Gastric Bypass Vs. Lap-band



  • Brittypop
    My friend took money she was going to use for weight loss surgery & instead used it for a personal trainer...that's what I recommend. Even with a lap band or gastric surgery you're going to have to eat healthier & exercise, so why not just do that from the start? It's going to take longer for the weight to come off but I honestly believe it's the better long term solution. Good luck with everything!

    AGREED! There are hundreds of people on MFP who have done this without the help of surgery. You can too!
  • humanbeing1993
    humanbeing1993 Posts: 11 Member
    Prior to weight loss surgery through Kaiser I had to take a 6 month healthy lifestyle class. We were given the option of either gastric bypass, lap band, or gastric sleeve. I had the gastric sleeve, which you haven't listed as an option, but should consider. I lost 90 lbs after surgery. I had friends that had the gastric bypass and the lapband. I constantly see the friends with the band having issues with vomiting and needing adjsutments and still struggling to take off as much weight as I did. The friends I had that went with the bypass lost much more weight initially, but they all ended up with problems such as malnutrition and vitamin deficiencies with in 6 months of thier surgeries.
  • QueenRee
    QueenRee Posts: 28 Member
    Have you heard of the gastric sleeve, it has less side effects than the gastric bypass and better results than the lap band. My insurance required I see a dietician for 6 months before having any surgery. She recommended I log my food with MFP and I now have hope I won't have to have surgery with all the inspiring people I have for motivation on this site!
  • KristalDawnO
    KristalDawnO Posts: 154 Member
    One of my best friend's had gastric bypass surgery in 2002. She had horrible complications from it, and was on a ventilator for a couple months following the surgery. During two following years she had recurring infections, and was very sick. She had to go back on the vent 12 times after the surgery. This month makes 7 years since her death. I've never been a fan of the surgery, this is mainly why. I have two other friends who did the same surgery, one successful - she has lost a lot of weight. The other, has had it repeated a few years after - with minimal effects. It is a lifestyle change, no matter if you get the surgery and it is very risky. Make sure you're ready.

    As for the lap band. My cousin has had it, and she struggles with being sick. She has lost a ton of weight, but often wonders if it was the right decision to make. It's less invasive, but very hard to get over as well. She's pretty much been miserable since having it. Another friend of mine has had it, and she seem to be doing well with it. She is also working out with a trainer, but has also experienced a lot of negative effects as well getting used to not eating like she used to eat. I think she's down 50 lbs.

