Breakfast jumps starts your metabolism? Explain that please.

I've read so many times and places, that you should eat breakfast because it "jump starts your metabolism".... That it "breaks-the-fast". I just don't understand this mantra.

I've stopped eating breakfast for several months now, and my metabolism seems fine. I can still go out and run 6-8 miles on an empty stomach, I'm not "dragging @ss", and my weight hasn't suffered from it.

I'm not talking about feeling hungry or not, or feeling energized or not. If everyone marches by this cadence, what am I missing? How would I know if it didn't "jump start" my metabolism?


  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    Do i have to eat as soon as i wake up from a nap to jump start my metabolism too?
  • shasha_84
    shasha_84 Posts: 170
    I don't know about how accurate that statement is but when I was fat I NEVER ate breakfast. I think people that skip breakfast tend to eat more calories during the rest of the day then people who eat a good breakfast. I wake up every morning starving now so i have to eat as soon as I get up! :)
    also not everyone is as blessed with an awesome metabolism as you :tongue:
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    The reason you don't understand it is because it's a lie. You do not need breakfast to "jump start" your metabolism. There have been numerous studies done showing meal frequency has little or no impact on weight loss though it is correlatively linked to higher BMI (not causative).

    Many more studies are linked to these on the right side if you want to read more.
  • shasha_84
    shasha_84 Posts: 170
    Do i have to eat as soon as i wake up from a nap to jump start my metabolism too?
    I think they say the breakfast thing cause you have gone 7 plus hours with no fuel so when you wake up in the morning, you need to eat something. I don't know anyone who naps for 7 plus hours :happy:
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    Eh. I don't really care what a study says - I eat as soon as I wake up because:

    a) I'm starving

    b) I've found eating right away and eating often helps keep my blood sugar level. A level blood sugar keeps me from binging.

    I will say I never ate breakfast when I was overweight and had a serious binge eating problem. So, I truly believe for ME - it helps control that... which makes breakfast important to me.
  • ElizabethRoad
    ElizabethRoad Posts: 5,138 Member
    That it "breaks-the-fast".
    Well, that part is true. (Thus the name.) But no, it doesn't do anything. Eating breakfast is fine and for some people it keeps them from getting overly hungry during the morning. But apparently you aren't one of those people. Don't feel obligated to eat if you don't want to.
  • ZombieKillaPrincess
    ZombieKillaPrincess Posts: 404 Member
    I don't know about how accurate that statement is but when I was fat I NEVER ate breakfast. I think people that skip breakfast tend to eat more calories during the rest of the day then people who eat a good breakfast. I wake up every morning starving now so i have to eat as soon as I get up! :)
    also not everyone is as blessed with an awesome metabolism as you :tongue:

    it's a total lie, but i always eat breakfast anyway now because if i wait til lunch, i do tend to eat more than if i were to eat breakfast or at least a snack. plus my stomach starts yelling at me if i wait til 1pm which is usually about when i lunch.
  • i dont think its true.. but, i do think that drinking 2 cups of water in the morning (before getting ready for work) jump starts your colon, lol
  • goodasgoldilox165
    goodasgoldilox165 Posts: 333 Member
    I noticed that all the 'naturally' thin members of my family eat breakfast... and all the 'less thin' ones don't. It might be a coincidence but I've included a regular breakfast in my new lifestyle and it seems to work for me.:smile:
  • KeyMasterOfGozer
    KeyMasterOfGozer Posts: 229 Member
    Eh. I don't really care what a study says - I eat as soon as I wake up because:
    Com on!, the study doesn't say that it is bad to eat breakfast, it jsut says there is no metabolic extra bonus for eating breakfast. Of course you should eat if you are hungry. However, if you are not hungry, then you should not "force" your self to eat.
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    Eh. I don't really care what a study says - I eat as soon as I wake up because:

    a) I'm starving

    b) I've found eating right away and eating often helps keep my blood sugar level. A level blood sugar keeps me from binging.

    I will say I never ate breakfast when I was overweight and had a serious binge eating problem. So, I truly believe for ME - it helps control that... which makes breakfast important to me.

