Is duck face attractive?



  • fusiongal
    fusiongal Posts: 23 Member
    visit the website lol

    I offer a resounding NO!

    But i did mention on my profile that I'm striving to be one of the girls. I don't get it.
  • mmmichelle8486
    mmmichelle8486 Posts: 269 Member
    Oh Fu*k a DU*k You mean this face is not attractive?? DAMN and for years now I have been doing this in all my pics !! BUMMER

    Well, now you know. And Knowing is Half the Battle :happy:

    SO does it mean I can no LONGER make this silly peace sign too?? Becasue you know all of us think this is just the cooles thing ever...DUH !
    Only if you are asian.

    Yes because all Asians walk around throwing peace signs.
    It is the leading cause of car accidents.


    I'm glad you think you're clever. It is people like you who have made it necessary for me to teach my children at a young age to be accepting of other cultures. Not only that, but to be comfortable with who they are so that when idiots come along and make fun of them because of WHO THEY ARE, their feelings aren't hurt. Thanks for throwing around your stupid stereotypes.
    Funniest thing is...I am asian.

    Okay, I'm white. Now that we have that established... What's even funnier is that I don't care what race you are. I don't see people for that. Making stereotypes based on race is childish and ignorant. That was my only point...
    You should be offended for the ducks also.

    Okay that was funny. I am not offended for the ducks though. Or the many faces they have inspired.
  • I can totally rock the duck face.

    I still have a few more years until i am 30.
    30+: Ridiculous
    <30: Not quite as ridiculous, but still ridiculous.

    This, this, and this again times 1000, EEG.

    What is EEG?
  • ZombieChaser
    ZombieChaser Posts: 1,555 Member
    I just Google imaged "Duck face" and got so angry.

    That face makes me want to punch things.

    THIS!!! ^^^ FTW :)

    *note: this does not apply to girls who do this in jest or are being funny... I will only hurt you if you mean it, or if your colagen injections are failing. Seek help!
  • mmmichelle8486
    mmmichelle8486 Posts: 269 Member
    I can totally rock the duck face.

    I still have a few more years until i am 30.
    30+: Ridiculous
    <30: Not quite as ridiculous, but still ridiculous.

    This, this, and this again times 1000, EEG.

    What is EEG?

  • Juliebean_1027
    Juliebean_1027 Posts: 713 Member
    30+: Ridiculous
    <30: Not quite as ridiculous, but still ridiculous.

    This. And people with the weird duck face make me think they suffered a stroke or something and their face is permanently disfigured. Plus, I don't trust anyone who doesn't smile.
  • starbucksbuzz
    starbucksbuzz Posts: 466 Member
    I just google image searched duck face and then my phone rang... and I was trying so hard to not bust up laughing. Hilarious stuff.
  • _binary_jester_
    _binary_jester_ Posts: 2,132 Member
    Okay, I'm white. Now that we have that established... What's even funnier is that I don't care what race you are. I don't see people for that. Making stereotypes based on race is childish and ignorant. That was my only point...
    You should be offended for the ducks also.

    Okay that was funny. I am not offended for the ducks though. Or the many faces they have inspired.
    Gasp...but wouldn't duck face be to ducks what black face would be to African Americans?

    (this last statement was strictly made with tongue firmly planted in cheek although I have heard grumblings from ducks)
  • Now are some of you confusing a "smirk" and "Kissy" face with the duck face?
  • macpatti
    macpatti Posts: 4,280 Member
  • mmmichelle8486
    mmmichelle8486 Posts: 269 Member
    Okay, I'm white. Now that we have that established... What's even funnier is that I don't care what race you are. I don't see people for that. Making stereotypes based on race is childish and ignorant. That was my only point...
    You should be offended for the ducks also.

    Okay that was funny. I am not offended for the ducks though. Or the many faces they have inspired.
    Gasp...but wouldn't duck face be to ducks what black face would be to African Americans?

    (this last statement was strictly made with tongue firmly planted in cheek although I have heard grumblings from ducks)

    Stupid analogies aside, there is no point in bringing up racial stereotypes.

    And I'm sure the ducks are fine.
  • CaptainGordo
    CaptainGordo Posts: 4,437 Member
    Now are some of you confusing a "smirk" and "Kissy" face with the duck face?
    No -- it's the same thing. All pretty lame, but to each his own.
  • TheRoadDog
    TheRoadDog Posts: 11,788 Member
    Nope. Thanks for asking.
  • mmmichelle8486
    mmmichelle8486 Posts: 269 Member
    This question was posed this morning.

    I dare say that it can be, if you are Salma Hayek or Eva Mendes. Neither of them have done it, that I am aware of, so I may never know.

    Otherwise, you're out of luck and look silly -- especially when you've crossed the 30 year mark.


  • MrsSpinks
    MrsSpinks Posts: 274 Member
    Oh no! Duck Face (didn't know it was called that) is my go to face when someone pulls out a camera when I'm drunk, if I just try to smile, they usually get a full on nostril flare off me!!

    I think I may even be a bit ducky in my profile pic, oh the shame :embarassed: :embarassed:
  • Mixmode
    Mixmode Posts: 332
    Say NO to the quack face.

    I prefer the 'biting lip' pose.
  • KBGirts
    KBGirts Posts: 882 Member
    I actually have a duck face picture on my Facebook. LOL! The picture is of me and my fiance at a photo booth that was set up at a wedding reception. There were costumy things we had on that were offered at the photo booth.... he has on a huge green furry tie and I have on a garrish sequin hat. I did duck face because it went along with the goofy theme.

    Although, I don't ever do duck face in normal every day photos, most people actually say I look very hot in the picture!!!!

    To answer your question: As a rule, no..... I don't know what's up with girls who do that in every single photo they get taken of themselves, but there's nothing wrong with occasionally acting silly for a silly picture.
  • skygoddess86
    skygoddess86 Posts: 487 Member
    It's only attractive if there is an open toilet with a turd floating in it in the back ground.
  • 76tech
    76tech Posts: 1,455 Member
    Oh Fu*k a DU*k You mean this face is not attractive?? DAMN and for years now I have been doing this in all my pics !! BUMMER

    Well, now you know. And Knowing is Half the Battle :happy:

    SO does it mean I can no LONGER make this silly peace sign too?? Becasue you know all of us think this is just the cooles thing ever...DUH !

    Well, the peace sign makes it better. So, OK. You get a free pass.
  • yoshi91610
    yoshi91610 Posts: 177 Member
    in a work NO! I hate duckface! (except on cute ducks of course)