Treadmill or elliptical !?

So I am going to buy one or the other and I just don't know which to get? I don't have any restrictions so I don't need something to accommodate for that !
I was told an elliptical burns double the calories ? Truth in that ?

If you had to choose one which would you get ?


    The treadmill and elliptical are both great for cardio exercises. In my opinion, they burn just about the same amount of calories. The elliptical has pedals that move with your feet and so there is less strain on your knees and ankles. However, the treadmill gives you the feel of outdoor running if you're looking to compete in marathons and such.

    I bought an elliptical last fall and I love it but I'm also planning on getting a treadmill sometime within the next few months.
  • deethinner
    deethinner Posts: 43 Member
    I just got a treadmill for Christmas and I love it. I have been told that the ellipitcal does burn more calories but I found when I went to a gym I didn't stay on it very long where a treadmill I can. Probably just has to be which YOU would prefer, Good luck
  • koosdel
    koosdel Posts: 3,317 Member
    To me, the treadmill is more fun but I like the way I feel after the eliptical. I vote eliptical.
  • Sthiara18
    Sthiara18 Posts: 29 Member
    I love the elliptical!!
  • mruntidy
    mruntidy Posts: 1,015 Member
    yeah id go with treadmill, the elliptical was designed initially to aid recovery rather than train you so if your fit n healthy go with the treadmill :)
  • writtenINthestars
    writtenINthestars Posts: 1,933 Member
    I love the treadmill but it's hard on my knees so I'd probably invest in an elliptical :)
  • atomicflygirl
    I like the elliptical because it is so low impact. :happy:
  • Abbigayle
    Abbigayle Posts: 2 Member
    I much prefer the elliptical for the simple reason of impact. There is none. There are complaints of numbness in feet but it's just cause your feet are in the same position the whole time. To correct that I use interval training, use more pressure with the toes on the easy part and then my heels for the harder part, which in turn works your gluts more.
  • jdjefferson
    Thought I would chime in with my $.02
    I always recommend that people just go outside and exercise, but people have their reasons for wanting a machine--who am I to judge?
    The treadmill, while not exactly the same as walking/running outdoors, is a good substitute.
    The elliptical probably does not burn more calories than running since you do not lift your legs (or more precisely, your feet do not leave the ground) and thus do not have to carry your weight. The ellipitical does not replicate any exercise you might experience in real life (there is no such thing as "ellipticaling").
    Lastly, there is a myth that running is hard on your joints and muscles. There are many peer-reviewed medical studies that indicate running can actually be beneficial to joint health and fighting osteoarthritis. Don't let that myth steer you away from running.
    Best of luck!
  • megannicolex33
    Not everyone is able to just go outside and exercise. Some of us live in places where it snows, the roads get icy, and it's 10 degrees outside for 3 (or more) months out of the year. So then, having a place to work out inside becomes necessary.

    In response to the original question... it's a tough call, but I'd say treadmill. I'm actually considering getting one too so that on days like today when the roads are icy, I can stay home and still get a good workout in.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,003 Member
    elliptical gets my vote.
  • baybeecakes08
    Not everyone is able to just go outside and exercise. Some of us live in places where it snows, the roads get icy, and it's 10 degrees outside for 3 (or more) months out of the year. So then, having a place to work out inside becomes necessary.

    In response to the original question... it's a tough call, but I'd say treadmill. I'm actually considering getting one too so that on days like today when the roads are icy, I can stay home and still get a good workout in.

    That is exactly why I need something for at home ! It's cold and icy outside !!

    Does anyone know how much I should look at spending to get a good one
  • jdjefferson
    Not everyone is able to just go outside and exercise. Some of us live in places where it snows, the roads get icy, and it's 10 degrees outside for 3 (or more) months out of the year. So then, having a place to work out inside becomes necessary.

    In response to the original question... it's a tough call, but I'd say treadmill. I'm actually considering getting one too so that on days like today when the roads are icy, I can stay home and still get a good workout in.

    That is exactly why I need something for at home ! It's cold and icy outside !!

    Does anyone know how much I should look at spending to get a good one

    I get it. People don't like to exercise outside. I'm not judging. Anything that gets you exercising I am in favor of! I live in WI and run in the ice/snow/cold and really enjoy it--but it's not for everyone.
    Do you want a machine that will last forever and perform well? Minimum $2000 (a good treadmill=$3500). Otherwise, visit ****'s/Sport's Authority, etc... and buy the best thing you can afford.

    EDIT: MFP won't let me print the name of a sport's store that sells exercise equipment because it may be vulgar! It rhymes with Trick's. Also, 2nd Wind is a good place if you have any of those in your area.
  • czechsmate
    czechsmate Posts: 556 Member
    Elliptical....I use the ARC trainer at the gym I go's like an elliptical without handles. I like doing intervals increasing the resistance and incline
  • mallorybriann
    mallorybriann Posts: 1,380 Member
    I'd look into an Arc Machine. I LOVE them. Easier on your joints, too.

    edit: my sis bought a treadmill and is selling hers for an elliptical... she hates it
  • ChanyRae
    ChanyRae Posts: 112
    I purchased an elliptical for home a few months ago, and LOVE it! I have on old soccer injury and its much more kind to my ankle then pounding away on a treadmill! I can use mine with or without the handles and it burns cals quick.
  • michelleablanch
    I would say elliptical....especially if you plan on really pushing yourself and setting the resisatnce and the levels pretty definetely get a great work out if you do interval level training on the elliptical
  • baybeecakes08
    Not everyone is able to just go outside and exercise. Some of us live in places where it snows, the roads get icy, and it's 10 degrees outside for 3 (or more) months out of the year. So then, having a place to work out inside becomes necessary.

    In response to the original question... it's a tough call, but I'd say treadmill. I'm actually considering getting one too so that on days like today when the roads are icy, I can stay home and still get a good workout in.

    That is exactly why I need something for at home ! It's cold and icy outside !!

    Does anyone know how much I should look at spending to get a good one

    I get it. People don't like to exercise outside. I'm not judging. Anything that gets you exercising I am in favor of! I live in WI and run in the ice/snow/cold and really enjoy it--but it's not for everyone.
    Do you want a machine that will last forever and perform well? Minimum $2000 (a good treadmill=$3500). Otherwise, visit ****'s/Sport's Authority, etc... and buy the best thing you can afford.

    The one I am looking at is 2299.00 but on sale for 749 right now ! Should be okay ?
  • MsMuniz
    MsMuniz Posts: 399 Member
    I vote elliptical but maybe you should try both at the local gym and see which you like better first. I saw some pretty inexpensive ellipticals and treadmills on Craigslist so try there.
  • jdjefferson

    The one I am looking at is 2299.00 but on sale for 749 right now ! Should be okay ?

    No kidding? If I may ask, which one is it?