    The studies do not comment on preference, which is what you are talking about. It says simply that eating the same number of calories per day regardless of whether they are divided into separate meals or in one large meal or somewhere inbetween is all that matters. Simply put, if you eat the 1300 calories per day in one big meal, you'll lose just as much as someone who divides it up into multiple smaller meals. Of course, waiting to eat all your calories at dinner doesn't work for everyone, so that is really up to you.
  • season1980
    season1980 Posts: 129 Member
    I think eating breakfast causes me to eat more through the day, I dont feel satisfied. I am doing a little experiment, I will finish out this week eating breakfast. But next week for 2 weeks I will eat when I truly feel hungry not because it is breakfast time and I should, and see how I feel. I did experiment with leangains IF for about 2 weeks a couple of months back and it was suprisingly easy and I wasnt starving.
  • jill___
    jill___ Posts: 188 Member
    I don't know about jump starting your metabolism, but I know I've lost weight since I started eating a good breakfast everyday.

    I teach preschool and I used to snack with the kids and pick at junk food all day -- when I eat breakfast, I show up to work full and have no desire to pick at the snacks we provide. Because of this, I'm also able to eat lunch later, so I'm not hungry and snacking later in the day either.
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    Eh. I don't really care what a study says - I eat as soon as I wake up because:
    Com on!, the study doesn't say that it is bad to eat breakfast, it jsut says there is no metabolic extra bonus for eating breakfast. Of course you should eat if you are hungry. However, if you are not hungry, then you should not "force" your self to eat.

    I am simply stating my personal opinion. And that honestly, you can find a study to back up or refute anything.

    I don't give a crap if it jumpstarts my metabolism or not.
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    Eh. I don't really care what a study says - I eat as soon as I wake up because:

    a) I'm starving

    b) I've found eating right away and eating often helps keep my blood sugar level. A level blood sugar keeps me from binging.

    I will say I never ate breakfast when I was overweight and had a serious binge eating problem. So, I truly believe for ME - it helps control that... which makes breakfast important to me.

    The studies do not comment on preference, which is what you are talking about. It says simply that eating the same number of calories per day regardless of whether they are divided into separate meals or in one large meal or somewhere inbetween is all that matters. Simply put, if you eat the 1300 calories per day in one big meal, you'll lose just as much as someone who divides it up into multiple smaller meals. Of course, waiting to eat all your calories at dinner doesn't work for everyone, so that is really up to you.

    And I simply stated - that I don't give a hoot what a study says. I really don't. I don't know that eating in the morning has a metabolic effect or not.

    I do find it ironic that a lot of heavy people will tell you they don't eat breakfast though.
  • suztheq
    suztheq Posts: 168 Member
    I'm going to say that it's all relative. My boyfriend does a 16 hour fasting period. His food intake cutoff is 9pm and he breaks his fast at 1pm. He adjusted quite easily to it and it works for him. He loses weight when he's cutting, maintains when he needs to and is still able to bulk up when he needs to. It also fits into his schedule.

    Me, on the other hand, could not do this. I have to eat very soon after I wake up or I get shaky. I also eat smaller meals more often. If I don't I get headaches and my blood sugar drops. This works for me and the smaller more frequent meals fit in to my schedule.

    Every one is different and you should do what works for you.
  • ryno0618
    ryno0618 Posts: 361
    I don't see a metabolic or weight loss difference whether I eat breakfast or not. However, I do choose to eat a little breakfast now because I have found that I can curb cravings by eating 5-6 mini meals throughout the day. If I start with a light breakfast and then eat at regular intervals I am less tempted to binge, to reach for unhealthy options, etc. But with anything, its different strokes for different folks. Do what comes natural and is easy for you. Eat breakfast, don't eat breakfast, you choose.
  • chelekaz
    chelekaz Posts: 847 Member
    I was never big on eating breakfast because it was just too hectic in the morning with getting kids up, fed and off to school and then starting my work day. I found that by not eating I was hungrier more throughout the day and that I was making poorer choices.

    Now that I eat a good breakfast, I find that I have more energy and clearer thinking / focus throughout the day.
  • cgrout78
    cgrout78 Posts: 1,628 Member
    Do i have to eat as soon as i wake up from a nap to jump start my metabolism too?

    LOL...that's funny, i'm sure your metabolism slowed waaay down

    and i had to reply just so I could drool over your pic sue me, it's a Monday ;)
  • I have noticed half the topics related to when/what to eat seem to end up with people leaving sarcastic remarks on others input. If you are hungry eat. If you are trying to lose weight or maintain your weight, eat in moderation. If you wish to skip breakfast because you don't believe in the "mantra", studies, or your stomach making funny noises, then don't eat. Whatever works for you, do it.

    /end_discussion (Just Kidding!)