How do we feel about Crossfit?



  • Jeff92se
    Jeff92se Posts: 3,369 Member
    If you can afford a personal trainer, that will help you reach your goals much better than Crossfit, because the goal with Crossfit is basically to get good at doing Crossfit workouts, and not necessarily your own personal goals.

    The Crossfit people I've personally met are NOT very nice. They have the attitude that Crossfit is better than anything else, are very elitist, extremists, and are proud of all the bloody blisters on their hands and the scars they received from injuries doing Crossfit workouts. Maybe all Crossfit gyms don't attract that kind of a crowd, but from all I've seen and heard that seems to be the norm .

    Crossfit as the name implies is an overall fitness type of workout. Can be extreme or can be not so extreme. If your definition of crossfit is being faster, stronger and leaner, then you are right, you will be better at crossfit. But you'd also be be better at most anything else too. Tell me how a personal trainer would help a person achieve their goals faster by using them vs a crossfit program? I wouldn't really go into about being a bodybuilder, powerlifter or marathoner. Because 1) the OP doesn't have that goal and 2) crossfit would probably meeting those goals better than some random personal trainer.
  • Health_Gal
    Health_Gal Posts: 718 Member
    2) crossfit would probably meeting those goals better than some random personal trainer.

    That's exactly what I mean by Crossfit elitism. They automatically think that Crossfit training and Crossfit trainers are better than anything else around.

    I did not say to use a random personal trainer. They can be good and bad too. But if you have a personal trainer that you work well with and that understands your goals, you'll probably be a lot better off than doing Crossfit, which doesn't focus on your goals, or really focus on anything except being extreme.
  • Jeff92se
    Jeff92se Posts: 3,369 Member
    2) crossfit would probably meeting those goals better than some random personal trainer.

    That's exactly what I mean by Crossfit elitism. They automatically think that Crossfit training and Crossfit trainers are better than anything else around.

    I did not say to use a random personal trainer. They can be good and bad too. But if you have a personal trainer that you work well with and that understands your goals, you'll probably be a lot better off than doing Crossfit, which doesn't focus on your goals, or really focus on anything except being extreme.

    Incorrect assumption. Overall, the idea of the crossfit program is overall fitness. Stronger, faster, leaner, better cardio shape.

    That covers 90% of all people's overall goals here.

    Finding a trainer that can consistently perform better than what the general program that crossfit offers, is going to be tough.

    I think you put personal trainers on an elitest pedestal in my opinion.
  • Health_Gal
    Health_Gal Posts: 718 Member
    Crossfit makes you a jack of all trades and master of none.
  • addisondisease
    addisondisease Posts: 664 Member

    Finding a trainer that can consistently perform better than what the general program that crossfit offers, is going to be tough.

    Totally agree.

    A good crossfit trainer (yes one that teaches good form) would be great at all the fitness aspects. Again your trainer should be chosen based on your goals, you wouldn't have a cross fit trainer if you are wanting to focus on power lifting, you wouldn't want a zumba instructor teaching you how to kip, you wouldn't want your dentist performing a endoscopy, you get the idea. Trainers are just like us, they can know a lot about different things, but they always have an expertise. Choose the trainer that works best with your goals.
  • Jeff92se
    Jeff92se Posts: 3,369 Member
    Crossfit makes you a jack of all trades and master of none.

    Yes, you have said this and I've addressed it.

    personal trainers will most likely give you luke warm results and charge you an arm and a leg for it. Although crossfit can be pricely also.

    Then again, my last statement was about you putting personal trainers on an elitest pedestal that you were criticizing others for doing with crossfit.
  • Jeff92se
    Jeff92se Posts: 3,369 Member

    Finding a trainer that can consistently perform better than what the general program that crossfit offers, is going to be tough.

    Totally agree.

    A good crossfit trainer (yes one that teaches good form) would be great at all the fitness aspects. Again your trainer should be chosen based on your goals, you wouldn't have a cross fit trainer if you are wanting to focus on power lifting, you wouldn't want a zumba instructor teaching you how to kip, you wouldn't want your dentist performing a endoscopy, you get the idea. Trainers are just like us, they can know a lot about different things, but they always have an expertise. Choose the trainer that works best with your goals.

