 1325?

    I used this site to calculate BMR.


    I believe it to be accurate. I just had my body composition done at a health center and they told me my BMR was 1337 - that website calculated mine at 1340.
  • shannonichole
    I eat lots of veggies and soy meats, so I get to eat more food for my calories versus small portions of high caloric, processed foods. Are you drinking enough fluids?
  • ckkh
    ckkh Posts: 35 Member
    Don't forget to eat back all your excercise calories (MFP has a deficit already worked in). Also make sure you are only set to lose .5 to 1lb per week (anything else is unrealistic and unsustainable). Lastly, are you sure your excercise calories are correct? Most machines (and MFP references) are a gross underestimation. A heart rate montor with a chest strap is most accurate, and well worth the investment in my opinion. GOOD LUCK!
  • chatnel
    chatnel Posts: 688 Member
    Try and aim for high fibre and high protein foods, they are the most filling. eg boiled egg will fill you up much longer than bread. Bulk up meals with veggies too.
  • RGonVSH
    RGonVSH Posts: 44 Member
    1200 calories is awfully low. What setting have you put into the formula for how much you want to lose each week? It sounds like you are trying to lose too much, too fast.

    I am finding that if I balance my plate in the following ways, that I am never hungry. For breakfast, half of my plate is protein OR whole grain and the other half is veggies or fruit. However, for all other meals, 2/3 of my plate is filled with veggies with only 1/3 of my plate being protein/wholegrain. The key for me has been eating 2/3 plate of veggies; a big vegetable salad, or steamed or stir-fried veggies really fill me up. And if I am still hungry, I can usually have a second plate of veggies. They are great for filling me up without adding a ton of calories. At least that is what works for me... good luck!
  • srp2011
    srp2011 Posts: 1,829 Member
    I'm on 1200/day and sometimes can't even get that - the trick is eating lots of healthy, unprocessed foods - lean proteins, veggies and fruits, whole grains, no added oils or sauces when cooking. A typical day for me would start with cream of wheat and a banana for breakfast, or a plate with deli ham, non-fat cottage cheese and mixed fruits. For lunch I have a huge salad with lots of greens and veggies, 3 oz of protein, a little cheese and croutons, and Wishbone salad spritzers (you can cover a salad for 25-30 cals), Dinner would be fish or shrimp or a veggie burger (I'm a quasi-pescatarian, but you could use any lean meat), a lot of steamed veggies, and maybe a steamed red potato. Snacks throughout the day include veggies with low cal dip, low-fat microwave popcorn, fruit, Skinny Cow ice cream treats (dessert), sugar free pudding cups, etc.... One of the keys is to get protein with every meal - that helps to keep your blood sugar stable. Also, high fiber foods, which help to keep you feeling fuller. Avoid processed foods - these pack in the calories, and are usually low in fiber, so you're left feeling hungry soon after eating, unless they are high in fat, in which case you've gotten a boatload of unnecessary calories. Also, stay away from sugary and starchy foods, or high glycemic foods - these can give you a blood sugar spike that leaves you feeling hungry and craving more sugary/starchy foods. Also, watch alcohol - a lot of drinks are loaded with calories - if you're going to drink, try wine, which is relatively low compared to margaritias or mixed drinks, and limit the quantity - drinking can also leave you feeling hungry or craving foods.

    Hope this helps!
  • srp2011
    srp2011 Posts: 1,829 Member
    1200 is awfully low. But I find that if I balance my plate in the following ways, that I am never hungry. For breakfast, half of my plate is protein OR whole grain and the other half is veggies or fruit. However, for all other meals, 2/3 of my plate are veggies with only 1/3 of my plate being protein/wholegrain. The key for me has been eating 2/3 plate of veggies; a big vegetable salad, or steamed or stir-fried veggies really fill me up. And if I am still hungry, I can usually have a second plate as long as I keep the same portions. At least that is what works for me... good luck!

    Great rule of thumb!
  • tcmay72
    tcmay72 Posts: 82 Member
    i have found if i am running low on calories, earn some:0) think of that boring 20 min walk as a reward. a little activity/house cleaning gives you extra calories and a cleaner house. Run the vacume hey you just earned a snack:0) somtimes the exercise alone makes me forget wanting to eat. good luck. I my best days are the busy ones, my worst are the lazy days on the couch:0)
  • FightingFATtoFightingFIT
    Hi Cindy, I am on a 1200 calories. I very rarely make it to the the 1000 cal mark and I eat well :). I take time to plan my meals & cook them at home & make sure I eat a "healthier version" of everything so I do not feel deprived of anything. Feel free to friend me and you can view my diary and I can share some ideas with you. Not sure if my meals will work for you since I am Asian, but am here to help!
  • Mdin1029
    Mdin1029 Posts: 456 Member
    I had a very similar starting weight, height, and goal. I also started at the 1200 because I marked lose a pound a week, I changed to .5 and was given 1400. Much happier, I can stay 100 calories under this most days but could not stick to the 1200. Also I know you might not want to hear it but exercise really is the cure to this problem. Not only will it give you more calories, but it also inspires you to eat in a more healthy manner, and will help you maintain your loss long term.

    I like to mix Jillian Michael's dvds, running 30 mins, rollerblading 1 hour, swimming 20 mins, or biking 2 hours. Now I am addicted to exercise :) Hope that helps.