1,200 calories = STARVING CINDY!



  • 3-2-1 shakes do not curb my appetite in the least! If anything I just wind up with extra calories from the shake. I'm on a 1500 calorie diet and I am never below on my consumption, but fall below some days with exercise. I feel like I'm starving every day on a 1500 cal diet. I feel your pain.
  • kr3851
    kr3851 Posts: 994 Member
    I've just reduced my calories to 1200 (started a program recommended by my GP) and struggled until I found the steamfresh veggies. One microwave packet is a whole bowlful of veggies for roughly 100 calories. Add a piece of steak or chicken to that and you have a very filling meal. You can season with garlic powder, pepper, and many other spices to vary flavours.

    Also make sure you have protein in every meal - meat, eggs, protein powder - it doesn't matter how you do it, but do it. Protein keeps you fuller for longer and helps you maintain muscle if eaten in the right proportions while maintaining a calorie deficit.
  • cindy4mica
    cindy4mica Posts: 777 Member
    I'm on 1,200 calories a day and I always have a ton of calories left over. I'm doing the Slimfast 3-2-1 diet and it's really working for me. I'm never hungry and I have to remind myself to eat a lot of the time. Please feel free to add me as a friend and look at my food diary if you'd like some Ideas :)

    Ok, so I looked at your diary and I could *never* do that! I tried the Slim Fast diet once - all it gave me was gas and I was still hungry - never felt "satisfied". Kudos to your body for allowing you to do it and feel good!
  • cindy4mica
    cindy4mica Posts: 777 Member
    I eat lots of veggies and soy meats, so I get to eat more food for my calories versus small portions of high caloric, processed foods. Are you drinking enough fluids?

    I'm *definitely* not drinking enough. Like my mother, I'm a camel - I almost never feel thirsty and have to force myself to drink. Oh, and did I mention I *hate* water??
  • TheBooBooStew
    TheBooBooStew Posts: 54 Member
    My dietician put me on 1200 calories a day. You are welcomed to look at my diary and see what I eat. I eat lots of veggies and meats, and low fat stuff. I have diabetes type II and my sugar was high and out of control. Now it is getting better and I am losing weight and I don't feel deprived. I dont drink any diet soda anymore. A lot of water and sugar free kool-aid, or crystal light.
  • cindy4mica
    cindy4mica Posts: 777 Member
    Wow! Lots of great advice! Thanks to all of you:)
  • takehimaway
    takehimaway Posts: 499 Member
    Your post title made me giggle. I can just imagine saying now, "I feel like a starving Cindy!" I'm on 1,200 calories a day, and I just started roller blading again, AMA, and it gives me an extra 900 to work with. Can you try something like that?
  • Drink water or Green tea before every meal.
    I am VERY hungry by lunch so i have 10 natural almonds before i eat my lunch to give me that extra fill.
  • cindy4mica
    cindy4mica Posts: 777 Member
    Your post title made me giggle. I can just imagine saying now, "I feel like a starving Cindy!" I'm on 1,200 calories a day, and I just started roller blading again, AMA, and it gives me an extra 900 to work with. Can you try something like that?

    Roller blading?? Um, no. Now *that* would be funny! LOL! But I suppose adding some exercise wouldn't kill me and quite frankly, I need it.
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    You may too active for 1200 calories. Also, if you work out, you should be eating your exercise calories and eating at least a NET of 1200 calories. As in: you eat 1200 calories, burn 500 calories, you should eat 500 more so your NET is 1200.
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    I just read a thread where people were saying they were ok with eating only 1,200 calories/day and did not feel hungry or deprived. I, on the other hand, feel ravenous most of the day and my thoughts are consumed with when my next snack/meal will be (and yes, I'm aware that if I exercise I can eat more). If you're one of those on the 1,200 calorie/day diet and feel satiated at the end of the day, could you please give me a list of foods you're eating that are filling you? Is there a "method" to what you eat at what time of day that keep you fuller longer? Any advice would be great - thanks!

    The 1200 calorie failure crew is a unique group of people who even though they have seen and read thousands of posts stating that the 1200 calorie diet doesnt work...they feel compelled to try it anyway!
    And fail...

    Its because they are unique and love torture!

    I on the other hand opted for the eat well and burn the fat off with proper training.
    I've come to find out that most people around 5'5" can eat appx 1600-2300 calories daily and lose weight depending on their activity factor.