    You do know that the OP doesn't have any of those listed right? Not to mention how difficult it would be to find a personal trainer that excells in power lifting, marathoning, bodybuilding. Personal trainers are also just a jack of all trades. Nothing special
  • addisondisease
    addisondisease Posts: 664 Member

    Finding a trainer that can consistently perform better than what the general program that crossfit offers, is going to be tough.

    Totally agree.

    A good crossfit trainer (yes one that teaches good form) would be great at all the fitness aspects. Again your trainer should be chosen based on your goals, you wouldn't have a cross fit trainer if you are wanting to focus on power lifting, you wouldn't want a zumba instructor teaching you how to kip, you wouldn't want your dentist performing a endoscopy, you get the idea. Trainers are just like us, they can know a lot about different things, but they always have an expertise. Choose the trainer that works best with your goals.

    You do know that the OP doesn't have any of those listed right? Not to mention how difficult it would be to find a personal trainer that excells in power lifting, marathoning, bodybuilding. Personal trainers are also just a jack of all trades. Nothing special

    I don't even think OP is reading this anymore. Now were just making noise.
  • Athera82
    In regards to what others have said saying how bad Crossfit is I would have to completely disagree. I just started running last spring and loved it. Since I live in Upstate NY the running outdoors season has pretty much ceased. I started going to Crossfit as a way of building my muscles up so I could increase my speed and decrease my time. I found that I gained more than that by going to classes. I was able to really see what I could do as an athlete. My crossfit trainer is one of my best friends, and believe me she is not easy on me. The best part about when I leave the gym is that I have accomplished something new every time! I highly recommend it. Give it a try and really see what you can do. I figured after I ran my first half-marathon I was an athlete... well not so much...there's still so much that I never imagined I could do and I've done it all at Crossfit! Try it out you'll be glad!! Remember Strong is the New Skinny!!!
  • Jeff92se
    Jeff92se Posts: 3,369 Member
    In regards to what others have said saying how bad Crossfit is I would have to completely disagree. I just started running last spring and loved it. Since I live in Upstate NY the running outdoors season has pretty much ceased. I started going to Crossfit as a way of building my muscles up so I could increase my speed and decrease my time. I found that I gained more than that by going to classes. I was able to really see what I could do as an athlete. My crossfit trainer is one of my best friends, and believe me she is not easy on me. The best part about when I leave the gym is that I have accomplished something new every time! I highly recommend it. Give it a try and really see what you can do. I figured after I ran my first half-marathon I was an athlete... well not so much...there's still so much that I never imagined I could do and I've done it all at Crossfit! Try it out you'll be glad!! Remember Strong is the New Skinny!!!

    Didn't you know, crossfit won't help your running? Stop making sense.
  • HOSED49
    HOSED49 Posts: 665 Member
    yes, its better to have not tried crossfit at all but consistently bash it even though you have absolutley no clue what its about, how its done, or what benefits you may get from it.......
    All those crossfit games they have on espn, they are fake, those athletes benefit nothing from the crossfit workouts they do, abs are prolly painted on, one girl on here , her friend was injured having his crossfit abs painted on...she absolutley will not recommend it it so it must be bad for you if she says so over and over and over and over (x infinty)...
    Makes me so mad to see people bash a program they have no clue about...
    Someone gets hurt squatting in front of a personal the biggest loser, they go flying off the treadmill with multiple personal trainers around, someone gets blisters or shin splints when they run, oh dear god a buddy of mine dropped a dumbbell on his toe putting it back on the dumbell rack-so dont use dumbells they are dangerous!!! riding a bicycle is bad for you, you could get hit by a car, running on the road is dangerous for you, again-could get hit by a car. If you fatigue doing pushups your arms could give out and you could land on your nose.....dont jumprope- could get strangled in the rope!
    Seriously....if you havent physically done Crossfit , then you have no clue how it will affect your body or your performance, much like any workout DVD or Zumba Class or any other class you take....maybe youll hate it, maybe youll love it....but dont let some ignorant repeptitive post sway you away from it....Look at the physiques it produces, look at the world renowned coaches they bring in to make it better.... try some of the easily printable workouts at home....then decide for yourself.....cant stress that enough...try it, if you dont like it you lost 30 minutes to an hour of your do that most days with some of the tv shows you pick to watch at night...
  • Health_Gal
    Health_Gal Posts: 718 Member
    I have taken boot camp classes at the YMCA, and I didn't really like them. That was close enough to Crossfit stuff for me. Who the heck invented burpees? That's the silliest looking exercise I've ever seen. It looks like they don't know if they want you to exercise on the ground or standing up- LOL.

