What motivates you most to get in shape?



  • Vjb2525
    Vjb2525 Posts: 67
    LOL CAN WE SHARE... :happy:
  • becoming_a_new_me
    becoming_a_new_me Posts: 1,860 Member
    Mine was a combination of a few factors...1. Age. I dont want to let my body go and turn into dust so to speak. Staying young as long as possible! 2. Learning the right way to train for my goals. With this ammo I was able to take my physique to a whole new dimension,..and 3. I wanted to have a six pac! :) Surely there are many more reasons why but I like these to start out with.

    How bout you,..what motivates you?

    (wipes drool from face)...YUM!! Your pic motivates me!

    Okay, in all seriousness, being there for my daugher FOREVER and showing her that hard work and dedication will get you ANYWHERE!

    but yeah, you motivate me too lol!
  • ChristinaK42
    my kids motivate me. 1) I want to be an example 2) I refuse to let them outrun, outlift or outwork me. (this is tough to do with my boys) 3) I don't want to look like a frumpy old house wife 4) health issues that I will overcome. oh, and I want to look smokin' in a bathing suit.
  • gazz777
    gazz777 Posts: 722
    To be alive in 15 years time !

    Doctor says goal reached !!!
  • raineraven78
    raineraven78 Posts: 42 Member
    Well you definitely motivate me Ms. Rainraven :).

  • raineraven78
    raineraven78 Posts: 42 Member
    Well you definitely motivate me Ms. Rainraven :).

    Awe :heart: :blushing:
  • Mallory0418
    Mallory0418 Posts: 723 Member
    Okay this is embarrassing and I fully expect to made fun of for it. I have a major thing for Robert Pattinson and when I first started my weight loss journey, a part of what kept me going to the gym was seeing a picture of him or a movie and thinking "If I ran into him right now, I would be so embarrassed. I want to get hot, you know, in case I ever run into him on the street." :laugh:
  • mnishi
    mnishi Posts: 422 Member
    My new pool and the thought of some awesome pool parties!
  • shellshalla
    shellshalla Posts: 263 Member
    When I look in the mirror....that's motivation :) And when i'm eating healthy and exercising my body just feels so much better over all!!
  • tannjam
    tannjam Posts: 109 Member
    1. Age am 47 and would like to stay active, I think the more active you are the younger you are..2. Health. Do not want to have any weight related health issues. I live on a island and like to snorekel, free dive be on the beach etc..I want to see my grandkids grow up and be able to enjoy them and keep up with them when I have em.
  • ogosun
    ogosun Posts: 175 Member
    When i see a really really fat girl with a huge *kitten*...i can't imagine how she sits on the toilet....
    i get so scared and i am even more motivated to get in shape cause i never wanna look like that ... so frightening.... lol.

    yes i am truthfully....
  • kellyyjean
    kellyyjean Posts: 499 Member
    Well you definitely have the six pack under control. :wink:
    Mine is I feel so much better when I am healthy and I want to fit into my tiny clothes again:sad:
  • karenyg
    karenyg Posts: 79
    What motivates me is swimwear, being able to wear them and look good in them at my age my husband says I have a fedesh when it comes to swim wear.
  • ChanyRae
    ChanyRae Posts: 112

    I. Want. :bigsmile:
  • goldfinger88
    goldfinger88 Posts: 686 Member
    Mine was a combination of a few factors...1. Age. I dont want to let my body go and turn into dust so to speak. Staying young as long as possible! 2. Learning the right way to train for my goals. With this ammo I was able to take my physique to a whole new dimension,..and 3. I wanted to have a six pac! :) Surely there are many more reasons why but I like these to start out with.

    How bout you,..what motivates you?

    I think when you're young, you tend to be motivated by how you appeal to your chosen sex interests. But as you get older and smarter, you tend to be motivated by your health. Being healthy and feeling fit becomes the only thing that matters. All else is just icing on the cake. When you run out of breath walking a few steps, you get motivated. At least, you should.
  • Ral263
    Ral263 Posts: 318 Member
    So many things....

    1) I'm a health freak, both in terms of exercise and nutrition, so it always feels better (mentally) when I know I'm eating and working out properly.

    2) I FEEL a thousand times better when I'm in shape. I absolutely HATE the saying, but I really do believe that nothing tastes as good as thin (but strong and healthy!) feels.

    3) I'm also big into fashion, so I love being able to wear whatever I please.

    4) Always like looking good for my boyfriend :)

    5) My father recently had a heart attack-- knowing that there is a predisposition in my family for obesogenic disease is definitely a motivator to work out and eat right.
  • vytamindi
    vytamindi Posts: 845 Member
    At 250 I wasn't happy about my weight, but I accepted it. However, my sis challenged me to log onto MFP and log everything for the first two weeks in December. Whoever didn't would buy the other sushi.

    On day 41 right now, and it kinda stuck with me! I'm not losing 2 lbs a week, but I've been eating better, less, and working out more. I will lose more weight, but I can't imagine how much better I will feel when I meet my goal!
  • nnylee
    nnylee Posts: 814 Member
    I was a bridesmaid for one of my friends and I looked terrible in the pictures. Then my other friend is getting married and I want to be a nice bridesmaid for her. But also because I want to look and feel healthy. I want to be able to do exercises without getting out of breath. I was a very active teenager and I want that feeling back.
  • ElementalMoe
    ElementalMoe Posts: 186 Member
    Revenge motivated me initially - I gained 95 pounds when I was with my husband - That's gone now.

    Now I want to lose 20 more for me, because I'm awesome, and I want my daughter to grow up with healthy eating and exercising habits. She's 5 and says she can't wait until she's 12 so she can work out with me at the gym.
  • brandalini
    brandalini Posts: 237 Member
    I really miss being able to wear a tiny bikini!
    And I want to be strong and be able to run fast :)