Afraid to Weigh



  • lorac321
    lorac321 Posts: 627 Member
    I weigh myself every morning at home. Once a week on the scale at work (that is what I use for MFP)
    For me it keeps me accountable. If I see that I gained it kicks my butt into trying harder, if I 've ost weight then I want to keep going. Win, win.
  • MyPromise
    You really don't have to weigh yourself at all theweight loss will be visiable by how your clothes fit and how you move about. The scale is just one way to track your weight loss. If it's not your thing use measuments, clothing size, ability to up and down stairs, how well you breath, how you fit behind the stering wheel of a car. How your arms hang beside you. There are many ways to record weight loss without using a scale. For me the scale makes me happy when I lose but it also causes me to become to comfident and then I start eating the wrong foods with the idea that I have room to indulge a little. Then the scales show that to and then I feel bad because I gained durning my indulgance period. I find I do much better at staying on track when I stay off the scale.
  • marycmeadows
    marycmeadows Posts: 1,691 Member
    i weigh every day -- it's interesting to me to see how my weight fluctuates... But don't weigh every day if you can't handle that (because your weight WILL fluctuate).... weigh yourself.. you have to know where you're starting, and where you're going.... and you've only been 'on the wagon' for 6 days - don't worry about what you've lost already.... a huge part of this is how you feel.... what has kept me going since I made my lifestyle change on 1/1/11 is how amazing I feel since i've been eating right and working out -- yea the weight loss is awesome and that's my goal, but I feel so great there's no way i'd stop even if I didn't lose another pound!
  • futuresize8
    futuresize8 Posts: 476 Member
    I now feel empowered to weigh, thanks to you all! I really appreciate your thoughts, encouragement and info about your personal practices, which will help me figure out how often I should hop on that scale...

    And I really was going to do it here at work this morning. I planned to get here early and sneak down and get on that scale before there were a lot of people around, but unfortunately, I got stuck in hour to get to work.

    I was drinking water I'd brought along and, I would really rather do this first thing in the morning at home instead.

    So...I think now I'm going to go buy a scale this weekend. It really has been a few years since I've had one at home and maybe it's just time, so I can monitor progress better.

    I can say, quite happily, that my workpants (which I'm using as a "fabric scale") are feeling way more comfortable, and this is even when fresh from the laundry line. So...fingers crossed!
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,719 Member
    People fear failure. That's a given. But you don't get better unless you know if you actually are. Whatever the number is, it's just a number and use it to make adjustments to your regimen.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • vim_n_vigor
    vim_n_vigor Posts: 4,089 Member
    Your weight is only one measure of your progress. It is also probably the worst measure when looking at the shorter term goals. Taking your measurements will show you much better what your progress is. I weigh myself daily. Not because I am obsessing over the numbers on the scale, but since I have been watching the numbers long enough, I know what is happening with my body. A lot of people can't do that because the weight fluctuations drive them crazy. I don't really look at the number on the scale having much meaning until it is at a 10 lb difference - then it is not likely just hormonal changes, digestive backup, dehydration, etc. At that point it is showing actual progress to me.
  • futuresize8
    futuresize8 Posts: 476 Member
    You guys rock. All of you. I love this place.

    And I "grew a pair" and got on the scale this morning when I got to work. It was hard not slugging back my normal water this morning when I woke up, but I wanted a "true read:...

    Five pounds down, Lovies!

    Now I've got my fancy pants ticker (thanks to some help from the wonderful sandram82...) and I'm done being a fraidy cat!
  • em9371
    em9371 Posts: 1,047 Member
    wow well done, there was nothing to worry about!
    weight can go up or down a few pounds during the day so its best to weigh at the same time in the same clothes just once a week.
    its a good idea to take some measurements, because there will be weeks when the scale doesnt shift, so you need to make sure that is not the only way you measure your progress :)