SO Depresssssssed

So not to tell a bunch of strangers my life story and all... But I have some pretty severe clinical depression.

It's mostly under control through medications, diet, and exercise, but I still have really low days where I just feel like even being alive is a challenge.

That being said;

Today I am SO depressed. Those of you out there with depression, how do you cope when you have low days like this?

I feel like I don't wanna do anything. I don't wanna go out of my apartment. I don't wanna go to work. I don't want to work out (which is crazy talk because I LOVE to work out) I just want to sleep. All. Day.

Any suggestions on how to get myself out of this slump and into the world to deal with life? Seriously any encouragement will help


  • busyPK
    busyPK Posts: 3,788 Member
    I don't have experience with what you are going through, but I hope someone here that has been-there-done-that is able to lend some advice fo you.
  • ZombieChaser
    ZombieChaser Posts: 1,555 Member
    *bump* b/c this is important, but I'm afraid I cannot chime in this discussion.
  • rockonerin
    i've been on meds for clinical depression since i was 14 - now 26. they help a lot but i definitely still have ups and downs. when i'm feeling down, i go into what i call "radical self care." this means truly spoiling yourself. if you had the flu or a broken leg, you would have no problem spending some time and money to make yourself feel better - depression is NO different than any of these other ailments! you can't see it but it's real!! with that in mind, take care of yourself!! buy yourself a new cd. take a bath. cuddle under a bunch of your fuzziest blankets and watch a movie. buy yourself a nice meal to make at home with a nice bottle of wine. make a collage. read a trashy magazine. give yourself a manicure. don't feel guilty about spending the time on YOU!

    but the real best thing right now is the knowledge that it IS temporary and that this feeling WILL pass - even though it doesn't feel like it. please feel free to private message me anytime if you need some words of encouragement or just want to talk :)

  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    Drink a glass of water. Take a shower and put on some clothes that make you feel good. Do your hair and makeup -- nothing fancy, just enough to make you like what you see in the mirror. Then leave the house. Basically, do the opposite of whatever you feel like you want to do. Because that's not YOU wanting to sleep all day, that's depression.

    I think of depression as a parasite. It needs you to hole up in bed and not take care of yourself because if you get up and pull yourself out of the funk, it has to let you go. It won't have anything to feed on. So it makes you think you want to lie around in your pajamas doing nothing, because that's what depression needs you to do in order for it to stay alive. So depression wants you to mope, tell depression to screw itself and do the opposite of that. Get out there. Exercise, even if it's just taking a walk outside or doing some good stretches and jumping jacks. Eat healthy food. Take your vitamins if you take them (and if you do'nt, I suggest looking into a D supplement -- it's helped me more than I can explain). Turn on some happy music. Do not sit around in your pajamas. If you try to get moving and it really just doesn't take, then sit and read a good book or watch your favorite movie, and don't let yourself feel bad about what you're not getting done today, because that's also the depression talking. Just keep going.
  • Jconner30
    Jconner30 Posts: 311
    It took a death in the famlily (Meagan Kandis - 15 yrs old BEAUTIFUL cousin). She would have celebrated her sweet 16 on Jan 12 but she will be clebrating it in Heaven. It opened my eyes and let me know what was really important to me - my 3 girls! I thank God each day for my great health, WONDERFUL children and a family who loves me. I focus on that - and not 'me'. Also, running 30-35 miles a week and setting goals helps me keep my eyes on the ball. If I have too much time on my hands - I will start to feel depressed. I just dont have time to get depressed anymore.

    Also, you may not see it - but you are a shining star in many people's eyes! They love you, check up on you, smile when they hear your voice or see you or even think of you. If you were gone from this Earth (like our precious little Megs), MANY MANY MANY people would be devistated. You would have weeping parents, siblings, friends, relatives and others. Dont be afraid to talk to someone when you feel depressed. It killed Meagan! Dont let it kill anyone else! This is for anyone thinking/contemplating suicide! I can tell you this, its left my family in turmoil. She wrote in her notes that 'we would cry a little but we would get over it' - BULL****! Its a LIFE SENANCE for her mother, grand parents, my children and me, friends, relatives, and a slew of other people she touched daily.
  • rbryntes
    rbryntes Posts: 710 Member
    I don't know if I can help you, because when I get depressed I just stop functioning. I hate the attitude that one can "shake it off." No. It's is almost impossible.

    I find the one thing that often helps me is to pick ONE thing that you want or need to do and do it. It can be simple (buy milk, cook dinner, workout). Reward yourself for doing whatever it is. Lather, rinse, repeat.
  • mmocarr
    mmocarr Posts: 108 Member
    Remind yourself of your strength and take care of yourself even though you don't want to. If its really bad perhaps call a trusted friend to help you get to work if you have to go or take a walk if tha'ts priority #1 today.

    hang in there!
  • seanmcdh
    this time of year is horrible. i am normally pretty upbeat but I have struggled to get out of bed the past week. January sucks.

    I hope you feel better... strangers do care, man =]

  • dendra7
    dendra7 Posts: 113 Member
    I used to get seasonal depression. I make myself do the very things I don't want to do. 1. Get up. 2. Work Out 3. Go To Work 4. Go for a Walk in any sunshine you can find or lay in a sunny spot...key here is SUNSHINE. After you do all that, if you want to go home and crawl under a blanket and watch hours of junk tv or whatever...fine.

    You don't have to be happy about getting your list done. You don't have to talk to anyone about it. You don't have to like it.

    But exercise releases those good endorphins and can help a whole lot.