    Thats my 2cents!
  • slynn28
    slynn28 Posts: 93
    I'm 5'3 and 128 trying to get back to 115 also. I've been dieting and not exercising and lost a pound so far. Basically all you need to do is look at how your eating.. its better to hv a full meal that fills you up rather than small portions that u hungry still.
  • CashierCantin
    CashierCantin Posts: 206 Member
    I'm allotted 1200 a day and tend to be 100-200 below that at the end of the day.

    I really watch what I eat....this site has me really looking at things differently, which I needed!

    For breakfast I have:
    Cup of coffee with splenda and real half/half
    Either a baggie of cheerios (measured), one packet of oatmeal or one packet of cream of wheat.

    Midday snack I'll have a clementine or 100 calorie pack of something.

    Lunch is
    3 oz baby carrots, sandwich on whole wheat (turkey or ham with mustard or tuna with real mayo), 100 calorie pack of chips or cheetos OR a can of light soup and some chips of some type (pretzels, baked cheetos, cheezits)

    Afternoon snack could be another clementine or apple

    Dinner is always different. I either make brown rice and some sort of protein, homemade pizza, chicken and steam veggies, or left overs from the night before.

    I usually have 200-300 calories left over at night to 'snack' if I need to, some nights I do, some I don't.

    Hope this helps!

    ETA: I'm 5'2, just started exercising again (walking on treadmill) and need to lose another 17 pounds. I don't feel deprived with 1200...If I am hungry, I DO eat regardless if I have leftover calories or not...some days I am fine, some days I am not. I am relearning what its like to have true hunger versus mindless eating and I am happy with my daily menus. If and when I get stuck on the scale or get bored with my menu, I'll slowly bump it up some to try something different. So far this is working...slowly, but that's okay...its a journey, not a race.
  • jayliospecky
    jayliospecky Posts: 25,022 Member

    I used this site to calculate BMR.


    I believe it to be accurate. I just had my body composition done at a health center and they told me my BMR was 1337 - that website calculated mine at 1340.

    Well! I find this interesting. This website gave me a BMR of 1517, and MFP gives me a BMR of 1437. This is a significant difference to me. I wonder which one is more accurate?

    FYI, I feel like I am starving on 1200 calories per day, which is why I don't do it anymore!
  • chelsifina
    chelsifina Posts: 346 Member
    I was at 1300 kcals for awhile and was always starving, grumpy, and tired. I changed my settings to allow for much many more calories and am now allowed 1750. Now I am always full, and often don't even feel the need to eat back my exercise calories, or at least not all of them, and I lose every week. It was one for the most important changes to my weight loss plan that I've made. I also increased my protein (I get 120 each day) and that also keeps my energy high and helps me feel full. Getting treated for adrenal fatigue also helped immensely. Good luck to you!
  • laineyluma
    laineyluma Posts: 358 Member
    I eat a lot of fiber rich foods. And I like almonds too they help me feel full. I don't eat a ton of calorie dense foods I try to eat things that have good quantity for the amount of calories. Although I like to have a cookie or two sometimes. :)
  • slynn28
    slynn28 Posts: 93
    How did you get the image to post showing how much weight you've lost?
  • I started my 1,200 diet this last week; today is my 8th day. The first three days were the worst, especially because I was not use to eating so little. I kept thinking about my next meal all the time. The first few days, I noticed that I was about 100 over my calorie limit, but as the days progressed, I started feeling better and these last two days, I have been under by about 100 to 200 calories and feel fine. What I have been doing is eating alot of veggies that are not high in calorie but are filling. For example, this morning I had two scrambled eggs, but I diced 1/2 of tomoteo and 1/2 of a bell pepper. Even though it was two egges, the portion seemed bigger because of the veggies (I added 1/3 of low-fat cheese); it was delicious. I also add two slices of turkey bacon.
  • slynn28
    slynn28 Posts: 93

    I used this site to calculate BMR.


    I believe it to be accurate. I just had my body composition done at a health center and they told me my BMR was 1337 - that website calculated mine at 1340.

    Well! I find this interesting. This website gave me a BMR of 1517, and MFP gives me a BMR of 1437. This is a significant difference to me. I wonder which one is more accurate?

    FYI, I feel like I am starving on 1200 calories per day, which is why I don't do it anymore!

    How did u get your weight lost graphic to post?