    Just educate yourself and make sure you know what you're getting into.
  • janettedawn
    janettedawn Posts: 1 Member
    I do not respond to posts very often, but when it comes to this topic I like to share my experience. I was very active, worked out, danced and was in shape in high school. My mother died 2months before I graduated HS, and I started gaining weight. I then moved from CA to NV and my life changed drastically! I then met my husband a couple years later, I was 190. By the time I got married I was 300lbs. I was okay with this for awhile, we tried to have kids, doc told me to lose weight, did WW, lost 40lbs in 3 months, got pregnant, had my son. Well then I was miserable, when he was 2 I had Lap Band, I was SOOOO SCARED of Gastric Bypass, Everything seemed great, lost 40lbs in one month! Then realized I could eat less and less everyday without even getting a fill. Went to the ER, I was dehydrated, very weak and sickly. They put a camera down my throat and the hole for food to go down was the size of a ball point pen! The Doctor nicked me and I had scar tissue on the inside and out of my stomach. Had the band removed and was pissed! Had another band put in 6 months later. Lost weight VERY slowly, even with following diet to a T, if not everything comes up, so I was very careful! Got down to about 230lbs, after 2 years, then got pregnant again. After she was born, I wanted to get back on track right away, starting getting fills and NO weight loss, started the process to see what was wrong, my band had moved from the pregnancy. I then got scheduled for the Vertical Sleeve, had the surgery and because the band had destroyed my stomach so much I then had a hole in my stomach and an infection thru out my entire body. I was now on my DEATH bed, with tw kids at home! I was in the hospital for 6 weeks, very sick, nothing tio eat or drink, just hooked up to IV! I had drains in my abdomen, down my nose, and one in my back to drain fluid out of my lungs! I was drugged up all day long, dry heaving all day! Then had a splint put down my throat (another surgery), had 2 more surgeries while in the hospital to try and repair my stomach. I lost 40 pounds sitting in the hospital bed. Then got to come home with the care of a nurse and a pic line in my arm, to feed me at night. Was still on antibiotics thru a drip 6 hours a day, could not move off the couch! Still had a drain that I had to clean everyday! I did this for 3 more months while they could not figure out why my stomach would not heal! Still at home, I could not EAT or DRINK ANYTHING for 3 months. The END result was Gastric Bypass surgery, they had to remove most of my stomach to get all the destroyed section out. I then got to start eating and drinking, weeks later. I now have an incisional hernia, on the scar on my stomach that is 1 inch thick and 10 inches long, along with the other FOURTEEN scars on my stomach. I am DEATHLY afraid to have surgery again to repair the hernia, so I live with this GIANT thing coming out of my stomach, looking like I am 8 months pregnant. Sorry for the LONG story, but just wanted to give you some history as to what happened to me. Moral of the story, I am CONSTANTLY on a DIET, STILL! I am now 240lbs, and counting calories and it is working! I STRUGGLE everyday being a Stay at home mom and all the temptations, but I would rather do it the old fashion way than EVER go thru that again! Whatever you choose, I hope it works for you and you succeed, losing weight is so hard, and I wish the best for all struggling with it everyday!!!
  • calicat40
    calicat40 Posts: 37 Member
    Many of the posters have a scary story to tell you. Here is my story. Three years ago I researched and talked to many people in my area that had the lap band done. I found my surgeon at True Results. my insurance required six months of education and testing and a few therapy sessions to make sure I was a good candidate and to make sure it was the right fit for me. I still have my band and use it as a tool for weight loss. It isn't perfect but it isn't permanent. My advice is this, find a board certified surgeon and ask all the questions you can think of to ask. Go to a sight called lapbandforum if you have more questions, and talk to people in your area who have had it. See what difficulties they have. It's not perfect, there are days i'd give anything to take this danged thing out but those are the days I want to binge my face off. Second you need to search yourself and figure out why you have the habits you have. Mine is binging when I'm stressed, primarily on carbohydrates. The band and the ideal diet for me is to avoid carbs, eat proteins and veggys and lots of water and yes, you can tell from my weight loss ticker I'm still struggling. I feel better than I did three years ago for sure. Should I have lost more? yes, I should have had more adjustments but I'm happy going slow and fixing my issues that i have and learning the right way to eat rather than cinching up the band so much that i puke at every meal and lose weight by essentially being anorexic.

    Feel free to email me if you like. My surgeon is at Fort Worth Lap Band and he has some things on his site you and listen to if you want to get more info. Definately find a surgeon who is experienced and certified. This is not a surgery that just anyone should be doing as we hear there are complications if they dont know what the heck they are doing. good luck and post what you've decided on.
  • teeniemarie619
    teeniemarie619 Posts: 21 Member
    Option 3: Gastric sleeve. The Dr. actually removes about 2/3 of your stomach leaving you with a stomach about the size of a small banana. Lap band is a foreign body that your body could reject and it could move or detach inside. Gastic bypass seems pretty extreme and the "dumping" syndrome doesn't sound like fun either. I am currently going thru classes so I can get the gastric sleeve. Have already lost 50+ pounds on my own, but want the sleeve to help for the rest of my life.
  • nitau
    nitau Posts: 9 Member
    I didnt personally want the lap band apparatus inside me with a port at my skinline so I went with Gastric bypass, the best thing I ever did. No more high blood pressure, no more sleep apnea, no more asthma. For some others, no more diabetes. Excercise and eating right, just like before surgery is the key. No alcohol or soda after, no snacking, etc.
    There is a newer surgery out there, the vertical sleeve, look into it also. My two friends lost faster than me and they dont have the malaborptive and dumping issues that we have. Good luck and go forward!
  • jackie6888
    I will tell you that I had the RNY Gastric Bypass in 2009 and I lost 140 lbs rather quickly. I was a regular on the California board in and had so much support and continue to maintain friendship and support with many of the people there. In fact I am visiting with them in a meeting this Saturday morning.

    I did a lot of research between the 2 surgeries as the Gastric sleeve was not covered by my insurance since it was so new at that time. I chose gastric bypass because of the immediate benefits it presented to my conditions. I came out of the hospital off my meds. If I had had lap band, I would have had to lose the weight first to get the same results. It is some biological factor in the re-routing of the organs.

    I had 2 friends do the lap-band and in both cases, had trouble with it and in the last year have had the band taken out and had the sleeve surgery. The band slipped , they got super sick and it just didn't do well for them.

    My RNY saved my life, literally since I had so many co-morbidities (high blood pressure, severe sleep apnea, just turned the corner for diabetes) and at the time and could barely walk or sleep. I don't think I would have lived much longer had it not been for the RNY.

