Insanity challegne-closed group



  • Jenene88
    Jenene88 Posts: 281 Member
    I started insanity on the 2nd. This week starts my recovery week. I'm starting to get a little frustrated because after a month of working out 6 days a week and tracking all of my calories I have only lost 2 lbs (my goal is 25lbs) Everyone tells me that I'm building muscle and that weighs more than fat, but I don't look or feel any different and my clothes fit just the same (unfortunately I did not measure inches when I started so I'm not sure if my measurements have changed at all, but my guess is that they haven't). To be honest, I haven't worked out this much in years!! I was not eating well, and drinking wine almost every night...I figured with such a drastic change in my lifestyle I would have lost more than 2 lbs by now. Has anyone else had a similar experience?

    Muscle does not weigh more then fat. A pound is still a pound. Muscle Just makes you look leaner and is denser. You probably lose inches even if you don't see it. I don't k ow of you are following the diet plan or not. But I'm sure 2lbs is a grey starts to losing weight for the first month. Month 2 is where you are going to see the major changes and maybe your clothes will feel loser and you will see muscle definition. Don't be discourage over the fact that you only lost 2lbs. Measure yourself before you start month 2 and then measure again when you are done. I lost 4inches alone in month 2 all over and I didn't lose any weight but my clothes were loser and I saw muscle and my abs.
  • MoLove2025
    MoLove2025 Posts: 135 Member
    I am in my first week of insanity and i would love to join this group for support and motivation.
  • ALindseyLaw
    ALindseyLaw Posts: 3 Member
    Would love to join (although it doesn't seem to be closed!?). I am on W1 D4 - lovin' it so far but not feeling too tired/sore just yet. I have been doing turbokick for months and I think it really helped prepare me (plyo and resistance). Good luck to everyone over the weekend!! Cheers to Insanity and to us for being so :)
  • Toenges1
    Toenges1 Posts: 99 Member
    End of Week 1 and down 3 pounds!! Did not start to lose weight, rather just waned to tone up..but, I'll take it!! Leaving for a work trip next week - probaby can't do Insanity on that trip, but will try to hit the hotel gym a few times. I hate trips like this because they have you up at 7...only a few breaks during the day and then less than 45 minutes between end of meetings and eveninig event!! Hard to get exercise in! I might have to throw Shawn T in my suitcase and see what I can do in my hotel room.
  • qianared
    Recieved my INSANITY 2 weeks ago. Haven't used it yet........................I need some serious motivation!
  • Jenene88
    Jenene88 Posts: 281 Member
    Anyone is free to join. This group is here for support
  • jrr123
    How do I join? Today is day 1 for me!
  • cah1255
    cah1255 Posts: 41 Member
    just started month two today- wow! it is pretty difficult!! longer too! it's only about 15 minutes longer than the month one workouts, but it feels like an eternity! i hope i can keep pushing through it! hope everyone is still hanging in there too!!
  • beaner1st
    beaner1st Posts: 229 Member
    Just finished the last day of the first month today. I am very pleased with the results. Doing the workouts along with healthy eating I lost over 2 pounds and my goal was to stay stable. I have not lost around my belly but lost some inches around my hips. Going to need new jeans. Also brought my body fat to where I am considered lean. I have not done the shakeology due to its cost. Interested to see with the next weeks workouts hold.
  • jennamatthews1216
    Agreed!! Just started day one of month two today and wow, those last 15 minutes are tough! I liked some of the new moves though!
  • eatrunstretch
    eatrunstretch Posts: 233 Member
    I had a little look at the month 2 workouts and there's some scary stuff in there! I'm doing recovery this week. I have to say that I am not enjoying this but am spurred on by the amazing results I can see in the mirror. That and the thought of wearing my t-shirt!
  • MrsRBS
    MrsRBS Posts: 28 Member
    Can I join? I will start it today, Just finished 30DS last wk.
  • mboutselis
    mboutselis Posts: 18 Member
    I'd love to join as well - in the middle of Week 2! Lost 3-4 pounds in week one...worried I will start to see less results, but here is hoping!!
  • raven_alexis279
    Can I join? My friend and I just decided to start Insanity and I would love to be a part of this group! =)
  • safetyjan
    I am fairly new to my fitness pal and am mid way through my recovery week of insanity (core cardio and balance). I could really use some support. I would love to join your group. I have not been able to find a current support group online. I am 54 years old and was in pretty good shape prior to starting insanity. I used to swim alot and was getting bored, then about 9 months ago found exercise tv and began doing cardio/yoga/circuit training/ free weights. Then...I discovered insanity. I do not need to lose weight but need to firm up some more and increase my endurance. Since beginning insanity I have lost 3 1/2 inches (1/2 inch of my calves of all places) and my weight has remained the same. My concern/fear is beginning month 2. I faired well doing month one. I went at my own pace but pushed myself. I mainly had to take breaks because my heart rate was averaging between 162 and174 which was above the recommended heart rate for my age. Does anyone have any words of wisdom to help alleviate some of my fear of month 2?