your birth control PILL experiences



  • Well, I was on the pill from age 18 - 22, successfully, with no problems. I believe it was Ortho-Tri.

    Then, I was diagnosed with ovarian cysts after having my period for months straight. I switched pills. Didn't think to use a condom during the switch...

    9 months later had twins. So, be careful when you transition. :smile: Yes, I realize this was MY fault. To be fair, I just didn't know that would cause the pill to be ineffective because I never stopped taking it.

    I'm now on Sprintec, in spite of having my tubes tied, because I once again have ovarian cysts. I have had no problems and have never noticed any weight gain. I know this isn't true for everybody, though.
  • My1985Freckles
    My1985Freckles Posts: 1,039 Member
    I took Sprintec for about 5 months. It was AWFUL! It made me very very B!c#y. For my hubby's sake I switched lol

    It also made me gain weight like crazy! In those 5 months I put on 35-40 pounds!

    I'm now on Trivora. No negative side effects at all and the weight is coming off!
  • TeeferTiger
    TeeferTiger Posts: 136 Member
    I used to be on Loestrin 30, then went onto Depo Provera injection (gained a little weight, periods stopped-yay!- but coming off it was a nightmare!!! NOT recommended) and now on Microgynon 30.

    I suffer from chronic migraines anyway so I wouldn't really notice if I got headaches, but I don't recall getting headaches from the pill before the migraines started in 2010. I only went onto the pill originally to stop heavy, painful periods so there haven't really been any side effects for me.
  • lexximan
    lexximan Posts: 322 Member
    I was on yaz for about 2-3 years and It screwed me up!

    I would be extra moody, lost my libido and gained weight.

    (the gaining may not entirely be the pills fault but it hindered losing weight as well)

    No More for me ever!!! Havent been on it in almost 2 years. Feels great!
  • coyoteo
    coyoteo Posts: 532 Member
    I took switched from pill to patch to depo to nuva ring for 10 years, the last few years with no breaks for periods (dr prescribed). My cycles were perfectly normal before this. I stopped birth control for 2 years and am apparently broken now, lol. Oh, and i gained 75 pounds very very rapidly with depo. If you want more info, message me. I would be leary about any long term use of birth control. There are many more stories like mine. Granted, there are many "just fine" stories too. *shrug* I just wish I knew now what I didn't know then. :)
  • Did you gain/lose weight? I did gain, but I think that come from cooking 3 meals a day everyday once I got married, as opposed to the pill itself. But I do think it made it harder to take the weight off.

    Headaches? nope

    breast swelling? not swelling..but my breasts did get larger - alot. haha.

    period changes?I was SUPER regular before starting them, and I haven't had one since I started 2.5 years ago. Doc says its safe, I just managed to get one that was a perfect hormonal balance for my body, which is rare.

    appetite changes? none

    nausea? none

  • Did you gain/lose weight? No changes, just unhealthy habits made weight gain

    Headaches? Get them due to other meds I'm on anyway

    breast swelling? No - I wish!

    period changes? Lighter, shorter

    appetite changes? Nope

    nausea? None

  • rugbyphreak
    rugbyphreak Posts: 509 Member
    i am on the generic form of yaz. i get horrible migraines when i go off of the pill to have my period. i didn't gain any weight, thankfully, but i have been on it for over 4 years, so i think my body is pretty well adjusted now. no babies accidentally conceived! on a bad note, losing my extra weight has screwed up my periods. i get them all the time now, no need to stop taking the pills even, and last 2-3 weeks at a time. my body is pissed...
  • agthorn
    agthorn Posts: 1,844 Member
    I tried Depo when I was 16 - 17 for a few years and it wa a terrible decision. I attribute it to my weight gain, my mood swings, and my loss of a sex drive. My periods were irregular. I personally think I was too young yet to be messing with my hormonal balance.
    It wasn't any better for me at 22. Gained over 25 pounds in a year and instead of having regular periods I would just spot for like 6 weeks straight, a week or two off and then another 6 weeks of spotting. I gave it a whole year to see if things settled down but it never got any better and it was a total pain to schedule the injection appointments anyways.
  • Oh but let me add that my Sprintec made my breasts grow almost overnight. Significantly. I don't see that as a drawback, though. :bigsmile:
  • Abalicious11
    Abalicious11 Posts: 42 Member
    I got the mirena Iud and it was a horrible experience. I was crampy all the time i got headaches and i gained 24lbs in 2 months. Also along with those side effects I was really emotional and cried at everything and anything. I also got these wierd white blotches on my face that was also cause from the Iud. I since then have had it removed and am feeling so much better now i just have to lose all the freaking weight I gain! bad idea I would never get birth control again
  • MrsKunz
    MrsKunz Posts: 151 Member

    Before we decided to try for our last i had the Paraguard/Mirena implant and LOVED IT!!!!
    Never felt it never pms no systoms at all and no period ever completely healthy and if i have another i will get it again!!!
  • Martha_VH
    Martha_VH Posts: 386 Member
    I chart my cycle and take my temp every morning. Its much better for you than the pill. There are no side effects.
  • karenwill2
    karenwill2 Posts: 604 Member
    migraines from birth control for me.

    weight gain

    mood issues

    and once- pregnancy.
  • elliott82
    elliott82 Posts: 156 Member
    I was on Loestrin-24 for years. I had no problems with it except I would've liked my skin to be a little better. Made my periods much more manageable and shorter. I have two uteruses (yes, I am SO lucky) so I have more than a heavy period. It wasn't even bad on the pill. No weight gain that I can't attribute to my laziness, no weird mood swings, no sore boobs.
  • Moonbyebye
    Moonbyebye Posts: 180 Member
    Had the nuva ring in for a day until I read horror stories online. Took it out that night and haven't touched BC of any kind since.
  • christine24t
    christine24t Posts: 6,063 Member
    Had the nuva ring in for a day until I read horror stories online. Took it out that night and haven't touched BC of any kind since.

    What are some of the horror stories? I'm not on birth control at all, but the idea of NuvaRing creeps me out.
  • shovav91
    shovav91 Posts: 2,335 Member
    I'm on Yaz; It reduced my anxiety, mostly got rid of my cramps, made me gain some weight. Over all, a wonderful miracle pill!
  • ladybg81
    ladybg81 Posts: 1,553 Member
    I use Nura Ring and love it. I've been off since I got preggers about 4 years ago. I got back on it December 2011 to help with regulating period/ hormone levels. I put on a few pounds but it was also in the middle of the holidays and I was an eating machine so I do not think the ring had anything to do with it. I've lost the weight now anyway. I do have migraines but have never had an issue with them being caused by the ring. No breast swelling or soreness. I've really never had any negative effects.
  • angraham2
    angraham2 Posts: 128
    Im on seasonique, love it, no weight gain or other side affects, been that way for over two years now. My cycles are very light 2-3 days, I have no more migranes, and my moods are very stable. I was on Yaz before this and it made me crazy, almost bi polar.