    It is true that the surgery is not a miracle cure, but it is a very helpful tool to get you to a place where you can actually walk and exercise and put it all into a daily routine. I still have more to lose and I am working on it diligently though the further out from surgery you are, the harder it gets. I have met some people that lost tons of weight, had plastic surgery, looked and felt amazing and then regained the weight again. It Sucks!

    But as for RNY.. though 2 years out I had a complication of an internal hernia and had to have it fixed through laparoscopic surgery, I would do it again if I had the choice. I am now caffeine free, soda free, coffee free, mostly sugar free and can exercise 5-6 days a week. I can walk, I can even run, I can dance, I can fit in booths and airplane seats, no extension belts.. Life is so much better!

    Even though people say you can do it without surgery.. maybe you can but that is your choice, I know I couldn't have at the point I was at and it gave me my life back... now I intend to never get where I was again because I like it too much! It is a personal choice! Best wishes to you!!

  • mandy_lee86
    mandy_lee86 Posts: 103 Member
    This was my reply to this topic in another forum:

    I have a Lapland and it helped me lose 80 pounds very quickly. But, guess what? In the last six months I gained 30 of it back. After my surgery I did not work out and I thought this "tool" was supposed to make me lose everything. As with gastric, you can eat as much as you want. The band does have issues with leaking, etc. Looking back on it, I woudn't do it again because it did not change my mind set of being addicted to food. The change your mindset on food you have to put i the sweat and tears and work through every pound. The lapband is a major "cop out." I would not suggeste it. I would suggest everyone to put in their sweat and tears into every pound so that you don't have the same issues down the road once you'ved reached your prefered weight. You will never get to your goal unless you have the mindset. When you finally have the mindset, you know deep down inside that NOONE/NOTHING is going to stop you from reaching your goal. I realized this a few weeks back and I've been full force since then. The pounds are coming off and it makes me realize that I was an idiot for putting it off for so long. Just my two sense... Good luck to you, whatever route you choose
  • rollycollysmama
    ok then......I had the sleeve done August 15th. As of this am, I've lost 85pounds. Off diabetes and bp meds, running 3miles 4x a week, lost 4 pant sizes. My stomach holds 4-6 oz at a time, so I have 5-6 meals/snacks a day pretty much 3hours apart. I don't have as many restrictions as the bypass in terms of what they call dumping (diarrhea/abd pain/ vomiting) due to sugar which is a reason I did this surgery. My stomach may strech to a cup or so of food over time, so I'll always have a portion restriction....but I'll never be able to eat like I used to. I hope to be at goal (100 pounds) in about 8 weeks.....that being said, the journey then starts as maintanance is what it's all about. It's smart to find out what people have to say. I recommend looking at renewed for some REAL insight.
    You got a sleve at only 185 lbs?
  • schpanks
    schpanks Posts: 468 Member
    I had a RNY in April of 2002. I lost 100 pounds with my gastric bypass. I also had an obstruction and was horribly sick for 3 months. My surgeon said I was lucky I didn't die. I went into it young, healthy, and only weighing 250 #. I can't imagine the risk for people who are diabetic with heart problems, limited mobility and more weight to lose. I have since gained back to 200 pounds and am on my second go-round with MFP. For me, weight loss surgery did not work. Yes, I lost weight. But the only way to maintain weight loss is a lifestyle change that I was not ready for. If you can't maintain the lifestyle change, the surgery is worthless. As a nurse, I've taken care of people with terrible malnutrition, infection, etc. after their weight loss surgeries. If I knew at the time of my surgery what I do now, there's no way I would have had it. Scary! I also have 2 friends with bands who initially lost a bunch of weight and are in the process of gaining it back.
  • mandy_lee86
    mandy_lee86 Posts: 103 Member
    I had a RNY in April of 2002. I lost 100 pounds with my gastric bypass. I also had an obstruction and was horribly sick for 3 months. My surgeon said I was lucky I didn't die. I went into it young, healthy, and only weighing 250 #. I can't imagine the risk for people who are diabetic with heart problems, limited mobility and more weight to lose. I have since gained back to 200 pounds and am on my second go-round with MFP. For me, weight loss surgery did not work. Yes, I lost weight. But the only way to maintain weight loss is a lifestyle change that I was not ready for. If you can't maintain the lifestyle change, the surgery is worthless. As a nurse, I've taken care of people with terrible malnutrition, infection, etc. after their weight loss surgeries. If I knew at the time of my surgery what I do now, there's no way I would have had it. Scary! I also have 2 friends with bands who initially lost a bunch of weight and are in the process of gaining it back.

