HATE Veggies!!



  • rmdaly
    rmdaly Posts: 250 Member
    What about zucchini, carrot or pumpkin muffins with the vegetables inside? I even saw a recipe for sweet potato muffins.
  • Bigaug
    Bigaug Posts: 395 Member
    Don't be hatin.
  • sweetaddict123
    sweetaddict123 Posts: 116 Member
    Don't eat them, and stay within your calorie count for the day?

    that would work for weight loss but not for health.

    exactly, I just feel if I ate more vegetables I could eat more (YAY) than what I'm eating now. I have lost 55 lbs and have gotten off insulin shots, cholesterol lower, all that, but I really need to be healthier. Guess I just have to suck it up and start trying different stuff. Who knows, maybe my taste buds have changed (one can hope!)
  • killerqueen17
    killerqueen17 Posts: 536 Member
    HOT SAUCE!! ...it fixes everything. :bigsmile:
  • Bigaug
    Bigaug Posts: 395 Member
    Most people hate vegetables because their well meaning parents over cooked them to death or served them from a can or.... I could never stand brussels sprouts until I had them prepared well just one time, now they're my favorite. It just took some experimenting and now I'm a regular vegeholic.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Anyone have any suggestions on what to eat if you don't like veggies??? I really wish I did, but I can't stand them, except of course for corn and potatoes... lol

    Have you actually tried every vegetable and tried cooking them in various ways and don't like any of them? I suspect it is likely psychological. There is such a wide array of textures and flavors, how is it possible to hate them all?
  • Articeluvsmemphis
    Articeluvsmemphis Posts: 1,987 Member
    put it in a smoothie, play around with different flavors of fruit and juices and maybe protein powders
  • Pocket_Pixi
    Pocket_Pixi Posts: 1,167 Member
    smoothies or juice... add fruit in them and you cannot taste the veggies.
  • chillywhilly
    So feeling you.... Dislike VEGGIES
  • TWrecks1968
    TWrecks1968 Posts: 138 Member
    Don't eat them, and stay within your calorie count for the day?

    that would work for weight loss but not for health.

  • BarbWhite09
    BarbWhite09 Posts: 1,128 Member
    Mix the veggies into something you like. I put spinach or broccoli in my scrambled eggs. Try making soups. Do you dislike salads? Sweet Potatoes are an amazing alternative to normal potatoes. Carrot sticks with fat free dressing or hummus is good. You can make mashed cauliflower instead of mashed potatoes. Have you tried various ways of cooking veggies? Avoid canned veg...They taste nothing like fresh or frozen.
  • LHSHokie
    I have lost 80 pounds in a year and the only "veggies" I will touch are corn and potatoes (and the occasional green bean). I do not like the taste or texture of any, and I have tried most. I have even tried "putting them in things" and still don't like them. All of my numbers are good ... so I'm not worried about it.
  • cygnetpro
    cygnetpro Posts: 419 Member
    It may just be a matter of making yourself eat them at first, and developing a taste for them. I used to hate them, too. I swear, as a young adult I went months without touching a veggie (except potato chips! haha). Now I eat bell peppers and snow peas every day as snacks (with hummus), go through about 4 large tomatoes a week, etc. There are still some that I can't stand (cauliflower, brussels sprouts), but compared to how I used to be, I do much better.
  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    All veggies? You've tried all of them? Tomatoes, asparagus, lettuce, spinach, kale, zucchini, spaghetti squash, onions, rutabaga, turnips, dozens of different kinds of beans, broccoli, cauliflower, sweet potatoes, brussels sprouts... the list goes on. Have you tried them more than once, prepared in a different way? I don't like raw broccoli, but I love it roasted with garlic and olive oil. I don't like brussels sprouts by themselves, but they're darn good in a pot roast. I cannot stand spinach the way my mom used to make it, but I love it fresh on sandwiches or in a salad or shredded in a casserole or pasta dish.

