Dizzy while exercising



  • vlwallace87
    vlwallace87 Posts: 52 Member
    I changed my diet up a bit and it has improved. I drink water throughout the day. (usually 8 oz with everything eaten). I don't drink much during a workout, if any at all. I usually wait till I'm done. I've still been eating better but unfortunately I injured my ankle a few days ago and can't seem to recover. I've been trying to think of good cardio exercises to do while my ankle heals.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
    I changed my diet up a bit and it has improved. I drink water throughout the day. (usually 8 oz with everything eaten). I don't drink much during a workout, if any at all. I usually wait till I'm done. I've still been eating better but unfortunately I injured my ankle a few days ago and can't seem to recover. I've been trying to think of good cardio exercises to do while my ankle heals.

    Why not just do weight training? And i hope you recover soon.
  • _Sally_
    _Sally_ Posts: 514 Member
    Make sure you are breathing properly when you are doing planks, pushups, etc.

    I actually experience something similar, but I get dizzy before my set is even over whenever I'm doing an intense activity in plank or similar position of facing down (pushups, renegade rows, suicide planks, etc.) I try to keep my breathing stead and not shallow, but honestly, I haven't figured out what causes it for myself either.

    You might want to talk to your doctor about it, especially if you know you have low blood pressure already.
  • jimarata
    jimarata Posts: 1 Member
    You may have BPPV. Check it out one the web. Hope this helps
  • MaddameKat
    MaddameKat Posts: 200 Member
    How recently have you been eating 1300? I dropped my cals from 1640 to 1340 and felt rubbish after a workout, lighthead and tired all the time. I gave myself a few days to recover - upped my salt, carbs and cals back to 1640... maybe you have done too much to quick. I also find i have to eat back my cals or i feel faint.
  • brandimwheat
    Coming up too fast from any low position and getting dizzy is called 'orthostatic hypotension' - it's a fancy way of saying that the blood in the lower part of your body isn't getting to your head fast enough. Be careful coming from sitting/laying position to an upright position.
  • clh126
    clh126 Posts: 115 Member
    80/50 is on the low side for most people but it can be normal if that's your baseline. There are plenty of people whose blood pressure is in that lower range and they're perfectly healthy. However, when you start getting symptoms from it like feeling dizzy, lightheaded or the sensation that you may pass out, that is not normal. I would get checked out by a doctor if it were me even if it's just to make sure that you're not anemic or don't have an electrolyte imbalance.
  • nas24
    nas24 Posts: 880 Member
    Haven't read everyones comments..but a number one reason for dizziness and fainting is Blood pressure. If you check out ok there, make sure your taking a daily vitamin and eating properly...along with LOTS of water. If you still have an issue than i think you nee to consult your doc. Also PROTEIN is a big reason why i get dizzy and feel weak. I feel like i eat enough of it, but once i feel like your feeling i eat something with lots of protein and i have to do it for a few days before i feel better. GL and i hope you find the problem.
    I had worst dizziness and fainting spells when i was preggo because my already low iron levels and BP got lower and lower. It was a struggle to keep them up
  • Bentley2718
    Bentley2718 Posts: 1,690 Member
    If you haven't already, talk to your doctor about this. It might help to bring in a food and exercise diary. It might just be the need to change eating habits a little, but it could be something else.
  • JamesonsMommy
    JamesonsMommy Posts: 771 Member
    You could have low potassium levels, keep track of your potassium. Usually dizziness, nausea, muscle cramps etc. are signs of low potassium. I don't really track my calories on here, but I track my potassium levels. It has been said that people ages 19-50 need about 4700mg per day. The daily recommended value is 3500, but if you're athletic you may need more than that. If you feel like your potassium levels are too low, you need to see a doctor.
    Also, same symptoms can happen if your potassium levels are too high. Usually this happens if you're taking a potassium supplement. Sometimes you could be getting enough potassium, but your body is depleting it faster than it can absorb it. That's when you should see a doc about it.

    ^^ this exactly!!
  • kschr201
    kschr201 Posts: 219 Member
    I have almost the same blood pressure as you (circa...86/52) I ended up seeing a dr. because I was having trouble with getting really lightheaded standing during clinicals and with working out depending on the movement. We found out I'm pretty anemic. I'm working on keeping my iron in check and staying hydrated. It has helped a little (not completely, but its a work in progress. I feel a lot better though)
  • _Sally_
    _Sally_ Posts: 514 Member
    You may have BPPV. Check it out one the web. Hope this helps

    Interesting! Thanks for posting.
  • PoleBoy
    PoleBoy Posts: 255 Member
    It was not eating enough for me. Are you eating your exercise calories?
  • vlwallace87
    vlwallace87 Posts: 52 Member
    I changed my diet up a bit and it has improved. I drink water throughout the day. (usually 8 oz with everything eaten). I don't drink much during a workout, if any at all. I usually wait till I'm done. I've still been eating better but unfortunately I injured my ankle a few days ago and can't seem to recover. I've been trying to think of good cardio exercises to do while my ankle heals.

    Why not just do weight training? And i hope you recover soon.

    I should implement more weight training into my routine. I just don't know where to start or how. I have a pair of 5 lb dumbbells but that's all.
  • Yooperm35
    Yooperm35 Posts: 787 Member
    I've had anemia a few times that caused dizziness. I take Slow FE to keep my iron in check. Once I started taking the Slow FE again, I no longer have the dizzy spells
  • becky2967
    becky2967 Posts: 124
    first of i would go doctors you could have anemia. especialy if youre restricting your calories and exercising intense. if its blood sugar having something sugary and a sit down will help. but you shoul;dnt feel dizzy unless youre really going for gold ( if im running for ages i feel like that )
  • CallmeSbo
    CallmeSbo Posts: 611 Member
    Bump...used to get this alot when I exercised at the gym. Now that I do road running, its gone...I wonder.
  • vlwallace87
    vlwallace87 Posts: 52 Member
    It was not eating enough for me. Are you eating your exercise calories?

    I'm not used to the whole eating my calories back thing, but I've noticed several people mentioning it. It's something I've been trying to work on. I come from a very unhealthy background and everyone in my family is obese. I started my weight-loss journey during the summer of 2010. I used to just walk a lot and eat descent. Then I was told that even at 145 I had 33% body fat. Which it is very possible that I've burnt off some of my muscles. I couldn't even lift my 5 lb dumbbells more than a few times. I've notice now that I've started Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred that I feel so much stronger (except for the dizziness lol).
  • rosalang
    rosalang Posts: 49 Member
    you are not breathing properly. perhaps holding your breath without realising it
    make sure you keep your mouth shut and they you will get the right oxygen / carbon dioxide levels
    if you find this difficult
    breath in through your nose and out from your mouth
  • love22step
    love22step Posts: 1,103 Member
    I, too, get dizziness now and then. Exercises where my head is down for a while, then I stand up, make me dizzy. I can pause my DVD for a minute to get my head straight. I also learned not to exercise before I've eaten. I need food for energy.