    I don't have a goal of trying to look like the "ripped" Crossfit women you see on their posters.. Personally, the ripped look on men or women doesn't appeal to me. Some muscle definition is fine, but not the extreme looking 6-pack abs stuff.
  • j4nash
    j4nash Posts: 1,719 Member
    Let's see.. personal trainer, 6 days a week, 60 an hour, 4 weeks, $1440 + 50 gym membership. $1490 a month. The personal trainer argument, from a financial standpoint, is asinine.

    Crossfit - $150 a month.

    Crossfit is a great combination of strength and cardio. If you haven't tried it go on a Saturday. Most of the gyms I've seen do a free Saturday session.
  • Elzecat
    Elzecat Posts: 2,916 Member
    Even if your local Crossfit does encourage scaling, it would not be much fun to be near the bottom of the class, which is where you would probably be if most of the elements in their workouts are new to you. Personally, I like being in a class where I'm about in the middle as far as ability levels go. That way, I'm not at the bottom of the ladder, and I still have something to strive for. I am somewhere in the middle ability-level in most of the group fitness classes I take at the YMCA .

    Good grief. So someone shouldn't try CrossFit now because they wouldn't be at the "top" of the class? What a horrible attitude to bring to any fitness activity, RachelSNO. What is so wrong with being "at the bottom of the ladder?" When I started working with my running group in August I was by far the SLOWEST runner there except for one woman about 25 years my senior. Should I have felt bad for being a beginner and being several minutes slower pacewise and given up, or not gone, because I knew I was slower? I could have said, oh no, I'm not going to try this because I won't be "in the middle" or very good at it, at first. Fortunately for me, I have a much better attitude than you and was willing to be less than "in the middle" of a new activity. 5 months later...I've shaved 3 minutes off my mile pace. I have completed a half marathon and multiple other races. I've made new friends and become passionate about something that frankly I was not all that "good" at when I started.
  • LisaCFSF
    LisaCFSF Posts: 258 Member
    yes, its better to have not tried crossfit at all but consistently bash it even though you have absolutley no clue what its about, how its done, or what benefits you may get from it.......
    All those crossfit games they have on espn, they are fake, those athletes benefit nothing from the crossfit workouts they do, abs are prolly painted on, one girl on here , her friend was injured having his crossfit abs painted on...she absolutley will not recommend it it so it must be bad for you if she says so over and over and over and over (x infinty)...
    Makes me so mad to see people bash a program they have no clue about...
    Someone gets hurt squatting in front of a personal the biggest loser, they go flying off the treadmill with multiple personal trainers around, someone gets blisters or shin splints when they run, oh dear god a buddy of mine dropped a dumbbell on his toe putting it back on the dumbell rack-so dont use dumbells they are dangerous!!! riding a bicycle is bad for you, you could get hit by a car, running on the road is dangerous for you, again-could get hit by a car. If you fatigue doing pushups your arms could give out and you could land on your nose.....dont jumprope- could get strangled in the rope!
    Seriously....if you havent physically done Crossfit , then you have no clue how it will affect your body or your performance, much like any workout DVD or Zumba Class or any other class you take....maybe youll hate it, maybe youll love it....but dont let some ignorant repeptitive post sway you away from it....Look at the physiques it produces, look at the world renowned coaches they bring in to make it better.... try some of the easily printable workouts at home....then decide for yourself.....cant stress that enough...try it, if you dont like it you lost 30 minutes to an hour of your do that most days with some of the tv shows you pick to watch at night...