    There's such a huge variety of flavors and textures in the world of vegetables that I really don't believe anyone who says they hate all vegetables. You just don't like the ones you've tried in the ways they've been prepared for you. Look for some recipes and try new things. I'll bet you find something you like.
  • Sweet_Potato
    Sweet_Potato Posts: 1,119 Member
    Most people hate vegetables because their well meaning parents over cooked them to death or served them from a can or.... I could never stand brussels sprouts until I had them prepared well just one time, now they're my favorite. It just took some experimenting and now I'm a regular vegeholic.

    My thoughts as well. There are so many different kinds of vegetables, with all different kinds of flavors and textures, and they all take on completely different characteristics depending on whether they're steamed, sauteed, roasted, pureed... My advice would be to buy lots of different kinds of fresh veggies and cook them different ways until you learn what you like.

    Of course, some of it involves training your tastebuds as well. I remember there being a time when I didn't like mushrooms, but I forced myself to eat them a few times and grew to love them. This process happens quicker than you might think!
  • Sweet_Potato
    Sweet_Potato Posts: 1,119 Member
    All veggies? You've tried all of them? Tomatoes, asparagus, lettuce, spinach, kale, zucchini, spaghetti squash, onions, rutabaga, turnips, dozens of different kinds of beans, broccoli, cauliflower, sweet potatoes, brussels sprouts... the list goes on. Have you tried them more than once, prepared in a different way? I don't like raw broccoli, but I love it roasted with garlic and olive oil. I don't like brussels sprouts by themselves, but they're darn good in a pot roast. I cannot stand spinach the way my mom used to make it, but I love it fresh on sandwiches or in a salad or shredded in a casserole or pasta dish.

    There's such a huge variety of flavors and textures in the world of vegetables that I really don't believe anyone who says they hate all vegetables. You just don't like the ones you've tried in the ways they've been prepared for you. Look for some recipes and try new things. I'll bet you find something you like.

    YES this is exactly what I was thinking!
  • jenbusick
    jenbusick Posts: 528 Member
    I am married to a vegetable-hater. He eats corn, potatoes, and tomato sauce. He can can choke down a salad with ranch dressing if he has to for politeness' sake.

    I replace onion in recipes with onion powder (since it's not the flavor but the texture of onions that he hates), and I serve veggies on the side.

    Beyond that, I have learned not to worry about it. If you're wanting to increase bulk in your diet without increasing calories, go for high-fiber breads and things.
  • nygiantschick
    nygiantschick Posts: 289 Member
    you can try roasting them. my brother does not like asparagus, but I roasted them for him and he really liked them. Just olive oil, pepper and salt. I like pretty much all veggies. Try them in soup, hide them in other foods like people have said like smoothies, muffins/bread, add a few to your sandwiches and pizza and wraps, you may need to figure out what is is about veggies you don't like. Do you find them to be bitter? if so, stay away from the bitter veggies or roast them to bring out the natural sugar. Do you think they are too tough? Then cook them down into soups and stews. You just need to experiment. You're tastebuds may not like them now, but your body will LOVE them!! Just DON"T eliminate them completely. That's just not a healthy option.
  • tomomatic
    tomomatic Posts: 1,794 Member
    You can puree them and put them in sauces. Or dice them up. Here's some ideas that I like:

    I like asparagus diced and mixed in with rice with a little gravy and a meat side.
    Butternut squash ravioli is great.
    I like diced veggies in omelettes.
    Spinach mixed into my pasta is bearable.
    Creamed spinach - kinda awesome.
    Meat Loaf.

    Good luck!
  • julie82070
    julie82070 Posts: 22 Member
    Seriously, this salad dressing COMPLETELY changed how I feel about salads! Lucini, cherry rosemary balsamic dressing - I can only buy it at Safewhere where I live. http://www.amazon.com/Lucini-Balsamic-Rosemary-Artisan-Vinaigrette/dp/B001TM7LS2

    I make a salad with lettuce (romaine usually), craisins, avocado (if I can spare the points), feta, soy nuts and onions...OMG, it's amazing. (and easy.) And pretty filling. Granted there aren't too many veggies in there, but I use a lot of lettuce! and good protein in the soy nuts and feta.