irrational fears



  • MiNiMoNkI
    MiNiMoNkI Posts: 447 Member
    Do you have an irrational fear?

    I ~don't~ mean being scared of heights or snakes - those are actual things people are often confronted with. I'm talking bat *kitten* crazy fears over things that will never ever happen.

    I have two.

    1 - When I'm at the zoo, I am terrified my kids will fall into the hippo pool. (hipposRDangerous - you totally remind me of this) No, my kids aren't scaling the pool enclosure or anything, but it's pretty much the only thought in my head while standing there.

    2. - When driving by any body of water, I fear the car will go in and I'll be faced with 3 kids in car seats that I will have to somehow hold my breath and save them all - AFTER the car is totally filled with water (mythbusters taught me how to get the door open underwater) and it scared the crap out of me. Like cold sweat fear.

    No2 is deffo one for me. It scares me to death. I have always insisted we have a 4 door car so i could get my son out if anything happened like this! omg thought it was just me. also when we drive up this mountain/hill thing i have to sit the opposite side of the drop! i get panic attacks and cant breath its such a shame because the view is immense
  • ashlielinn
    Vending machines (long story)

    Falling down stairs and breaking my neck...especially if I'm wearing heels.
  • CannibalisticVegetarian

    7) (this is the weirdest) that I accidentally pick up a razor instead of my toothbrush and shred the sh1t out of my mouth!!

    Actually, I sort of feel the same way.. but instead of it being a razor, I fear that at some point I'll have a sewing needle in my mouth, or that it'll be in food (y'know, how like at restaurants people find weird things in their food).. and that it'll go through the roof of my mouth or down my throat and get caught.. Ugh!

    I accidentally swallowed a sewing needle a few months ago. That was a fun trip to the ER. (sheesh - they took it ~way~ seriously. I felt like an idiot)

    I just teared up a little just thinking about that. >w<;
  • Amybcb
    Amybcb Posts: 292 Member
    Best way to describe it so people know what I mean:

    Dude - what the F!!! I may never pee sitting down again! Can you say "hover". Where the hell is that from? Seriously just got chills watching that!

    I am terrified of ghosts or anything demonic. It's sick though, because I love to watch scary films about that stuff but then literally sleep half under my hubby because I'm so scared! I also don't like driving by 18 wheelers, I always have this sick feeling that they will veer into my lane and kill me and the kids!

    My eldest daughter has a crazy fear of balloons floating away. Seriously. If a balloon is on a stick (like the small ones you get at a hospital) she's fine. But if it's one on a string she would literally be shaking and panic stricken so I had to ban my other daughter from getting any balloons if we went to a restaurant that gave them away. It was so bad that my eldest would even say "I don't like Friendly's" because she didn't want to have our other daughter get a balloon. Poor thing!