The Opposite of Body Dysmorphia



  • MFPfriend
    MFPfriend Posts: 1,121 Member
    I was actually wondering this!

    I know I have weight to lose, so I'm not in denial or anything. But I actually feel amazing. I can look at myself and look past my weight and see all the beautiful things about myself. It didn't start happening until I lost a little bit of weight. But it's almost like a new sense of self-confidence. I can see myself skinny, see myself as a happy, beautiful person.
  • pussycat626
    pussycat626 Posts: 129 Member
    lol this post is funny because me and a friend were just talking about this.

    I look in the mirror and think "Damn, I hid my body fat pretty good today" or look and think "Dang I look good in these jeans" then someone goes and takes a picture of me and shows it to me and I think OMG how did I get so fat in just a couple of hours? lol. I seriously don't see it until I see it in a picture.
  • thelovelyLIZ
    thelovelyLIZ Posts: 1,227 Member
    Honestly, the first thing that comes to mind is those extremely overweight girls who try to dress like super skinny stripper. The skimpy clothing that is unflattering on their body type, and they think they look good. Don't get me wrong, I have known some heavier men and women who know how to dress themselves and look amazing, because they know how to flatter their bodies. But for most overweight women, a string bikini and booty shorts is not the most flattering look for them.
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    I have a few overweight male friends who think they're gods gift to women. I'm pretty sure that is what you're getting at.
  • takehimaway
    takehimaway Posts: 499 Member
    I just think I look healthy, not overweight like my BMI says that I am.

  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    BMI is BS. I'm overweight & aiming for obese.
  • busterbluth
    busterbluth Posts: 115 Member
    I see myself as a tall person even though I'm 5'1".
  • takehimaway
    takehimaway Posts: 499 Member
    BMI is BS. I'm overweight & aiming for obese.

    I know that it is, but it still makes me sad.
  • shakybabe
    shakybabe Posts: 1,578 Member
    I didn't feel so big but my family are all big and my best friend is bigger than me, even at my biggest I was still the smallest..both height and weight wise.

    I had been bigger (16st at heaviest) and did get down to 11 st 7 then went back upto 12 st 7. It was only someone else's reaction when they had to weigh me for powerchair assessment that made me think ther people might see as bigger or that I weighed more than I should.

    I actually didn't have any bathroom scales up to that point, but went and got some. THEN Ifet fat, at home when looked in mirror, then I'd go out with family and nt feel so bad as they were all bigger.

    I'm down to 10st 2 now, from size 20 to just fitting in some 14's. My tummy still doesn't look right though, people say I'm thinner but I still see 10 st 2 and think I'm still fat. To me, I felt I'd feel thinner when I get into single figures like 9st 9, I'll have to see when I get there but I think it will depend on where my tummy is too at that point!
  • ComeAroundSundown
    ComeAroundSundown Posts: 69 Member
    I understand where you're coming from. I had a similar mindset, then one day it just hit me. It wasn't that I was HAPPY with my weight - far from it, I just never saw myself as "fat". Seeing myself as fat is what helped me get to where I am now.
  • ElementalEscapee
    ElementalEscapee Posts: 552 Member
    Ha, yeah! I look in the mirror sometimes and I think looking goooood and then later in a photo for example I'm HORRIFIED at what I see...or I accidentally make the fat on my arms/stomach jiggle... >:o grrrrr
  • TheBraveryLover
    TheBraveryLover Posts: 1,217 Member
    Yeah, when I was heavier, I definitely saw a slimmer build than I was. I didn't realize it until now, when looking at older pics.
  • shasha_84
    shasha_84 Posts: 170
    When I was 50 lbs heavier, my mom would tell me all the time that I was getting fat and should lose weight or "do crunches".but I honestly thought she was just being rude. I thought I was fine. I didn't see myself as "that big" when I started dropping the weight I was shocked how much I was losing. Now that I look back at before pics I am horrified cause I had no idea that I looked like that. .
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    Yup, I know what you mean - I knew I had put on weight and I knew I was quite overweight, but seeing Christmas photos from 2010 really brought home to me HOW overweight I was. I think it's easy to look at yourself in a familiar environment and not really register those kgs creeping on.

    I find that I'm surprised at how much smaller I am now - buts its mostly photos that make me realize it. This is a much nicer surprise!
  • sirihermine
    sirihermine Posts: 123 Member
    I have a history of being anorexic for several years... And I would always think of myself as so much fatter than I really was.
    Fast forward a few years, and I've gained a lot... Now, I look in the mirror and see "normal", not overweight allthough I know I tecnically am... Takes a picture to really show me how I look...

    I guess body dysmorphia can go both ways :S
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    I just think I look healthy, not overweight like my BMI says that I am.


    Woah, I can see your rib cage !! Oh wait, that's your shirt...

    I'm ignoring BMI now, I'm technically still overweight but I'm healthy as can be and feeling (and in my opinion, looking) great.
    PS. You look great too, we're proof that BMI is flawed!
  • justle
    justle Posts: 275 Member
    i've had this the whole time i've been overweight BUT its more like i believe i'm small UNTIL i look in the mirror and then reality hits that no i'm not a size 14 (well i am now lol)
  • sschmidt928
    sschmidt928 Posts: 39 Member
    I'm with you guys. I'm getting ready to go out, feeling good, thinking I look awesome... It's not til I see myself in pics and think "Who's the fat girl? Oh, wait... ****." that I realize how big I've allowed myself to get.
    I guess we see what we want to see - and we've all learned the right way to stand in the mirror. I'm happily looking forward to seeing a much skinnier person in those pics.
  • Kenzietea2
    Kenzietea2 Posts: 1,132 Member
    I've always liked the way I looked, even when I was a fatty. But yet I have also still had some issues. I sum it up to having good days and bad days and being "glass half full" type of person.
  • Cdcaldwe
    Cdcaldwe Posts: 189 Member
    When I was at my largest I would look around a room many times and be able to say to myself, "I am not the fattest person in here, look at that guy." Eventually that person was no longer in the room. Took me years to realize how fat I was. I use to have this roll of fat around my back that is now gone. I have looked at old pics and realize now why people don't recognize me who haven't seen me in awhile.