What do you think about when you are running?



  • Cold_Steel
    Cold_Steel Posts: 897 Member
    I think it depends.... I dont really run but I sure have to zone out on the elliptical and the treadmill at max incline...

    Usually I just zone out and go into a semi meditative state, trying to really listen to my breathing, feel my heart rate etc get in tune with me.

    Sometimes I do the music video thing

    Or I direct a movie in my head

    Or I continue to write a book that I am working on in my head

    It all just depends... I do a little of the competition too... I try to stay on as long as or longer than the person near me.
  • giggles1973
    giggles1973 Posts: 143 Member
    LOL I love it!!
  • mruntidy
    mruntidy Posts: 1,015 Member
    Mentally race other people on the treadmills. I'll pick someone out and tell myself I can't stop running until they stop running, or I'll try to run faster than someone or keep the same pace as someone else. It brings out my competitve spirit and keeps the boredom at bay!

    I agree...the person next to you can be a great motivator. And they don't even know it! :happy:

    i'll admit i am competitive, thought i can take you you punk on the treadmill n i am doing this for all the fat ppl who youve outrun *shaking fist in the air in challenge* so im running im running good too thinking im doing it im really doing it. Half an hour in my knee starts to hurt, run through it pain is your friend dough boy, 45 minutes in my knee really hurts i get off in agony, look up at my nemesis n hes only wearing a god damn triathlon 2009 t shirt fresh as a daisy.

    shouldve read the t shirt first - in essence everytime i run its now against him, with his no sweating 'oh this old thing' t shirt grumble grumble......
  • orienteer
    treadmill bores me to death as well!

    But I love running while orienteering or geocaching, which makes it so much fun!
  • Mdin1029
    Mdin1029 Posts: 456 Member
    If you can run outdoors that helps, if you have an iphone you can listen to Pandora or audibooks. I like pandora, I agree with whoever said they imagine themsleves being awesome in different ways :) Sometimes I run with friends so we chat about movies. If I am at home on the elliptical I load netflix on the ipad and watch a movie or episode of The Office, stand-up comedy is good too.
  • mbrassette
    mbrassette Posts: 15 Member
    I've run on the treadmill once and don't know that I can ever do it again! I much prefer running outside, even if it's 20F and dark than running inside on the treadmill. I probably think about 100 things on a given run, but no themes really -- it's a chance to let the mind wander. I have listened to music or Podcasts on occasion, but I prefer it playing through my iPhone speakers so I can still hear the world around me too -- no ear buds for me!
  • anilyze
    anilyze Posts: 67
    I'm finding the treadmill has become unbearable now that I can run longer and am not doing run/walk intervals anymore. It's boring! Music wasn't helping anymore. I tried audiobooks and that's great when you get engrossed, but I think feel like my eyes need something to do. I had been considering videos on my phone. Last night I tried running outside again and it was great. Much more interesting! The audiobook was great outside because it kept my mind distracted and the scenery, having to watch my step, navigate traffic, etc. added the rest that the treadmill was lacking. I do second leaving one earphone out though so that you can hear what's going on around you (be safe!).
    Mentally race other people on the treadmills. I'll pick someone out and tell myself I can't stop running until they stop running, or I'll try to run faster than someone or keep the same pace as someone else. It brings out my competitve spirit and keeps the boredom at bay!

    That's funny. I wondered if this was what people were doing. Since I started doing my C25k at the gym (week 4), I had been noticing people on treadmills next to me, who had not been running (were well into their time - saw machine) would start running. Typically, they'd run a minute or two and then stop. I wondered if they were looking at me at thinking that if this fat girl can run, so can I, but then I thought it's pretty self-centered and maybe it was just a coincidence or it happens to everyone. Now, I'm not so sure my initial assessment was wrong! That makes me happy though. If I can inspire someone else to run, go harder, or go longer, then awesome!
  • 99cherrypie99
    99cherrypie99 Posts: 205 Member
    Funny how different everyone is. I hate, hate, hate doing intervals!!! I ran 6 miles on the treadmill tonight and watched Fight Club - works for me!
  • Sweet13_Princess
    Sweet13_Princess Posts: 1,207 Member
    My nerd is about to show...
    ...I imagine the Doctor suddenly appearing, grabbing my head, and telling me to run. I've actually created a number of "routes" in my mind that I run through...never really sure what we're running from, but I always keep the TARDIS in the forefront of my mind's eye, and I don't let myself reach it until the end of the song. It's so silly, and I'm such a geek for doing it, but it WORKS! I've never felt so motivated before!

    My nerdy side is showing too. I'd like to imagine chasing AFTER David Tennant. I'd love to be locked up in the TARDIS with him.*LOL*

  • chriscbond
    chriscbond Posts: 20 Member
    I pretend I am in a club and I put loud techno music on. I pretend that me running on the treadmill is powering the club and people are dancing everywhere. I try to run to the beat of the music...the faster the song the more motivated I get.

    If I am outside, it doesn't take much motivation, I just love the feeling of running in the fresh air. I crave that moment- right before you are about to break a sweat- it is so liberating, its my drug!
  • asyouseefit
    asyouseefit Posts: 1,265 Member
    I listen to audiobooks or podcasts.
  • ErinGiam
    ErinGiam Posts: 396 Member
    This is a good question because I experienced the same boredom yesterday when running. I've been running on the treadmill lately as it is cold outside and I constantly catch myself checking the time to see how much longer I have left! Listening to a book on tape is a good idea, and so is watching a movie on my ipod.
  • GeneveSparkles
    GeneveSparkles Posts: 283 Member
    I pretend I am in a club and I put loud techno music on. I pretend that me running on the treadmill is powering the club and people are dancing everywhere. I try to run to the beat of the music...the faster the song the more motivated I get.

    If I am outside, it doesn't take much motivation, I just love the feeling of running in the fresh air. I crave that moment- right before you are about to break a sweat- it is so liberating, its my drug!

    Sometimes I'll go all Brad Pitt in Burn After Reading :)
  • BArdovino78
    Mentally race other people on the treadmills. I'll pick someone out and tell myself I can't stop running until they stop running, or I'll try to run faster than someone or keep the same pace as someone else. It brings out my competitve spirit and keeps the boredom at bay!

    LOL I do the same thing!!
  • tseecka
    tseecka Posts: 90 Member
    My nerd is about to show...
    ...I imagine the Doctor suddenly appearing, grabbing my head, and telling me to run. I've actually created a number of "routes" in my mind that I run through...never really sure what we're running from, but I always keep the TARDIS in the forefront of my mind's eye, and I don't let myself reach it until the end of the song. It's so silly, and I'm such a geek for doing it, but it WORKS! I've never felt so motivated before!

    My nerdy side is showing too. I'd like to imagine chasing AFTER David Tennant. I'd love to be locked up in the TARDIS with him.*LOL*


    Ahahaha! Well, there is that, too. ;) Although it does create a quandary--would you ever actually want to catch up?

    Because sure, then you'd catch him...but I think the view would be rather more advantageous from a few paces back! :P