How do you handle a comment like this?



  • AlmstHvn
    AlmstHvn Posts: 378 Member
    How about "Gee... I don't remember asking for your opinion". (I've rarely had the nerve to actually SAY that, but I think it a lot).

    Seriously - where did people get the idea that they have the right (or that it's proper) to even comment on someone else's appearance? Miss Manners would have cows (politely, of course).
  • JennieAL
    JennieAL Posts: 1,726 Member

    Seriously - where did people get the idea that they have the right (or that it's proper) to even comment on someone else's appearance? Miss Manners would have cows (politely, of course).

    It blows me away how people think it's ok... I guess it's ok for them, or they were treated that way by their family maybe?

    Anyway, it really pisses me off when people do that to other people. I was told that I should order more food by a very fat waitress once, while I was standing in line in front of lots of people... this was when I was pretty thin in my mid-20's. It floored me. And was really embarrassing, I hate when someone calls attention to me like that in front of a lot of people. It enraged me and so I told her that I didn't need a fat chick telling me how to eat... now, I never would have thought this or said this about someone had I not been provoked. Her jaw dropped open and I didn't feel bad at all. She embarrassed me, so I gave her hell right back. Those kinds of negative a**holes deserve the same treatment.
  • susanb573
    susanb573 Posts: 111 Member
    The fact of the matter is that more than half of people are overweight now so people think that overweight is normal. Therefore when they see someone who is at their ideal weight or on the low end of their ideal range, they think they are skinny.
  • pussycat626
    pussycat626 Posts: 129 Member
    In my honest opinion I would not take this as a bad thing at all. I can't wait for the day when someone calls me thin or too skinny. I'll bathe myself in those words. I will take them and hold on to them forever and say yes I am thin and I love it thank you for noticing! Why does everyone see it as a negative thing? Am I missing something here?
  • animefan914
    animefan914 Posts: 324 Member
    I used to get upset when I got comments like this, but now I just smile and say "Thank you for your concern. However, I am doing this with my doctor's support to make sure I stay healthy." That way, they know you are doing this in a healthy way.

    You never know what motivates a person. One of the times I was on a diet, one of my friends kept saying comments like that, and it really annoyed me. Later on, I found out that she used to have an older brother. Her mother fell unconscious when she was driving because of a lack of nourishment, and my friend's brother died in the crash. Years later, her mother died from anorexia. My friend was genuinely worried, because she did not want to lose anyone else. When I told her that my doctor knew about it and was giving me advice, she felt relieved. She had thought I was doing one of the unhealthy fad diets you find on the internet that make you lose weight, but at the cost of your health. Yes, some people say things like that out of malice, but unless you know that they are trying to hurt you, I would give them the benefit of the doubt.