    My mood is DRASTICALLY better with regular, consistent, intense exercise.

    Stay well and take care of you.
  • onefitdiva
    onefitdiva Posts: 331 Member
    If you are having really low days that are making you not want to get out of bed or sleep all the time, it actually could be your medication, it may need to be evaluated and adjusted. Talk to your Dr.
  • shiseido_faerie
    shiseido_faerie Posts: 771 Member
    Drink a glass of water. Take a shower and put on some clothes that make you feel good. Do your hair and makeup -- nothing fancy, just enough to make you like what you see in the mirror. Then leave the house. Basically, do the opposite of whatever you feel like you want to do. Because that's not YOU wanting to sleep all day, that's depression.

    I think of depression as a parasite. It needs you to hole up in bed and not take care of yourself because if you get up and pull yourself out of the funk, it has to let you go. It won't have anything to feed on. So it makes you think you want to lie around in your pajamas doing nothing, because that's what depression needs you to do in order for it to stay alive. So depression wants you to mope, tell depression to screw itself and do the opposite of that. Get out there. Exercise, even if it's just taking a walk outside or doing some good stretches and jumping jacks. Eat healthy food. Take your vitamins if you take them (and if you do'nt, I suggest looking into a D supplement -- it's helped me more than I can explain). Turn on some happy music. Do not sit around in your pajamas. If you try to get moving and it really just doesn't take, then sit and read a good book or watch your favorite movie, and don't let yourself feel bad about what you're not getting done today, because that's also the depression talking. Just keep going.

    Having also dealt with depression, I 100% agree with this. Do not listen to the depression, it feeds it. Do the opposite of everything you feel you want to do.
  • SafariLara
    Thanks for the suggestions. Hopefully all will be well as the day goes on. I'm gonna go do my hair, and get out of here and distract myself if nothing else

    It's good to know that there are people like you all out there, that care.

    Have a great day and I'll keep ya'll updated
  • Lady_Chilli
    Lady_Chilli Posts: 161 Member
    Music, put some music on that you love and is upbeat, nothing depressing and get dancing, do a work out, go take a shower, get dressed put some make up on and call a friend for a catch up.
  • cbear017
    cbear017 Posts: 345 Member
    Drink a glass of water. Take a shower and put on some clothes that make you feel good. Do your hair and makeup -- nothing fancy, just enough to make you like what you see in the mirror. Then leave the house. Basically, do the opposite of whatever you feel like you want to do. Because that's not YOU wanting to sleep all day, that's depression.

    I think of depression as a parasite. It needs you to hole up in bed and not take care of yourself because if you get up and pull yourself out of the funk, it has to let you go. It won't have anything to feed on. So it makes you think you want to lie around in your pajamas doing nothing, because that's what depression needs you to do in order for it to stay alive. So depression wants you to mope, tell depression to screw itself and do the opposite of that. Get out there. Exercise, even if it's just taking a walk outside or doing some good stretches and jumping jacks. Eat healthy food. Take your vitamins if you take them (and if you do'nt, I suggest looking into a D supplement -- it's helped me more than I can explain). Turn on some happy music. Do not sit around in your pajamas. If you try to get moving and it really just doesn't take, then sit and read a good book or watch your favorite movie, and don't let yourself feel bad about what you're not getting done today, because that's also the depression talking. Just keep going.

    I know where you are coming from and I think this ^^^ is sound advice.

    As much as you want to sleep and it feels as though your body were made of lead, don't allow yourself to sleep during the day. Disturbed sleep patterns contribute to the symptoms of major depression and can even trigger it.
  • 6mimi
    6mimi Posts: 1,439 Member
    I don't have depression but do have some friends and family that have it. I don't have any great advice, but wanted you to know that I care and will say a prayer for you today.
  • lackofnames3
    lackofnames3 Posts: 30 Member
    I get really bad bouts of anxiety/depression and I actually HAVE to meditate and do breathing exercises. I honestly through my breath tell myself to release the bad and bring in the good. People who never had depression just don't know how debilitating it is! It really is hard to even get out the door! Hope this moment flees quickly!!
  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    Thanks for the suggestions. Hopefully all will be well as the day goes on. I'm gonna go do my hair, and get out of here and distract myself if nothing else

    It's good to know that there are people like you all out there, that care.

    Have a great day and I'll keep ya'll updated

    Good for you. :) *hugs* I know it's not easy, but this too shall pass.

    I also agree with onefitdiva -- if this is happening regularly, talk to your doctor. You may need to change your medication. It's not doing its job.
  • MJ7910
    MJ7910 Posts: 1,280 Member
    just get moving doing anything. take a walk, clean something, do something... that is my best advice.

    i have dealt with it before myself and i just noticed for me getting moving really helps me fight it. drink a nice glass of water.... go outside, get your body moving... even for 5 minutes. works wonders.

    also deep breathing. or taking a nice long bath or shower. or a nice cup of tea

    sounds simple and hokey but it works for me.
  • princesspeach577
    princesspeach577 Posts: 56 Member
    I know that it can feel impossible to even function on those days. Sometimes just forcing myself to get up and do something helps. Try to do something you normally enjoy even if it feels forced at first. I'm sorry I can't be of more help. Feel free to add or message me. I hope you feel better soon.
  • tuffytuffy1
    tuffytuffy1 Posts: 920 Member
    I know exactly how you feel. A psychiatrist or therapist would tell you to get up, clean up around your apartment (if it is being neglected), get dressed, and do something. You need to force yourself to, if you can. Hang in there. I personally take antidepressant medication and it makes me feel 100% better.