    Sounds a lot like my story!
  • jackie6888
    Also, I'm asking for people who have had either surgery, not for the opinions of those who are agaisnt it. If all you're going to do is tell me not to get the surgery, then kindly keep your comments to yourself. Thanks.

    I think you should visit This site's for those who work hard to get results. Good luck!

    EXCUSE me but this site is for anyone who is trying to make a change. Even those who have had surgery and are now living a healthier lifestyle! Sugery is not a quick fix but a tool to help you get your life back. Surgery is not an easy decision or answer, all of us have to make a change during the journey to make it successful! is a great site because of the support it will give one going through this.

    This site should give support to anyone trying to make a positive change. You are just rude and misinformed and should just pass on making judgements of others that you don't know anything about!
  • blessedmom2fourkids
    There are horror stories for all the surgeries. There are people who fail going about it the 'nautral' way. I would caution you to research them on your own, without prejudice. Those that want to tell their horror stories may not be telling how they did not follow the rules. How they didn't listen to their surgeon. And then there are true horror stories, nothing they could have prevented. It is definitely a last step. Do your homework and see if surgery is the right option for you, based on your research.
  • Nana_Booboo
    Nana_Booboo Posts: 501 Member
    I have friends that have had the band and I have family that has had GI bypass.

    My friend that has had band lost about 80 pounds and gained it all back.

    My family that had GI bypass 12 years ago is very thin but her body has paid a high price.

    My neice had GI bypass done at 18. She has to go in regularly to have Iron fusion. She is also not healthy now.

    My cousin had GI bypass 12 years ago and now is 32 with the bones of a 80 year old. She fractures bones easily because her body does not absorb calcium so it letches it from her body even though she takes the very high, and very expensive calcium and shots of vit B12 monthly

    No one I've every known to have had surgery says they'd do it all over again.

    Good Luck
  • channa007
    channa007 Posts: 419 Member
    Also, I'm asking for people who have had either surgery, not for the opinions of those who are agaisnt it. If all you're going to do is tell me not to get the surgery, then kindly keep your comments to yourself. Thanks.

    EXCUSE me but this site is for anyone who is trying to make a change. Even those who have had surgery and are now living a healthier lifestyle! Sugery is not a quick fix but a tool to help you get your life back. Surgery is not an easy decision or answer, all of us have to make a change during the journey to make it successful! is a great site because of the support it will give one going through this.

    This site should give support to anyone trying to make a positive change. You are just rude and misinformed and should just pass on making judgements of others that you don't know anything about!

    You're entitled to your opinion and so am I. This site is for fitness changes not surgical ones. "Even those who have had surgery and are now living a healthier lifestyle!" -- This is true but this person has not undergone the surgery and is looking to do so -- so this is irrelevant and has no reason to be in your response. Those who have undergone the procedure looking to make fitness changes are here for the right reason... fitness changes. "Rude and misinformed" Perhaps you shouldn't make claims of this nature because you have no idea what I know about the subject and actually I know quite a bit about both procedures. If you have any questions on either procedure ask away I'd love to teach you a thing or two. "should just pass on making judgements of others that you don't know anything about" -- perhaps you should take your own advice.
  • sexycheesemonkey
    sexycheesemonkey Posts: 196 Member
    I was going to go for surgery as well, my aunt got what's called the gastric sleeve, where they take half the stomach. The lap band is less invasive BUT your body can also reject the synthetic product that is put into your body. Bypass is decent, my friend had it done, but she cannot eat MANY different things because it causes her to get sick quickly (even though she is eating correctly) The surgeries have their benefits but also their downfalls. If your surgeon offers it, the gastric sleeve is a nice medium between the two surgeries. Good luck to you!
  • lauragoat
    lauragoat Posts: 197 Member
    Had a buddy whose band moved lascerated. Something inside had to get it removed.... I have lost 80 hubby has lost almost 60....why don't you try Mcpherson before you go through with it?
  • myogibbs
    myogibbs Posts: 182
    My sister had lap band surgery. She lost close to 70 lbs so far. You HAVE to be committed to it though b/c you will not be able to eat a whole lot at all with either. If you do, you will get sick. You have to go in with your eyes open, but if you are committed to it, I would say go for the lap band. My sister did her research and it is less invasive & there are less complications (usually) Good luck!
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