    I 'm loving it!!!
  • LisaCFSF
    LisaCFSF Posts: 258 Member
    Even if your local Crossfit does encourage scaling, it would not be much fun to be near the bottom of the class, which is where you would probably be if most of the elements in their workouts are new to you. Personally, I like being in a class where I'm about in the middle as far as ability levels go. That way, I'm not at the bottom of the ladder, and I still have something to strive for. I am somewhere in the middle ability-level in most of the group fitness classes I take at the YMCA .

    Good grief. So someone shouldn't try CrossFit now because they wouldn't be at the "top" of the class? What a horrible attitude to bring to any fitness activity, RachelSNO. What is so wrong with being "at the bottom of the ladder?" When I started working with my running group in August I was by far the SLOWEST runner there except for one woman about 25 years my senior. Should I have felt bad for being a beginner and being several minutes slower pacewise and given up, or not gone, because I knew I was slower? I could have said, oh no, I'm not going to try this because I won't be "in the middle" or very good at it, at first. Fortunately for me, I have a much better attitude than you and was willing to be less than "in the middle" of a new activity. 5 months later...I've shaved 3 minutes off my mile pace. I have completed a half marathon and multiple other races. I've made new friends and become passionate about something that frankly I was not all that "good" at when I started.

  • kir911
    kir911 Posts: 228 Member
    I am just wondering how many forums you can post on negatively Rachel...this is absurd!!! shut up already
  • LuckyAng
    LuckyAng Posts: 1,173 Member
    I know this topic will draw blood...


    AH hahaha!!! :heart:
  • Health_Gal
    Health_Gal Posts: 718 Member
    Even if your local Crossfit does encourage scaling, it would not be much fun to be near the bottom of the class, which is where you would probably be if most of the elements in their workouts are new to you. Personally, I like being in a class where I'm about in the middle as far as ability levels go. That way, I'm not at the bottom of the ladder, and I still have something to strive for. I am somewhere in the middle ability-level in most of the group fitness classes I take at the YMCA .

    Good grief. So someone shouldn't try CrossFit now because they wouldn't be at the "top" of the class? What a horrible attitude to bring to any fitness activity, RachelSNO. What is so wrong with being "at the bottom of the ladder?" When I started working with my running group in August I was by far the SLOWEST runner there except for one woman about 25 years my senior. Should I have felt bad for being a beginner and being several minutes slower pacewise and given up, or not gone, because I knew I was slower? I could have said, oh no, I'm not going to try this because I won't be "in the middle" or very good at it, at first. Fortunately for me, I have a much better attitude than you and was willing to be less than "in the middle" of a new activity. 5 months later...I've shaved 3 minutes off my mile pace. I have completed a half marathon and multiple other races. I've made new friends and become passionate about something that frankly I was not all that "good" at when I started.

    You missed my point entirely!

    I didn't say you shouldn't try ANYTHING because you might be the slowest, but the extremely competitive do-it-or-die atmosphere of many Crossfit gyms would not be fun to deal with if you are not able to keep up. I was one of the slower runners in my running group when I started that activity, but the leaders were reasonable people, and it wasn't all about pushing yourself until you puked or passed out. BIG DIFFERENCE!
  • XFitMojoMom
    XFitMojoMom Posts: 3,255 Member
    MOST Crossfit affiliates offer a "foundations" or "fundamentals" program before you start. It teaches you the proper form for O-lifts and gymnastics and all the functional movements you will be working on in a Crossfit WOD (workout of the day). My box offered a monthlong fundamentals program 3 x week - so it was pretty intensive and wide focusing. Make sure when you visit your box you ask them what their upramp program consists of. I wouldn't join one that offers only a week long program.

    Should you try it - heck yeah!
    But keep in mind it may not be for you. Hey - running is not for me... just not my thing... I hurt, plantar fasciitis , shin splints, soleus issues...
    Crossfit I do because it's something new each time I go. I have 1 coach with usually at least 1 level 1 certified athlete in the group of 10 in the class. I scale most WOD's, but also push myself outside my comfort zone. Sometimes the slowest, sometimes (like yesterday) the quickest :happy: but I ALWAYS LEAVE FEELING LIKE I DID SOMETHING NEW AND WITH A GREAT SENSE OF ACCOMPLISHMENT.